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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Work permit policy

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​This policy is updated on a regular basi​s and employers should familiarise themselves with the latest version.

All applications will be assessed against the version of the policy that is in place at the time the application is submitted. Policy changes will affect existing work permit holders.


All persons who are not British or Irish require immigration permission to visit, work, study or settle in Jersey.

This policy sets out the main routes available to employers to employ individuals from overseas. Work permits are a requirement under the Immigration (Work Permits) (Jersey) Rules 1995 and as such employers are required to apply for a work permit for those individuals who require immigration permission to enter or remain in Jersey for work.

The maintenance of a strict work permit policy will maintain and strengthen Jersey's position within the Common Travel Area (CTA), allowing the continued free movement of persons within the CTA, whilst retaining a robust external border.

The Minister for Justice and Home Affairs expects equal pay for equal work and employees should expect to receive similar pay rates to that received by other employees doing the same work with similar levels of skill and experience​.

The work permit policy attempts to put measures in place to limit the risks of exploitation by ensuring that: 

  • employees receive equal pay for equal work
  • employers comply with Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 
  • employers adopt robust and ethical recruitment practices to ensure only genuine employees are recruited with the relevant skills, qualifications and experience to undertake the role they are being employed for 
  • employers give due consideration to the welfare of their employees inside and outside of work and that they are accommodated to a standard that supports their health and wellbeing 

In addition, the work permit policy is designed to support the Island's population strategy. 

The employer is also required to meet the requirements of the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 and hold the requisite licensing permission. All routes listed within this policy are subject to business licencing issuing a permission under CHWL. 

In granting any work permit, the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs does so on the expectation that all employers give due consideration to the welfare of their employees both in and outside the workplace. In particular, the Minister would expect all employees relocating to Jersey to live in accommodation of a standard which supports their health and wellbeing and, most importantly, that of their dependent children. The Minister expects employers holding work permits to take reasonable steps to ensure that their employees and their employees' dependents are suitably accommodated. 

Work permits are issued to a named employer, for a named employee to work in a specified role, as detailed on the work permit. Permits cannot be transferred to another employer or employee. Where an employee is permitted to switch to another employer a new work permit and further leave to remain application must be submitted. Where an employee has their employment terminated prematurely then their work permit and associated immigration permissions will cease to be valid.​

Applying for a work permit

The work permit policy is desi​gned primarily for employers to understand the criteria that must be met in order for a work permit to be issued. The policy does provide some information to employees on the immigration restrictions placed on work permit holders, and there are links to information about living and working in Jersey which sits outside the remit of Immigration see appendix 7.

Skilled employees are invited to come and work in Jersey on either long term or temporary work permit route subject to employers demonstrating that the work permit application criteria are met for the relevant route. 

Employees do not require a permit to work in Jersey if they are:

  • a British or Irish citizen or a British subject with the right of abode
  • an EU or EEA passport holder who has been granted settled or pre-settled status
  • a non-EU or non-EEA passport holder who has been granted settled or pre-settled statue by virtue of a relationship to an EU or EEA passport holder
  • a Commonwealth citizen admitted on the grounds of UK ancestry
  • a Commonwealth citizen with a certificate of entitlement to the right of abode
  • a participant in the Youth Mobility Scheme
  • a minister of religion
  • a business visitor
  • a non-EU or EEA passport holder who has no restrictions attached to your stay 

Before making an application for any type of work permit, the employer should read and familiarise themselves with this policy to ensure that the application criteria can be met. 

Employers should only be applying for permits for the duration that they require the employee for. For example, if a construction company only has 3 months' work available then they should only apply for a 3 month permit. 

By applying for a work permit the employer agrees JCIS Officers will be granted access to work premises so checks can be conducted to ensure compliance with the work permit policy.

When to apply

Applications for new work permits will not be accepted more than 3 months before the start date (including those changing employer).

Extensions to long term work permits will not be accepted more than 6 months before the expiry of the current permit.

Extensions to temporary work permits will not be accepted more than 3 months before the expiry of the current permit.

What you need to apply

As a guide, to complete and submit the application the employer will need: 

  • copies of personal details page of the applicant passport and if applicable the page showing their current UK immigration permissions.
  • knowledge of English language (if applying for more than 12 months).
  • copy of your business license.
  • certificate of qualifications.
  • signed copy of a contract of employment and job description.
  • Any additional sector relevant information where required.
  • a debit or credit card (to make the payment) 

This information can be uploaded int​o the application before you can submit it. If we require additional documentary evidence in support of the application, one of our Officer will contact you using the information you have provided in the application.​

The work permit application form must be completed by someone authorised to do so on behalf of the employer and can make payment for the work permit. An employee cannot apply for their own work permit.

Apply for a work permit

Employee visas for working i​n Jersey

If your prospective employee is living abroad and is granted a Jersey work permit the employee is likely to need a visa before travelling to Jersey. The Jersey visa requirements are aligned to the UK visa requirements. Find out if you need a UK visa on GOV.UK.

Your employee may be refused entry to Jersey if they don't have the necessary visa. If you are granted a work permit, you will be sent instructions to help your prospective employee complete the visa application form for Jersey Work Permit Holders on GOV.UK 

The visa application is a separate process to applying for a work permit and the work permit holder will need to meet the criteria for the issue of the visa. If the applicant is unable to do this or has an adverse immigration history, then the visa maybe refused. 

Find out how much a visa will cost your prospective employee on GOV.UK. The cost will be shown in the currency of your employee's current location.

The visa application is administered by the UK Home Office. Find out the visa processing times on GOV.UK. 

If your prospective employee is in authorised employment in the UK, Guernsey or Isle of Man they will not need to travel abroad to obtain a separate visa if they are granted a work permit to work in Jersey. In these circumstances the prospective employee will need to Make an ​application for Further Leave to Remain (FLR) directly to the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service.

​Employer responsibilities

The below are employer responsibilties:

  • the employer must comply with the Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 and ensure that the principles of the legislation are applied to all work permit holders regardless of the duration of their employment
  • the employer must ensure that any employee is recruited fairly, and that robust and tested recruitment practices are followed to ensure that only suitably skilled and experience employees are recruited to a vacancy 
  • the employer must ensure that they conduct vetting on their employees which should include obtaining references from previous employers to verify experience and getting qualifications authenticated by the issued body (particularly for roles in Health, Therapy, Social Services and Education) 
  • prior to any submission of a work permit application the employer must present the employee with a contract and a signed copy must be included with the application a signed offer letter is insufficient 
  • the employer must notify JCIS of any amendments to the contract 
  • the employer is responsible for covering any work permit and recruitment agency costs – an employer cannot deduct work permit and recruitment agency costs from the employee's wages
  • the employer may deduct from the employees' wages any loans that have been advanced to the employee to cover visa, flight and reasonable/proportionate relocation costs. If the employee is loaned money by the employer, they cannot be required to repay a sum greater than the sum loaned and must be provided in writing with full details of the repayment terms of any loan
  • contracts must stipulate what deductions will be made from an employee's wages, highlighting amounts and terms of the deductions. Deductions must be reasonable and proportionate and comply with Employment (Jersey) Law 2003
  • where an employee is paid the minimum wage the maximum values that may be deducted each week from an employee's wages are £127.54 for accommodation or £169.98 for accommodation and food (correct as of 2024) Employment (Minimum Wage) (Jersey) Order 2007 
  • where an employer is providing accommodation as part of an employment package, whether this is accommodation owned by the employer or the employer has signed a lease, the maximum values that can be deducted for an employee on minimum wage apply as per the Employment (Minimum Wage) (Jersey) Order 2007 
  • where an employee is paid more than the minimum wage then the deductions for accommodation or accommodation and food, whether this is accommodation owned by the employer or the employer has signed a lease, should be affordable and proportionate to the employees wage (as a guide, in 2024 those on minimum wage had approximately 27% of the wages deducted for accommodation or approximately 36% of their wages deducted for accommodation and food) 
  • where an employee is leasing accommodation on the open market, and the accommodation is not provided as part of the employment package, then the employer should take reasonable steps to ensure that employees are suitably accommodated 
    • "food" is defined as 3 adequate meals on each day on which the employee is employed. Employers may not offset a proportionate amount of pay for less than 3 meals per day and a charge for food may not be offset unless accommodation is also provided 
    • "accommodation" must be available to the employee from midnight to midnight on each day of employment
  • the employer has a responsibility to manage the expectation of the employee and provide them information about living and working in Jersey as well as ensuring that they understand the immigration route they have applied for them to be on
  • the employer must pay the employee for their weekly contracted hours regardless of whether there is work for them. The employer cannot outsource the employees to other employers. Doing so will jeopardise their ability to recruit employees on work permits 
  • the employer must maintain adequate records on their employees, particularly where performance is brought into question. Where an employee's employment is terminated due to poor performance, JCIS may request evidence of this 
  • the employer must notify JCIS when the employment of a work permit holder is terminated. This must be before the employees last working day as it may be necessary to cancel their immigration permissions 
  • employers who submit fraudulent or counterfeit documents in support of any work permit application will have the application refused, they will be unable to apply for further work permits and will find themselves liable to prosecution 
  • employers who have already been granted a work permit and it later transpires have submitted fraudulent or counterfeit documents in support of any work permit application will have all work permit permissions cancelled, they will be unable to apply for further work permits and will find themselves liable to prosecution

Temporary work permit overview

Temporary employment routes are an exception to the CTA standards which are justified to the United Kingdom by setting stringent rules on those who would not otherwise be allowed a visa to work elsewhere in the CTA.

