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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Support Worker / HCA - Complex care

5 years residency required
Care Hub Ltd
Closing date
19 April 2025
Full Time
£18.70 p/h
We are seeking female support workers to work in our complex physical care team. You will work in a small and highly trained and supported team. Excellent rota and work:life balance. You must be empathetic and have a keen interest and experience in complex care community working. You will hold a level 3 Diploma. If you do not meet these requirements all training and support can be given.
This role can be hard work but extremely rewarding, working with young adults to support their independence, access to the community and improve quality of life. Every day is different.
There is a requirement for ongoing training and supervision so you must be willing to learn and study. In return, we offer an excellent employment package, pay rates (including unsocial hours payments) health benefits, pension, 5 weeks paid holiday and much more.
Core skills required
  • Ability to speak and understand English
  • CV Required
  • Driving Licence
  • Keyboard Skills
  • References
How to apply
  • Online

Contact name
Nuno Nunes
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