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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Pay your contributions and instalments

​Payment deadlines

Class 1 and Class 2 Social Security contributions must be paid monthly by day 15 of the following month. For example, your October contributions must be paid by 15 November.

Pay online using your debit or credit card

You can pay any amount of Class 1 or Class 2 contributions and instalments using your debit or credit card, depending on your card’s terms and conditions.

Our payment system does not accept:

  • American Express
  • Diners
  • Electron

Pay your contributions and instalments

Direct debit payments for Class 2 contributions

You can set up a direct debit for your Class 2 contributions to be automatically collected from your bank account each month on the 15 day.

You cannot set up direct debit for Class 1 contributions or instalments.

You’ll need to have your bank details and Social Security number to set up a direct debit.

You need to send the completed Direct Debit form to Employment, Social Security and Housing.​

Set up a direct debit to pay your Class 2 contributions

Online banking payments

You can pay Class 1 and Class 2 contributions by internet banking using the Social Security bank details below. You cannot pay instalments by online banking.

For Class 1 contributions, include your:

  • 10 digit Tax Identification Number (TIN). You can find this on your statement
  • 2 digit business reference when you pay

For Class 2 contributions, use your Social Security nu​mber as your payment reference.

You cannot pay taxes or employers ITIS using the account details below. Find details on how to pay employers' ITIS.

Social Security contributions ​
Account NameSocial Security
Sort code40 25 34
Account number12155001
Branch identification codeMIDLGB22
IBAN numberGB03MIDL40253412155001

Pay by phone for Class 2 contributions or instalments

To pay your Class 2 contributions or instalments you can use our automated telephone payment system. This is available 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

You’ll need your:

  • debit or credit card. Our payment system does not accept American Express, Diners or Electron
  • Social Security number or instalment number

You cannot pay Class 1 contributions by phone.

Freephone: 0800 023 7087

Pay by cheque

You can pay Class 1 and Class 2 contributions by cheque. If you pay by cheque:

  • make your cheque payable to the Treasurer of the States
  • for Class 1 contributions, include at the back of your cheque:
    • your 10 digit Tax Identification​ Number (TIN). You can find this on your statement
    • your 2 digit business reference
    • the month and year you're paying
  • for Class 2 contributions, detail your Social Security number on the back of your cheque and the month and year you're paying

Cash payments

For Class 1 and Class 2 contributions you can pay up to ÂŁ1,000 in cash at the Payment Services desk in the Customer Hub at Union Street.

Standing order for instalments

You can pay instalments by standing order using the bank details below.

Include your instalment plan reference when you make your payment. You can find this on a recent letter.

Social Security contributions ​
Account NameSocial Security
Sort code40 25 34
Account number12155001
Branch identification codeMIDLGB22
IBAN numberGB03MIDL40253412155001

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