Temporary work permits will only be considered for employment in any of the temporary categories. Outsourced functions carried out by third parties in support of the agriculture, aquaculture, construction, fishing, horticulture and hospitality sectors will not be eligible for work permit employment.

There are 4 routes available for temporary work permit employment:

  • short term temporary route for the agriculture, aquaculture, construction, fishing, horticulture and hospitality sectors. Permits are issued for a maximum period of 9 months
  • annual temporary route for construction, sea going fishing sector and hospitality. Permits are issued for periods of 12 months and can be renewed annually
  • student temporary route for foreign students studying in France where employment is connected to their course of study. Permits are issued for a maximum period of 6 months’
  • non-Resident temporary route for overseas employers sending employees to Jersey to fulfil specific contractual obligations where there is a requirement for the business to hold a non-resident undertaking granted by Business Licencing

Temporary work permits for employment outside of these sectors will only be considered after satisfying the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs that the labour cannot be found from within the CTA and the temporary worker criteria can be met see Appendix 5. A business case will be required and should be submitted in the first instance to The Head of Service, Jersey Customs and Immigration Service.

Temporary employees may switch in country into long term (previously skilled) Work Permit Employment without leaving the island if they meet all of the necessary criteria as detailed later in this document.

Temporary employees on a 9 or 12 month permit cannot switch employers within the first continuous 6 months of their employment unless they are switching to the long term employment route.

In exceptional circumstances a temporary worker may be able to switch to other temporary employment in the same sector in the first 6 months and a case will need to be submitted to JCIS for consideration. Consideration will not be given to those who fail a probationary period.

Those permitted to switch employer will require a new work permit and they must apply for further leave to remain to align their, and their dependants, immigration permissions with the new work permit. Failure to do so will place the employee in breach of their immigration permissions and will impact their ability to apply for indefinite leave to remain.

Temporary employees in any category will not be able to bring their dependants to join them in Jersey.

Those on temporary work permit employment are under no obligation to take on additional hours beyond their contracted hours and employers must make the employees aware of this.

There is no English language requirement for temporary work permits and time spend on these routes doesn’t count to the qualifying period for settlement (indefinite leave to remain).

Short term temporary work permit

This route is available to employers for those with the necessary skills and experience to work in Jersey on a temporary basis on a 9 month work permit. Applications will be accepted for roles in: 

  • agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture
  • construction
  • hospitality and
  • sea going fishing sector

​Permits can be applied for any period up to 9 months.

At the end of the work permit period employees are required to leave the CTA for at least 3 months before they will be permitted to return to Jersey in this capacity. For those granted permission to work in this category they are unable to extend beyond 9 months, switch employment into another temporary route or bring dependants to the Island. The period of absence is to immediately follow the end of the permission.

Transfer to a different employer within the same temporary route will be considered under exceptional circumstances on successful application of a further work permit. An application for further leave to remain in line with the new work permit will be required and the appropriate fee paid. Work permits and further leave to remain will not be granted beyond 9 months from the date the initial work permit was issued from.

Time spend on this route doesn’t count to the qualifying period for settlement (indefinite leave to remain).

Annual ter​mporary work permit

This route is available to employers for those with the necessary skills to work in Jersey on a temporary basis on a rolling 12 month work permit. Applications will be accepted for roles in:

  • construction
  • hospitality, and 
  • sea going fishing

Permits can be applied for any period up to 12 months and can be renewed for periods of up to 12 months for a maximum period of 36 months (3 years) constructions permits can be extended for a further 12 months to maximum period of 48 months (4 years) where it can be demonstrated that the specific project named in the original application is ongoing.

At the end of the work permit period the employee must leave the CTA for a period equal to approximately one third of the time that the employee has spent in the Island before they will be permitted to return to Jersey in this capacity see section below on absence periods​.

Those granted permission to work in this category are unable to switch employment into another temporary category or bring dependants to the Island.

Employees may transfer to another business within the sector managed by the same employer without the need for a further work permit. However, for construction, the duration of the work permit will be tied to the duration of the specific project the employee was taken on for.

Transfer to a different employer will be considered under exceptional circumstances on successful application of a further work permit. An application for further leave to remain in line with the new work permit will be required and the appropriate fee paid. Transfer to another employer will not be considered for those who have failed a probationary period or within the first 6 months period of work permit employment with a new employer.

Time spend on this route doesn’t count to the qualifying period for settlement (indefinite leave to remain).

Student temporary work permit

This route is available for students enrolled on full time courses in further or higher education in France. Their employment is not restricted to a sector, but their employment must be linked to the course that the student is enrolled on.

Permits can be applied for any period up to 6 months.

At the end of the work permit period employees on this route will need to leave the CTA for a minimum period of 3 months before they will be permitted to return in this capacity.

Those granted permission to work in this category are unable to switch employment into another temporary category or bring dependants to the Island. Time spend on this route doesn’t count to the qualifying period for settlement (indefinite leave to remain).

Non-resident temporary work permit

This route is available for overseas employers who are required to hold non-resident business licences issued under Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 and bring their employees to the Island to fulfil a specific contractual obligation. Work permits will be issued for a period no longer than the validity of the non-resident business licence.

Those granted permission to work in this category are unable to switch employment into another temporary category or bring dependants to the Island. Time spend on this route doesn’t count to the qualifying period for settlement (indefinite leave to remain).

Absence periods for temporary routes

All temporary routes have a mandatory absence period which will vary depending on the duration of the work permit. This ensures a break in continuous residency and means that time spent in Jersey in temporary work permit employment doesn’t lead to settlement.

  • Student work permits issued for less than, or equal to, 6 months must be followed by a 3 month absence
  • ​Short Term work permits issued for less than, or equal to, 9 months must be followed by a 3 month absence
  • Annual work permits (first 12 months) issued for less than, or equal to, 12 months must be followed by a 4 month absence
  • Annual work permits (second 12 months) extended for greater than 12 months and less than, or equal to, 24 months must be followed by an 8 month absence
  • Annual work permits (third 12 months) extended for greater than 24 months and less than, or equal to, 36 months must be followed by a 12 month absence
  • Annual work permits (fourth 12 months) extended for greater than 36 months and less than, or equal to, 48 months must be followed by a 16 month absence (temporary construction route only)
  • Intra-Company Transfer work permits issued for less than, or equal to, 36 months must be followed by a 12 month absence before the employee can return in this capacity (see page 32 for more details on this route)

Absence periods will not be pro-rated where employment end dates fall between these bands for example, an employee who completes 18 months on an annual work permit will require an absence period of 8 months.

The mandatory absence periods do not apply when an employee switches from a temporary to a long term work permit.

Agricultural, Aquaculture, Horticulture temporary work permit routes​

​Short ​term work permit

​This route is for a maximum period of 9 months and available to those to be employed in roles within agriculture, aquaculture and horticulture.

Permits can be applied for any period up to 9 months.

Applications will not be accepted for extensions beyond 9 months (see page 12 for mandatory absence periods for temporary routes).

Applications for full time work permit employment will only be accepted from an employer or agent acting on behalf of the employer that is able to demonstrate the ability to meet the criteria set out below. The period of employment is determined by the employer and may not extend to the full validity of the work permit.

The following mandatory criteria must be met by the employer:

  • robust and tested recruitment processes are followed to ensure, as reasonably practicable, only genuine employees are recruited from backgrounds in agriculture, aquaculture and horticulture with appropriate vetting taking place
  • a genuine vacancy exists meeting the skills for the role. Roles must not be created to solely facilitate immigration of a specific employee to Jersey
  • overseas criminal record certificates are obtained from every country where the employee has been resident for more than 1 year in the last 10 years. Any prospective employee who has an adverse criminal history must be referred to JCIS (this requirement is waived if the absence from Jersey between work permit employment is less than 6 months)
  • all employees must be aged 18 or over on the date of application
  • employer must pay no less than the ‘going rate’ for the full-time role based on an employee working 40-hours per week and must do so for the validity of the work permit. Evidence of this must be provided in the form of a signed contract
  • employer to ensure that employees are adequately accommodated meeting the minimum standards required which supports their health and wellbeing
  • those employers applying for roles in tree surgery and landscape gardening will need to provide evidence that the accommodation criteria is met. It has been a long-established practice for agriculture and aquaculture employers to provide accommodation for their employees where this is no longer the case then employers will need to provide evidence of the accommodation provided to their employees
  • JCIS must be notified if an employee does not arrive or depart as planned or if employment is terminated early
  • JCIS must be notified immediately if there is a change to the contract that was provided in support of the work permit application. Changes to a contract that breach the work permit policy and Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 will result in a review of the employers ability to apply for work permits
  • by applying for a work permit the employer agrees that access will be granted to work premises to JCIS Officers by appointment to conduct checks to ensure compliance with the work permit policy. Employers and employees must be aware of the following:

An em​ployee can​


    work for the employer specified on the work permit and within the parameters of their contract and job description


    only carry out the duties for the post which the permit has been obtained for


    take on supplementary part-time employment within agriculture, aquaculture, horticulture see Appendix 4


    switch to long-term work permit employment subject to a prospective employer successfully applying and meeting the requirements for the long-term employment route

An employee can't​


    accrue time towards indefinite leave to remain


    switch to other temporary work permit employment in another sector


    switch employer in the first 6 months of employment


    extend the work permit beyond 9 months


    have any dependants join them in Jersey

Construction temporary work permit routes

​Short-term work permit

​This route is for a maximum period of 9 months for construction businesses wishing employees to work across multiple sites.

Permits can be applied for any period up to 9 months.

Applications will not be accepted for extensions beyond 9 months (see page 12 for mandatory absence periods for temporary routes).

Applications to switch to the 12-month route will be refused.

​Annual work permit

​This route is available for construction businesses employing for a specific long-term project which last more than 9 months. Permits can be applied for any period up to 12 months and can be renewed annually for the duration of the project but will not be renewed when the project is complete. Permits can be renewed annually for a period of 36-months but can be extended for maximum period of 48-months where it can be demonstrated that the project is ongoing (see page 12 for mandatory absence periods for temporary routes).

Where an application is received for an extension to an existing permission the employer must evidence that there is still a need for the employee.

Work permits will not generally be extended beyond the completion of the specific project. Applications will be refused if it is determined that a position has been deliberately left vacant to accommodate the same individual.​

Applications for full time work permit employment will only be accepted from an employer or agent acting on behalf of the employer that is able to demonstrate the ability to meet the criteria set out below. The period of employment is determined by the employer and may not extend to the full validity of the work permit.

The following mandatory criteria must be met by the employer for either route:

  • robust and tested recruitment processes are followed to ensure, as reasonably practicable, only genuine employees are recruited from a construction background with appropriate vetting taking place
  • a genuine vacancy exists meeting the skills for the role. Roles must not be created to solely facilitate immigration of a specific employee to Jersey
  • employment is for a specific project evidence of the project and its duration must be provided annual work permit route only
  • employees must possess the necessary experience/qualifications to be employed within the construction industry
  • Overseas criminal record certificates are obtained from every country where the employee has been resident for more than 1 year in the last 10 years. Any prospective employee who has an adverse criminal history must be referred to JCIS (this requirement is waived if the absence from Jersey between work permit employment is less than 6 months)
  • all employees must be aged 18 or over on the date of application
  • employer must pay no less than the 'going rate' for the full-time role based on an employee working 40 hours per week and must do so for the validity of the work permit. Evidence of this must be provided in the form of a signed contract
  • employer to ensure that employees are adequately accommodated meeting the minimum standards required which supports their health and wellbeing
  • JCIS must be notified if an employee does not arrive or depart as planned or if employment is terminated early
  • when applying for an extension, that employment is still required for the project that the initial work permit was issued
  • JCIS must be notified immediately if there is a change to the contract that was provided in support of the work permit application. Changes to a contract that breach the work permit policy and Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 will result in a review of the employers ability to apply for work permits
  • by applying for a work permit the employer agrees that access will be granted to work premises to JCIS Officers by appointment to conduct checks to ensure compliance with the work permit policy​​​

An employee can


    work for the employer specified on the work permit and within the parameters of their contract and job description


    only carry out the duties for the post which the permit has been obtained for


    take on ​supplementary part-time employment within this sector see Appendix 4


    switch to long-term work permit employment subject to a prospective employer successfully applying and meeting the requirements for the long-term employment route


    have the work permit extended annually (annual work permit only)


    work on other sites under the control of the main employer

An employee can't


    accure time towards indefinite leave to remain


    switch to other temporary work permit employment


    switch employer in the first 6 months of employment


    switch between short-term and annual work permit routes​


    extend the short-term work permit beyond 9 months


    extend the annual work permit beyond 48 months


    have any dependants join them in Jersey

Sea going fishing temporary work permit route

​Short-term work permit

​This route is for a maximum period of 9 months for the sea-going fishing businesses.
Permits can be applied for any period up to 9 months.

Applications will not be accepted for extensions beyond 9 months (see page 12 for mandatory absence periods for temporary routes).

Applications to switch to the 12-month route will be refused.

​Annual work permit

​Permits issued on this route are only available for the sea-going fishing sector and can be granted for periods of 12-months and can be renewed annually for a maximum period of 36-months (see page 12 for mandatory absence periods for temporary routes).

Where an application is received for an extension to an existing permission the employer must evidence that there is still a need for the employee.​

Applications for full time work permit employment will only be accepted from an employer or agent acting on behalf of the employer that is able to demonstrate the ability to meet the criteria set out below. The period of employment is determined by the employer and may not extend to the full validity of the work permit.

The following mandatory criteria must be met by the employer:

  • ​robust and tested recruitment processes are followed to ensure, as reasonably practicable, only genuine employees are recruited from a fishing background with appropriate vetting taking place
  • a genuine vacancy exists meeting the skills for the role. Roles must not be created to solely facilitate immigration of a specific employee to Jersey
  • employees must possess a suitable qualification and the necessary experience in the industry
  • overseas criminal record certificates are obtained from every country where the employee has been resident for more than 1 year in the last 10 years. Any prospective employee who has an adverse criminal history must be referred to JCIS (this requirement is waived if the absence from Jersey between work permit employment is less than 6 months)
  • all employees must be aged 18 or over on the date of application
  • employer must pay no less than the ‘going rate’ for the full-time role based on an employee working 40-hours per week and must do so for the validity of the work permit. Evidence of this must be provided in the form of a signed contract
  • employer to ensure that employees are adequately accommodated meeting the minimum standards required which supports their health and wellbeing
  • JCIS must be notified if an employee does not arrive or depart as planned or if employment is terminated early
  • JCIS must be notified immediately if there is a change to the contract that was provided in support of the work permit application. Changes to a contract that breach the work permit policy and Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 will result in a review of the employers ability to apply for work permits
  • by applying for a work permit the employer agrees that access will be granted to work premises to JCIS Officers by appointment to conduct checks to ensure compliance with the work permit policy

An employee can


    work for the employer specified on the work permit and within the parameters of their contract and job description


    only carry out the duties for the post which the permit has been obtained for


    take on supplementary part-time employment within this sector see Appendix 4


    switch to long-term work permit employment subject to a prospective employer successfully applying and meeting the requirements for the long-term employment route


    have the work permit extended annually (annual work permit only)

An employee can't


    accrue time towards indefinite leave to remain


    switch to other temporary work permit employment


    switch between short-term and annual work permit routes​


    switch employer in the first 6 months of employment


    extend the short-term work permit beyond 9 months


    extend the annual work permit beyond 36 months


    have any dependants join them in Jersey​

​Hospitality temporary work permit route

​Short-term work permit​

​This route is for a maximum period of 9 months for hospitality.

Permits can be applied for any period up to 9 months.

Applications will not be accepted for extensions beyond 9 months (see page 12 for mandatory absence periods for temporary routes).

Applications to switch to the 12 month route will be refused.

​Annual work permit

​Permits issued on this route are only available to hospitality and can be granted for periods of 12 months and can be renewed annually for a maximum period of 36 months (see page 12 for mandatory absence periods for temporary routes).

Where an application is received for an extension to an existing permission the employer must evidence that there is still a need for the employee.

Applications for full time work permit employment will only be accepted from an employer or agent acting on behalf of the employer that is able to demonstrate the ability to meet the criteria set out below. The period of employment is determined by the employer and may not extend to the full validity of the work permit.​

Applications will be considered for roles in hotels, restaurants, bars and cafes. These include, but are not limited to, kitchen staff, food and beverage staff, housekeeping staff, managerial staff, reservation staff, reception staff, events staff, entertainment staff, baristas, pool lifeguards and spa therapists. Applications will not be accepted for outsourced functions carried out by third parties that support hospitality, such as food/drink wholesalers, cleaners, laundrettes, marquees, etc.

Work Permits may also be issued within this category for a 9 month period to individuals enrolled in a bona fide hospitality course at a college of further education that require work placements as an integral part of their course. The same period of absence applies.

The following mandatory criteria must be met by the employer:

  • robust and tested recruitment processes are followed to ensure, as reasonably practicable, only genuine employees are recruited from a hospitality background with appropriate vetting taking place
  • a genuine vacancy exists meeting the skills for the role. Roles must not be created to solely facilitate immigration of a specific employee to Jersey
  • employees have successfully completed a course at a bona fide hospitality and tourism training institution and/or have relevant experience within the industry
  • overseas criminal record certificates are obtained from every country where the employee has been resident for more than 1 year in the last 10 years. Any prospective employee who has an adverse criminal history must be referred to JCIS (this requirement is waived if the absence from Jersey between work permit employment is less than 6 months)
  • all employees must be aged 18 or over on the date of application
  • employer must pay no less than the ‘going rate’ for the full-time role based on an employee working 40-hours per week and must do so for the validity of the work permit. Evidence of this must be provided in the form of a signed contract
  • employer to ensure that employees are adequately accommodated meeting the minimum standards required which supports their health and wellbeing
  • JCIS must be notified if an employee does not arrive or depart as planned or if employment is terminated early
  • JCIS must be notified immediately if there is a change to the contract that was provided in support of the work permit application. Changes to a contract that breach the work permit policy and Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 will result in a review of the employers ability to apply for work permits
  • by applying for a work permit the employer agrees that access will be granted to work premises to JCIS Officers by appointment to conduct checks to ensure compliance with the work permit policy​

An employee can


    work for the employer specified on the work permit and within the parameters of their contract and job description


    only carry out the duties for the post which the permit has been obtained for


    take on supplementary part-time employment within this sector see Appendix 4


    switch to long-term work permit employment subject to a prospective employer successfully applying and meeting the requirements for the long-term employment route


    have the work permit extended annually (annual work permit only)


    work within the same group under the control of the main employer

An employee can't


    accrue time towards indefinite leave to remain


    switch to other temporary work permit employment


    switch between short-term and annual work permit routes


    switch employer in the first 6 months of employment


    extend the short-term work permit beyond 9 months


    extend the annual work permit beyond 36 months


    have any dependants join them in Jersey

Student temporary work permit route

​Student work perm​it

​This route is available to employers in any sector for a maximum period of 6 months wishing to employ French students enrolled on a full-time course in further or hig​her education in France.

Permits can be applied for any period up to 6 months.

Applications will not be accepted for extensions beyond 6 months (see page 12 for mandatory absence periods for temporary routes).

Applications for full time work permit employment will only be accepted from an employer or agent acting on behalf of the employer that is able to demonstrate the ability to meet the criteria set out below. The period of employment is determined by the employer and may not extend to the full validity of the work permit.

Employers must demonstrate that the following criteria is met:

  • employees must be French nationals
  • evidence that the employee is enrolled in further or higher education in France and will be returning to their studies on completion of their work permit period
  • employment must be related to the course that the student is enrolled on
  • all employees must be aged 18 or over on the date of application
  • employer must pay no less than the ‘going rate’ for the full-time role based on an employee working 40-hours per week and must do so for the validity of the work permit. Evidence of this must be provided in the form of a signed contract
  • employer to ensure that employees are adequately accommodated meeting the minimum standards required which supports their health and wellbeing
  • JCIS must be notified if an employee does not arrive or depart as planned or if employment is terminated early
  • employees being employed in Health, Therapy, Social Services and Education must obtain overseas criminal record certificates from every country where the employee has been resident for more than 12 months in the last 10 years
  • by applying for a work permit the employer agrees that access will be granted to work premises to JCIS Officers by appointment to conduct checks to ensure compliance with the work permit policy
  • the employer must ensure that they and their employee comply with Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 and Employment (Jersey) Law 2003​

An employee can


    work for the employer specified on the work permit


    only carry out the duties for the post which the permit has been obtained for

An employee can't


    accure time towards indefinite leave to remain


    switch to other temporary work permit employment


    switch employer


    extend work permit beyond 6 months


    have any dependants join them in Jersey

Student medical placements

There is no requirement for a work permit for UK student medical placements at the General Hospital which involves observation duties only.

Notification of such placements should be made to JCIS providing a copy of the student’s biodata page of their passport and the page showing their current UK immigration permissions.

UK students on full-time degree courses

Students in possession of a UK Tier 4 Student visa and enrolled on a full-time degree course in the UK can work in Jersey during their vacation periods on a full-time or part-time basis for any period not exceeding 4-months without the need for a work permit or visa.

Students in possession of a UK Tier 4 Student visa and enrolled on a full-time degree course in the UK may work in Jersey on placements for longer than 4 months but they will require a work permit and apply for leave to remain in this capacity. Leave to remain will be granted by way of a letter where it can be demonstrated that the student is returning to the studies, this way not impacting their UK Student visa.

Jersey does not recognise the UK Graduate Visa scheme. Any student wishing to take employment in the Island after their studies will require a work permit.

Non-resident business work permit

​Non-resident work permit

​This route is available for overseas employers who are required to hold non-resident undertaking issued under Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 and bring their employees to the Island to fulfil a specific contractual obligation.

​More information about non-resident business licence requirements can be found on the apply for a non-resident business licence to work in Jersey page.

​Not all criteria and conditions detailed in other sections of this policy will apply to employers and employees coming to Jersey on this route. Employers and employees must comply with the employment legislation in their primary country of business.

The following mandatory criteria must be met by the employer:

  • the employer has a signed contract of work with the customer in Jersey
  • all employees must be aged 18 or over on the date of the application
  • all employees must be adequately accommodated for the duration of their stay in Jersey
  • the employer must remain in compliance with their Non-Resident Undertaking issued under Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012
  • if a Non-Resident Undertaking is withdrawn, any work permit issued against that licence will cease to be valid
  • JCIS must be notified if an employee does not arrive or depart Jersey as planned
  • all employees being employed under a non-resident undertaking for roles in Health, Therapy, Social Services and Education must obtain overseas criminal record certificates from every country where the employee has been resident for more than 12 months in the last 10 years. In addition, they must obtain UK DBS checks
  • employers and employees may be required to registered with Social Security and Income Tax. Depending on the duration of employment in the Island they may be liable to pay social security and income tax in Jersey employers should contact​ for more information. The onus is on the employer and employee to ensure that they are compliant
  • by applying for a work permit the employer agrees that access will be granted to work premises to JCIS Officers by appointment to conduct checks to ensure compliance with the work permit policy

Depending on the nationality of employees, and duration of the work permit, employees may be required to apply for a visa.

Employers and employees must be aware of the following:​

An employee can


    work for the employer specified on the work permit


    only carry out the duties for the post which the permit has been obtained for

An employee can't


    accure time towards indefinite leave to remain


    switch to other temporary work permit employment


    switch employer


    extend work permit


    have any dependants join them in Jersey

Long-term work permit route

​Long-term work permit (previously skilled work permit)

​This route is available for those individuals employed in any industry for an initial period of up to 3 years following which a further work permit may be granted.

Work Permits may be granted to Medical Doctors at the General Hospital for up to 5 years in the first instance.

The period of employment is determined by the employer and may not extend to the full validity of the work permit.​​

Occupations eligible for the long-term work permit employment route can be found in Appendix 1. These are derived from the Standard Occupation Classification Codes assessed by the UK Migration Advisory Committee to meet Level 3 or above of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF).

Salary thresholds​​

Salary thresholds are derived from UK Skilled Work Visa lists and amended for Jersey to reflect higher costs of living in the Island. Employers must demonstrate that an employee will be paid the minimum salary threshold or the going rate for the role whichever is higher. For example:

  • Minimum Salary thresholds are based on an employee being given an hourly rate for working 40 hours over 52 weeks per year (for example, £15.00 x 40 x 52 = £31,200).
  • Employees contracted for full time employment on less than 40 hours per week must be paid a higher hourly rate to achieve the minimum salary threshold (for example, £16.22 x 37 x 52 = £31,200)
  • Employees contracted for full time employment on more than 40 hours per week must be paid the hourly rate which equates the minimum salary threshold (for example, £15.00 x 45 x 52 = £35,100)

The following mandatory criteria must be met by the employer:

  • robust and tested recruitment processes are followed to ensure employees have the appropriate experience or skills to fulfil the work they will undertake with appropriate vetting on individuals and their qualifications and experience to ensure they are genuine 
  • a genuine vacancy must exist meeting the skills and salary threshold. Roles must not be created to solely facilitate immigration of a specific employee to Jersey 
  • all employees must be aged 18 or over on the date of application 
  • the minimum salary thresholds (listed in Appendices 1 and 2) must be met or the 'the going rate' whichever is the higher based on a 40-hour week. Evidence of this must be provided in the form of a signed contract 
  • the job must be at or above the minimum skill level: RQF 3 or equivalent (A level or equivalent qualification) unless an exception applies (see Appendix 2: Long term work permit exceptions) 
  • the employee must meet the minimum English language requirement, B1 or higher (see Appendix 3) 
  • employees being employed in Health, Therapy, Social Services and Education must obtain overseas criminal record certificates from every country where the employee has been resident for more than 12 months in the last 10 years. In addition, they must obtain UK DBS checks
  • employees being employed in Health, Therapy, Social Services and Education must have 2+ years employment experience relevant to the role they are being employed for and must hold relevant qualifications which have been vetted
  • employer to ensure that employees are adequately accommodated meeting the minimum standards required which supports their health and wellbeing
  • JCIS must be notified if an employee does not arrive or depart as planned or if employment is terminated early
  • JCIS must be notified immediately if there is a change to the contract that was provided in support of the work permit application. Changes to a contract that breach the work permit policy and Employment (Jersey) Law 2003 will result in a review of the employers ability to apply for work permits
  • by applying for a work permit the employer agrees that access will be granted to work premises to JCIS Officers by appointment to conduct checks to ensure compliance with the work permit policy

Employees are unable to switch employer within the first continuous 6 months of their employment with the employer. During this period should an employee fail their probationary period or have their employment terminated prematurely they will not be able to switch employer; will have their leave to enter / remain cancelled; and will be required to leave the CTA. 

After successfully completing their first 6 months those granted permissions to work in this category will be able to switch employer subject to a new work permit being granted. The same will apply in that they will be unable to switch employment for the first 6 months of their work permit period with the new employer. 

In exceptional circumstances an employee may be able to switch employment in the first 6 months and a case will need to be submitted to JCIS for consideration. Consideration will not be given to those who fail a probationary period. 

Those permitted to switch employer will require a new work permit and they must apply for further leave to remain to align their, and their dependants, immigration permissions with the new work permit. Failure to do so will place the employee in breach of their immigration permissions and will impact their ability to apply for indefinite leave to remain. 

Employees can take on unpaid voluntary work for a charity that is registered under the Charities (Jersey) Law 2014, or registered with either the Charity Commission for England and Wales; the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland; or the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator 

Employees may be able to bring dependants with them when a work permit is granted for a period longer than 12 months. Dependants' permissions are tied to the validity of the work permit holders' permissions, and they cannot apply in country for work permit employment in their own right (see section on Dependants of long-term work permit holders). 

Employees who are joined by their dependents within any probationary period of their employment must be aware that their immigration permission and that of their dependents is entirely based around successfully passing their probation. During this period should an employee fail their probationary period or have their employment terminated prematurely they and their dependants will have their leave to enter / remain cancelled and will be required to leave the CTA. 

Applications for dependants are assessed against the Jersey Immigration Rules paragraph 194 (spouse or civil partner), paragraph 197 (child), and paragraph 295J (unmarried partner). 

When assessing visa applications for dependants we need to be satisfied that the work permit holder has sufficient earning capacity to maintain and accommodate their dependants without recourse to public funds in accommodation that is not overcrowded, they own or occupy exclusively and is suitable for the health and wellbeing of the family. 

We will assess applications based on the work permit holder's salary and we will not consider additional income from overtime, part-time employment, the potential earning power of a dependant or financial assistance from a third party, as these are not guaranteed.  In addition, we will consider the impact of any outstanding loans/repayments that the work permit holder has privately or otherwise as this will impact on their ability to maintain and accommodate their dependents. (see section on Dependants of long-term work permit holders). 

Dependants do not require work permits to take employment in Jersey but must comply with the Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012.​

An employee can


    work for the employer specified on the work permit


    only carry out the duties for the post which the permit has been obtained for


    accrue time towards indefinite leave to remain


    bring any dependants with them if their work permit has been issued for longer than 12 months subject to being able to maintain and accommodate them without recourse to public funds


    take on unpaid voluntary work for a charity


    take on supplementary part time paid employment​

An employee can't


    switch employment to other long-term employment in the first 6 months of a work permit with an employer


    switch to work permit dependant permissions


    bring any dependants with them if their work permit has been issued for 12 months or less

Dependants of long-term work permit holders

Dependents for the purpose of the work permit policy are defined as the spouse, partner, and children of the work permit holder. 

Individuals employed on a temporary work permit in any sector cannot bring their dependants with them under any circumstances. 

Individuals employed on a long-term or intra-company transfer work permit issued for more than 12 months may be able to bring their dependants with them however their permissions to be in Jersey are directly linked to conditions imposed on the work permit holder. 

Applications for dependants will be assessed against the Jersey Immigration Rules paragraph 194 (spouse or civil partner), paragraph 197 (child), and paragraph 295J (unmarried partner). 

Adult work permit dependants do not require a work permit to take employment in Jersey and there are no immigration restrictions on the type of employment they can take. Work permit dependants cannot switch into work permit employment. 

Child work permit dependants will only be granted permissions if they are under the age of 18 years old at the time of their application. If only 1 parent is relocating to Jersey with a child, then they will need to evidence that they have sole responsibility for that child.

Sole parental responsibility means that 1 parent has abdicated or abandoned parental responsibility, and the remaining parent is exercising sole control in setting and providing​ the day-to-day direction for the child's welfare. Where both parents are involved in a child's upbringing it will not be possible for 1 parent to demonstrate sole parental responsibility.

The work permit holder must ensure that they can adequately accommodate and maintain their dependants without recourse to public funds (see definition of recourse to public funds on page 34). A work permit holder must consider the impact that moving a family to Jersey will have, including being aware of limited housing stock, high rental prices and costs of childcare.

Visas for dependants may be refused where an employee is still within their probationary period; will be refused if it cannot be demonstrated that suitable accommodation is in place which supports the wellbeing and health of the family and does not contravene statutory overcrowding legislation; will be refused if sole responsibility of a child cannot be demonstrated; and will be refused if dependants cannot be maintained or accommodated without recourse to public funds.

The same criteria are applied when applications for further leave to remain are submitted. If the work permit holder is unable to meet the requirements to maintain and accommodate their dependants, then their application maybe refused, and the dependants will be required to leave the Island. Also, if a work permit holder is unable to pay for their immigration permissions and those of their dependants the applications will be refused. 

Where a child dependant is born in Jersey, the work permit holder must apply for further leave to remain for that child, meet the application requirements and pay the requisite fee. Failure to do so may impact the applicants ability to apply for indefinite leave to remain for themselves and their dependants.

Income support in Jersey is a benefit that is designed to provide an adequate level of support to cover food, clothing, doctors' costs and other daily living expenses but does not include rent or childcare for more information on income support see how your Income Support benefit is made up.

When calculating whether an applicant, or sponsor, is able to maintain and accommodate themselves and any dependants, available net income (once rent, childcare and loan repayments has been removed) is compared against the income support figure that a similar household would be eligible for. Available net income must be greater than the income support figure. Income derived from overtime and part-time employment will not be considered as these are not guaranteed and may not be possible to continue with once the dependants are in Jersey. Financial assistance from third parties will only be considered in exceptional circumstances. 

The below table is the net income, once rent, childcare costs and loans are removed that must be shown to demonstrate an applicant is able to maintain themselves and their dependants. This is based on 2024 income support figures available on how your Income Support benefit is made up. These will be updated every year. Decisions will be made on the income support figure at the time of the application

Income support for a single parent household​

​​Single parent
​1 child
​2 children
​3 children

​4 children
​per week
​per year

​Parent 1
​Parent 2
​1 child 
​2 children
​3 children
​4 children
​Per week
​Per year


A - B ≥ C ​(A minus B is greater than or equal to C)

​Net income (A)​
​Rent and outgoings (B)


  • A is the net income of the sponsor or applicant (after deduction of income tax and social security)
  • B is housing costs (such as what needs to be spent on accommodation)
  • C is the amount of income support that an equivalent Jersey family of that size would receive

Using the above figures and calculations the following would apply, based on remaining funds of £14,000:

Income support (C) for 1 adult and 1 child in Jersey is approximately £13,900 therefore the work permit holder does not have sufficient funds to maintain and accommodate the household by Jersey standards as their remaining funds are lower than £13,900.

Income support (C) level for 1 adult and 2 children in Jersey is approximately £18,300 therefore the work permit holder does not have sufficient funds to maintain and accommodate the household by Jersey standards as their remaining funds are lower than £18,300.

Income support (C) for 2 adults in Jersey is approximately £12,600 therefore the work permit holder does have sufficient funds to maintain and accommodate the household by Jersey standards as their remaining funds are greater than £12,600.

Income support (C) for 2 adults and 2 children in Jersey is approximately £22,100 therefore the work permit holder does not have sufficient funds to maintain and accommodate the household by Jersey standards as their remaining funds are lower than £22,100.

The earning power of a dependant will not normally be taken into consideration however this can exceptionally be considered where the dependant (spouse or partner) has an offer of employment in Jersey, and this has to be backed up by solid evidence such as a signed contract of employment. A dependant does not require a work permit, and they are eligible to take on any employment in Jersey.

(A + D) - B ≥ C (A plus D minus B is greater than or equal to C)

​Net income (A)
​Net income (D)
​Rent and outgoings (B)


  • A is the net income of the sponsor or applicant (after deduction of income tax and social security)
  • B is housing costs (such as what needs to be spent on accommodation)
  • C is the amount of income support that an equivalent Jersey family of that size would receive
  • D is the net income of the dependant (after deduction of income tax and social security)

​​Using the above figures and calculations the following would apply, based on remaining funds of £35,000:

  • Income support (C) for 2 adults and 2 children in Jersey is approximately £22,100 therefore the work permit holder does have sufficient funds to maintain and accommodate the household by Jersey standards as their remaining funds are greater than £22,100.

Dependants can:


    take employment without a work permit subject to meeting the requirements of Control of Housing and Work legislation


    enter education subject to meeting the requirements set out by the Children, Young People, Education and Skills department

Dependants can't:


    join a work permit holder who holds a temporary work permit


    join a work permit holder who holds a long-term work permit issued for 12 months or less


    join a work permit holder who is unable to demonstrate that they can maintain and accommodate without recourse to public funds


    join a work permit holder who is a single parent who is unable to evidence sole responsibility​


    switch to work permit employment


    remain in Jersey beyond the permissions of the work permit holder

General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS)

Jersey is covered by the UK’s World Trade Organisation (“WTO”) membership from the end of the Brexit transition period on 31 December 2020. The General Agreement on Trade in Services (“GATS”) is a treaty of the WTO. Since WTO membership applies to Jersey, the following provisions in relation to Contractual Service Suppliers and Independent professionals, including Intra-Company Transfers are in force.

Intra-company transfer​​

Applications may be considered for employees from the same organisation outside of Jersey who intend to be temporarily transferred (secondment) provided the following requirements are met:

  • the intra-company transferee must have been working for the same company outside of Jersey for at least 12 months directly prior to the transfer
  • the company in Jersey and the company outside of Jersey must be linked by common ownership and control
  • the employment must require company-specific knowledge to undertake project work or for career development purposes
  • all prospective employee​​s must be aged 18 or over on the date of application. If the applicant is too young, the application will be refused
  • the intra-company transferee cannot move into other work permit employment in Jersey
  • the intra-company transferee will resume employment for the same company outside of Jersey at the end of the transfer period
  • the intra-company transferee cannot return to Jersey in this capacity unless there has been an absence of at least 12 months
  • t​​he maximum period for which a work permit can be applied for based on an intra-company transfer is 3 years, including any extension
  • employer to ensure that employees are adequately accommodated meeting the minimum standards required which supports their health and wellbeing
  • JCIS must be notified if an employee does not arrive or depart as planned or if employment is terminated early
  • by applying for a work permit the employer agrees that access will be granted to work premises to JCIS Officers by appointment to conduct checks to ensure compliance with the work permit policy 

The intra-company transferee is exempt from the English language requirement.

An employee can:


    work for the employer specified on the work permit


    only carry out the duties for the post which the permit has been obtained for


    bring dependants with them if their work permit has been issued for longer than 12 months subject to being able to maintain and accommodate them without recourse to public funds

An employee can't:


    accrue time towards indefinite leave to remain


    switch to other work permit employment


    switch employer


    extend the work permit beyond 3 years​

Contractual service suppliers

Applications may be considered for persons provided the following requirements are met:

  • the employer must be based outside the European Union in a country or territory which is a signatory to the trade agreement under which they are supplying services and the employee must be a national of that country
  • the person must have been an employee of the company for at least 12 months
  • the person must have a degree level or equivalent level qualification, unless they are: 
    • supplying fashion model services, chef de cuisine services or entertainment services other than audio visual services under the EU: CARIFORUM economic partnership agreement; or 
    • supplying advertising and translation services
  • where required by relevant Jersey legislation, regulations or sectoral requirements, the person must hold any specific professional qualifications or registrations to provide the services in Jersey
  • the person must have 3 years professional experience in the sector in which they are supplying services unless they are supplying chef de cuisine services under the E: CARIFORUM economic partnership agreement, in which case, the person must have at least 6 years’ relevant experience at the level of chef de cuisine and have an advanced technical qualification; and
  • the maximum period for which a work permit can be applied for based on a contractual service supplier is 2 years unless providing a service under the EU: CARIFORUM economic partnership agreement, the EU: Andean multiparty trade agreement and the EU European Union: Chile free trade agreement, when it is a maximum period of 6 months in any 12 month period

Independent professionals

Applications may be considered for persons provided the following requirements are met:

  • the business must be established on the territory of the country which is signatory to the trade agreement under which they are supplying services, and they must be a national of that country
  • they must have a university degree or technical qualification which demonstrates knowledge of a similar level
  • where required by relevant legislation, regulations, or sectoral requirements, they must have specific professional qualifications to provide some services in Jersey
  • they must have 6 years professional experience in the sector in which they are supplying services
  • the maximum period for which a work permit can be applied for on the basis of an independent professional is 2 years

No recourse to public funds​

The legal basis for “no recourse to public funds" is paragraph 3(1) of the Immigration Act 1971, as that Act was extended to Jersey: Immigration (Jersey) Order 2021 on Jersey Law. When limited leave to enter or remain is granted to an individual, certain conditions may be imposed on that leave. Among them paragraph 3(1)(c)(ii) enables the following condition to be imposed: 

“a conditio​n requiring him to maintain and accommodate himself, and any dependants of his, without recourse to public funds".

Paragraph 6 of the Jersey Immigration Rules defines “public funds" as:

“any benefit paid by the Government of Jersey to any person who has not paid any contribution towards receipt of such benefit. For the ​purpose of these Rules, a person is not to be regarded as having (or potentially having) recourse to public funds merely because he is (or will be) reliant in whole or in part on public funds provided to his sponsor, unless, as a result of his presence in Jersey, the sponsor is (or would be) entitled to increased or additional public funds."

A person's entitlement to benefit will not be determined by the Immigration Rules and falls to be considered separately from that person's immigration status. The purpose of the Immigration Rules is to provide that a person's immigration status might be affected by the type of public funds they may have recourse to.​

Termination of employment

The period of a contract is determined by the employer and may not extend to the full validity of the work permit.​

If the employment of a work permit holder is terminated prematurely then the Customs and Immigration Service must be notified in writing before the employees last working day as it may be necessary to cancel the employee’s immigration permissions and the permissions of their dependents. The employer must set out the reasons for the employment being terminated.

If a work permit holder has their employment terminated because of not passing a probationary period, or are dismissed by their employer, then they will be unable to seek employment elsewhere and will have their immigration permissions cancelled. They will be required to leave the Common Travel Area (UK, Channel Islands, Isle of Man) along with their dependents.

If employers are found to be breaching employee rights, then this may have an adverse effect on future applications.

If a work permit holder resigns from their post without a work permit in place for another employer, then they will have their immigration permissions cancelled and will be required to leave the Common Travel Area.

Passport end​orsement​

If an employee has their immigration permissions cancelled, they will receive a wet ink stamp endorsement in their passport which varies the end date of their permissions. This does not have an adverse effect on a person’s immigration history. The employee will be given sufficient time to deal with their affairs before they will be expected to leave, this time period will vary depending on individual circumstances and how they plan to maintain and accommodate themselves without employment.


The Customs and immigration Service generally will not get involved in disputes between an employer and a work permit employee however we must be made aware of the context of the conflict or disagreement as action may need to be taken against the employer or the work permit employee. This policy does not cover employer/employee relations where the employee takes on additional part time employment with another employer. It is expected that any part-time employment is compliant with Control of Housing and Work (Jersey) Law 2012 and employment (Jersey) Law 2003.

Work permit employees should contact the Jersey Advisory and Conciliation Service (JACS) if they enter into a dispute with their employer as this is not a matter for immigration to resolve.

If, as a result of employment being terminated, the employee enters into a dispute with the employer which goes to an employment tribunal there is no requirement for the employee to remain in the Island as their case can be submitted and heard from outside the Common Travel Area.

Requesting a review of a decision

If an employer has a work permit application refused because the employment is not covered by this work permit policy, then a business case will be required and should be submitted in the first instance to The Head of Service, Jersey Customs and Immigration Service see appendix 5.

Employment outside of those detailed in this policy will only be considered after satisfying the Minister for Justice and Home Affairs that the labour cannot be found from within the CTA and the temporary or long-term worker criteria can be met. 

If a work permit employee has their work permit and immigration permissions cancelled because they no longer meet the requirements for which the permissions were granted, they can apply in writing to The Head of Service, Jersey Customs and Immigration Service to have the decision reviewed, ​review of Immigration Decisions.​

Adverse immigration history and criminal convictions

In general, a work permit application will not be approved to employ a person with an adverse immigration history, a criminal conviction, or their previous employment and conduct in the Island was unsatisfactory.

Contravention of the Work Permit Policy

Where an employer believes that they may be in contravention of the work permit policy then they should contact Immigration as soon as possible at for advice.

Employers found to have breached the work permit policy will be required to provide a written explanation as to why the policy was not followed, how they have rectified the issue and what procedures they have put in place to avoid future contraventions of the work permit policy.

A Senior Officer will review the circumstances of the breach, issue a formal warning and apply additional layers of scrutiny to applications. Subsequent breaches will be reviewed by a Senior Manager and may result in the employer losing the ability to apply for work permits.

An employer or employee found to have provided documentation that they know to be false in support of a work permit application or visa application will be committing an offence under the Immigration Act 1971 as extended to Jersey by the Immigration (Jersey) Order 2021 and may be liable to a fine, a period of imprisonment, or both. Any immigration permissions will be cancelled and any future applications for work permits or visas will be refused.

Processing times

Applications should be submitted to allow sufficient time for the work permit application to be processed and where necessary sufficient time for the employee to apply for their visa. 

  • work permit processing time is 3 weeks however this may take longer if the application is incomplete and additional documents requested 
  • visa processing times are approximately 3 weeks from the date that the applicant attends the visa application centre (this may vary depending on the country of application) 

Consequently, it is the applicant's responsibility to ensure a realistic start date is selected when applying for a work permit. 

An employee must not travel to Jersey until their work permit and/or visa has been issued otherwise they may be refused entry at the border. This may jeopardise any future applications for immigration permissions. 

Non-visa nationals, including EU nationals, do not require a visa for entry where a work permit has been issued for 6 months or less however they must not travel to the Common Travel before the start (issue) date on the work permit otherwise they may be refused at the Border. 

Depending on the type of work permit originally issued, it may be extended, or an employee can switch to another employer, subject to meeting the conditions for the work permit route, the relevant application requirements, and payment of the relevant fee. Some work permit routes restrict extensions and the ability to switch employer. 

An application for further leave to remain will also need to be submitted if the work permit application is successful for the work permit holder and any dependants. 


Work permit fees are non-refundable unless an application has been submitted for an individual who does not require a permit.

In Country Work Permit Applications

Applications may be considered for employees who are in authorised employment in the UK, Jersey, other Channel Islands or Isle of Man. In these cases, the same eligibility criteria apply, and a work permit may be granted for a period not exceeding 3 years. 

If the application is for an individual who is in employment in Jersey, the new employer may be informed that their application has been approved “in principle".  Written confirmation of the resignation and their last working day will be required from the current employer before the permit can be issued.  The new employer must also indicate in writing when they are to start.  The work permit will be made valid from that start date. Any gap between the end and start date will constitute a break in continuous residency which will impact when the work permit holder will become eligible to apply for indefinite leave to remain. 


An employer, who wishes to promote an employee, must apply for a new work permit. A new work permit will not be required when the job and employment conditions have remained the same, but the employee has simply taken on additional responsibility within that role.

​If an employer wishes to move an employee to another post, then an application must be made for a new work permit and the employee must apply for further leave to remain. 

Acquisition or re-structuring of business or company​

If a work permit holder is employed by a company that has been acquired by another business entity or re-structured to form a new enterprise, it will not be necessary for a fresh application to be made if the duties and responsibilities are the same.  The company should notify the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service in writing of the change and details of those permit holders affected. 

Tuberculosis test for visa applicants

Employees coming to the UK for more than 6 months and are resident in 1 of the below countries will need to take a tuberculosis (TB) test and include their TB certificate with their visa application failure to do so will delay the processi​ng of the visa application.

More information can be found on the Tuberculosis tests for visa applicants: Overview on GOV.UK webpage.

Holders of UK work visas

Holders of UK skilled worker visas may undertake work in Jersey for a period up to 1-month, without the need for a work permit, providing it is for the employer with a business interest in Jersey. This will also be applicable to locum doctors and consultants at the General Hospital. 

UK Skilled Workers taking employment in Jersey for periods in excess of 1 month will require a work permit and application for further leave to remain in Jersey. 

Holders of UK issued Religious Worker (Temporary Work) visas will be able to work in the Island in a non-pastoral role for a maximum period of 3-months during the validity of their UK visa. Religious workers are not covered by the Jersey Immigration Rules and are not eligible for work permits. Religious workers will not be permitted to bring their dependants with them to Jersey. 

Holders of UK issued student visas for study at a UK institute of further or higher education and are permitted to take employment in Jersey for a maximum period of 4 months in any full-time or part time role during their vacation periods. 

The company or organisation in Jersey should notify the Jersey Customs and Immigration Service of the following: 

  • explanation of why the UK employee is needed 
  • copy of the biodata page of the passport and the page showing the current UK immigration endorsement

Entertainers from UK and overseas

Entertainers in possession of a UK Tier 5 Temporary Worker visa can work in Jersey as a performer for up to 1 month without the need for a work permit. 

The employer in the Island should produce the following: 

  • copy of the biodata page of the passport and the page showing the current UK Immigration endorsement. In the case when the entertainer has not yet entered the UK or applied for an entry clearance the certificate of sponsorship will suffice 
  • details of their performance in Jersey

If the entertainer is staying for longer than 1 month or is applying directly from overseas, they may require a work permit and a visa. Any queries should be directed to


Appendix 1: Long-term Work Permit Occupations

Occupations eligible for the long-term (previously skilled) work permit employment route are derived from the Standard Occupation Classification Codes assessed by the UK Migration Advisory Committee to meet Level 3 or above of the Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF). 

Salary thresholds are derived from UK Skilled Work Visa lists. Employers must demonstrate that an employee will be paid the minimum salary threshold or the going rate for the role whichever is higher. For example:

  • minimum salary thresholds are based on an employee being given an hourly rate for working 40 hours over 52 weeks per year (for example, £15.00 x 40 x 52 = £31,200)
  • employees contracted for full time employment on less than 40 hours per week must be paid a higher hourly rate to achieve the minimum salary threshold (for example, £16.22 x 37 x 52 = £31,200)
  • employees contracted for full time employment on more than 40 hours per week must be paid the hourly rate which equates the minimum salary threshold (for example, £15.00 x 45 x 52 = £35,100
More detailed information on the occupations listed in this appendix can be found using the CascotWeb.
Occupation code Job type Related job titles Salary Threshold
1111Chief executives and senior officials

Chief executive
Civil servant Diplomat
Vice President
£84,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1121Production managers and directors in manufacturing
Engineering manager
Managing director (engineering)
Operations manager (manufacturing)
Production manager
Technical manager
£51,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1122Production managers and directors in constructionBuilding services manager
Construction manager
Director (building construction)
Owner (electrical contracting)
Site manager
£50,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1123Production managers and directors in mining and energyOperations manager (mining, water and energy)
Quarry manager
Service manager (public utilities)
£51,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1131Financial managers and directorsBank Manager
Finance Director
Insurance Manager
Investment banker
Treasury manager
£70,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1132Marketing, sales and advertising directorsAccount director (advertising)
Commercial director
Marketing director
Media director
Sales director
£83,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1133Public relations and communications directorsHead of communications
Head of public relations
£79,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1134Purchasing managers and directorsBid production manager
Director of contracts
Head of buying
Purchasing manager
£50,300 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1135Charitable organisation managers and directorsCharity director
Manager (charitable organisation)
£40,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1136Human resource managers and directorsHuman resources business partner
Human resources director
Personnel manager
Recruitment manager
Training director
£49,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1137Information technology directorsChief Information officer
IT Director
Managing director (computer services)
Programme manager (computing)
Technical director (computer services)
£80,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1139Functional managers and directors not elsewhere classifiedArea secretary (trade association)
Chief officer (local government)
Clerk to the county council
General Secretary (trade union)
Town Clerk
£69,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1140Directors in logistics, warehousing and transportAirport director
Head of logistics
Owner (delivery service)
Supply chain director
Traffic director (transport)
£72,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1150Managers and directors in retail and wholesaleCar sales manager
Manager (garden centre)
Managing director (wholesale, retail trade)
Retail manager
Shop manager (charitable organisation)
Wholesale manager
£33,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1162Senior police officersChief superintendent (police service)
CID officer
Detective inspector
Police inspector
£59,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1163Senior officers in fire, ambulance, prison and related servicesChief immigration officer (HM Revenue and Customs)
Fire service officer (government)
Prison governor
Station officer (ambulance service)
£53,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1171Health services and public health managers and directorsClinical manager
Director of nursing
Health service manager
Information manager (health authority: hospital service)
£43,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1172Social services managers and directorsChildren's centre manager
Commissioner (local government: social services)
Community services manager
Service manager (welfare services)
Social work manager
£41,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1211Managers and proprietors in agriculture and horticultureFarm manager
Farm owner
Nursery manager (horticulture)
Stock manager (farming)
£36,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1212Managers and proprietors in forestry, fishing and related servicesCattery owner
Fish farm owner
Forest manager
Owner (landscape gardening)
Racehorse trainer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1221Hotel and accommodation managers and proprietorsCaravan park owner
Hotel manager
Manager (passenger ships)
Service flats manager
£32,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1222Restaurant and catering establishment managers and proprietorsCafé owner
Operations manager (catering)
Restaurant manager
Shop manager (take-away food shop)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1223Publicans and managers of licensed premisesLandlady (public house) Licensee
Manager (wine bar)
£33,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1224Leisure and sports managers and proprietorsAmusement arcade owner
Cinema manager
Football ground manager
Leisure centre manager
Theatre manager
£33,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1225Travel agency managers and proprietorsBranch manager (travel agents)
Tourist information manager
Travel agency owner
Travel manager
£32,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1231Health care practice managersClinic manager
Dental practice manager
GP practice manager
Patient services manager
Veterinary practice manager
£43,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1232Residential, day and domiciliary care managers and proprietorsCare manager
Community centre manager
Day centre manager
Nursing home owner
Manager (sheltered housing)
Residential manager (care/residential home)
£36,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1233Early education and childcare services proprietorsDirector (children's nursery)
Owner (nursery: children's)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1241Managers in transport and distributionDistribution service manager
Fleet manager
Operations manager (transport)
Shipping manager
Transport manager
£41,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1242Managers in storage and warehousingCellar manager (brewery)
Inventory manager
Operations manager
Stock manager
Warehouse manager
£32,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1243Managers in logisticsLogistics manager
Supply chain manager
£42,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1251Property, housing and estate managersEstate manager
Facilities manager
Housing manager
Landlord (property management)
Property manager
£38,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1252Garage managers and proprietorsBodyshop manager (vehicle trades)
Garage director
Garage owner
Tyre depot manager
£38,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1253Hairdressing and beauty salon managers and proprietorsHairdressing salon owner
Manager (beauty salon)
Manager (nail salon)
Owner (pet grooming salon)
Owner (tanning studio)
Spa manager
£38,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1254Waste disposal and environmental services managersEnvironmental manager (refuse disposal)
Manager (local government: cleansing dept.)
Recycling plant manager
Scrap metal dealer
£48,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1255Managers and directors in the creative industriesArt gallery owner
Artist manager
Director (architectural service)
Graphic design manager
Gallery Manager
Production manager (entertainment)
Radio station manager
£42,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1256Betting shop and gambling establishment managersBetting shop manager
Bingo hall manager
Casino manager
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1257Hire services managers and proprietorsHire manager
Plant hire manager
Rental service manager
Tool hire manager
£34,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1258Directors in consultancy servicesDirector (environmental consultancy)
Owner (design consultancy)
Owner (management consultancy)
£38,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
1259Managers and proprietors in other services not elsewhere classifiedDirector (private detective agency)
Car park manager
Cemetery Manager
Library manager
Owner (cleaning services)
Training centre manager
Driving school owner
£34,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2111Chemical scientistsAnalytical chemist
Development chemist
Industrial chemist
Laboratory analyst
Research scientist (chemical)
£35,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2112Biological scientistsAgricultural consultant
Forensic scientist
Horticulturist (professional)
£38,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2113Biochemists and biomedical scientistsClinical technologist
Medical technologist
Medical researcher
£44,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2114Physical scientistsGeologist
Medical physicist
£47,300 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2115Social and humanities scientistsAnthropologist
GIS analyst
Political researcher
Social scientist
£36,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2119Natural and social science professionals not elsewhere classifiedOperational research scientist
Scientific officer
Sports scientist
Technical officer (laboratory)
University research fellow (sciences)
£41,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2121Civil engineersBuilding engineer
Civil engineer (professional)
Highways engineer
Petroleum engineer
Public health engineer
Site engineer (building construction)
Structural engineer
£45,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2122Mechanical engineersAutomotive engineer (professional)
Design engineer (mechanical)
Marine engineer (professional)
Mechanical engineer (professional)
£42,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2123Electrical engineersElectrical design engineer
Electrical engineer (professional)
Electrical surveyor
Equipment engineer
Power engineer
Signal engineer (professional, railways)
£53,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2124Electronics engineersBroadcasting engineer (professional)
Electronics designer
Electronics engineer (professional)
Microwave engineer (professional)
£49,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2125Production and process engineersChemical engineer
Industrial engineer
Pharmaceutical engineer
Process engineer
Production consultant
Production engineer
£43,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2126Aerospace engineersAeronautical engineer (professional)
Aerospace engineer
Aircraft designer
Avionics engineer
£46,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2127Engineering project managers and project engineersContracts manager (manufacturing)
Project engineer
Project manager (manufacturing)
£48,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2129Engineering professionals not elsewhere classifiedAcoustician (professional)
Food technologist
Scientific consultant
Technical engineer
Traffic engineer
£42,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2131IT project managersChange manager (computing)
Implementation manager (computing)
IT project manager
Project leader (software design)
£51,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2132IT managersData centre manager
Data visualisation manager
IT manager
Network operations manager (computer services)
Product manager
Service delivery manager
Telecoms manager
UX manager
£50,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2133IT business analysts, architects and systems designersBusiness analyst (computing)
Data communications analyst
Change analyst (computing)
Systems analyst
Systems consultant
Technical analyst (computing)
Technical architect
User experience architect
£51,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2134Programmers and software development professionalsAnalyst-programmer
Database developer
Games designer
Interactive designer
Mobile app developer
Software engineer
Website builder
£49,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2135Cyber security professionalsData security manager
Ethical hacker
Forensic computer investigator
IT security analyst
Technical security consultant
£45,300 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2136IT quality and testing professionalsIT auditor
Quality analyst (computing)
Software testing consultant
Systems tester (computing)
Test analyst (computing)
Test engineer (professional, software)
£39,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2137IT network professionalsNetwork consultant
Network designer
Network installation engineer
Network planner
£42,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2139Information technology professionals not elsewhere classifiedAccount manager (computing)
Internet engineer (professional)
IT planner
IT consultant
Technical evangelist
Web manager
£44,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2141Web design professionalsDesktop publisher
User interface designer
UX designer (computing)
Web designer
Web producer
£41,300 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2142Graphic and multimedia designers3D artist
Animator (computing)
Compositor (special effects)
Creative design assistant
Graphic artist
Graphic designer
Visual effects supervisor
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2151Conservation professionalsConservation officer
Countryside officer
Heritage manager
Land management adviser
Landscape scientist
Marine conservationist
£36,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2152Environment professionalsEnergy manager
Environmental consultant
Environmental engineer
Environmental protection officer
Environmental technician
Flood risk manager
Water quality scientist
£36,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2161Research and development (r andd) managersClinical trials manager
Consumer insights manager
Creative manager (research and development)
Design manager
Market research manager
Research manager (broadcasting)
£49,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2162Other researchers, unspecified disciplinePostdoctoral researcher
Research assistant (university)
Research fellow (university)
University researcher
£40,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
Veterinary practitioner
Veterinary surgeon
£48,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2311Higher education teaching professionalsFellow (university)
Lecturer (higher education, university)
Professor (higher education, university)
Tutor (higher education, university)
University lecturer
University teaching assistant
£47,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2317Teachers of english as a foreign languageTEFL
English as a second language teacher
ESOL tutor
£36,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2319Teaching professionals not elsewhere classifiedAdult education tutor
Ballet teacher (qualified)
Music teacher
Private tutor
Voice coach
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2322Education managersBusiness school manager
Dean (further education)
Provost (higher education, university)
Registrar (educational establishments)
Vice chancellor (university)
£40,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2323Education advisers and school inspectorsAdvisory teacher
Assessor (further, higher education)
Curriculum adviser
Early years adviser
Education officer
School inspector
£37,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2324Early education and childcare services managersAfter school club manager
Childcare manager (day nursery)
Nursery manager (day nursery)
Pre-school manager
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2329Other educational professionals not elsewhere classifiedActive schools coordinator
Education administrator (further, higher education)
Exam marker
International recruitment officer (university)
£43,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2411Barristers and judgesAdvocate
Chairman (appeals tribunal, inquiry)
Crown prosecutor
District judge
Legal advocate
Sherriff (Scottish Courts)
£52,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2412Solicitors and lawyersLawyer
Managing clerk (qualified solicitor)
Solicitor to the council
£52,300 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2419Legal professionals not elsewhere classifiedAttorney
Justice's clerk
Legal adviser
Legal consultant
Legal counsel
Patent agent
Patent attorney
Solicitor's clerk (articled)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2421Chartered and certified accountantsAccountant (qualified)
Auditor (qualified)
Chartered accountant
Company accountant
Cost accountant (qualified)
Financial controller (qualified accountant)
Management accountant (qualified)
£46,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2422Finance and investment analysts and advisersCredit risk analyst
Financial adviser
Financial consultant
Mortgage adviser
Pensions consultant
£40,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2423Taxation expertsInvestigator (HM Revenue and Customs)
Tax adviser
Tax consultant
Tax inspector
Tax manager
axation specialist
£46,300 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2431Management consultants and business analystsBusiness adviser
Business consultant
Business continuity manager
Digital business analyst
Financial risk analyst
Management consultant
£48,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2432Marketing and commercial managersCommercial manager
Client services manager (marketing)
Marketing development manager
Online marketing manager
Production manager (marketing)
£46,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2433Actuaries, economists and statisticiansActuarial consultant Actuary Bioinformatician Economist Financial engineer Statistician Statistical analyst Web analyst£48,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2434Business and related research professionalsCrime analyst
Fellow (research)
Games researcher (broadcasting)
Digital marketing analyst
Market research analyst
Social media analyst
£36,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2435Professional/chartered company secretariesAssistant company secretary (qualified)
Chartered secretary
Company secretary (qualified)
£45,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2439Business, research and administrative professionals not elsewhere classifiedCivil servant (grade 6, 7)
Governance officer
Information compliance officer
Parliamentary assistant
Policy adviser (government)
Private secretary (government)
Registrar (government)
Service manager (government)
£52,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2440Business and financial project management professionalsChief knowledge officer
Contracts manager (security services)
Project delivery officer
Project manager
Research support officer
Scrum master
Work package manager (professional)
£52,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
Chartered architect
Landscape architect
£45,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2452Chartered architectural technologists, planning officers and consultantsArchitectural consultant
Chartered architectural technologist
Construction planner
Planning officer (building construction)
Town planner
£36,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2453Quantity surveyorsQuantity surveyor
Survey technician
Surveyor (quantity surveying)
£45,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2454Chartered surveyorsBuilding surveyor
Chartered surveyor
Hydrographic surveyor
Land surveyor
£41,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2455Construction project managers and related professionalsContract manager (building construction)
Project manager (building construction)
Transport modeller
Transport planner
£40,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2462Probation officersInspector (National Probation Service)
Probation officer
Youth justice officer
£36,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2464Youth work professionalsYouth and community officer
Youth worker (professional)
£36,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2469Welfare professionals not elsewhere classifiedChild protection adviser
Children's guardian
Family court adviser
Rehabilitation officer
Restorative justice manager
Social services officer
£33,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2471LibrariansChartered librarian
Technical librarian
University librarian
£31,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2472Archivists, conservators and curatorsArchivist
Curator Keeper (art gallery)
Museum officer
£33,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2481Quality control and planning engineersPlanning engineer
Quality assurance engineer
Quality control officer (professional)
Quality engineer
£40,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2482Quality assurance and regulatory professionalsCompliance manager
Financial regulator
Quality assurance manager
Quality manager
£42,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2483Environmental health professionalsAir pollution inspector
Environmental health officer
Food inspector
Public health inspector
Technical officer (environmental health)
£38,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2491Newspaper, periodical and broadcast editorsEditor
Content editor (newspapers, magazines)
Digital editor
Online editor
£40,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2492Newspaper and periodical broadcast journalists and reportersBroadcast journalist
Digital journalist
Online journalist
Radio journalist
Writer (newspaper publishing)
£40,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2493Public relations professionalsAccount manager (public relations)
Communications manager (public relations)
Public relations consultant
Press officer
Public relations officer
Social media manager
£35,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2494Advertising accounts managers and creative directorsAccount manager (advertising)
Advertising Manager
Campaign Manager
Creative Director
Projects Manager (advertising)
£40,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3111Laboratory techniciansAssistant scientist (laboratory)
Associate practitioner (laboratory)
Hospital technician
Laboratory technician
Scientific technician
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3112Electrical and electronics techniciansAvionics technician
Electrical technician
Electronics technician
Installation engineer (electricity supplier)
£34,300 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3113Engineering techniciansAircraft engineer (licensed)
Aircraft technician
Commissioning engineer
Engineering technician
Manufacturing engineer
Mechanical technician
Wind turbine technician (construction)
£39,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3114Building and civil engineering techniciansBuilding services consultant
Civil engineering technician
Survey technician
Technical assistant (civil engineering)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3115Quality assurance techniciansQuality analyst
Quality assurance coordinator
Quality control technician
Quality officer
Quality technician
Test technician
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3116Planning, process and production techniciansProcess technician
Production controller
Production planner
Production technician
£33,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3119Science, engineering and production technicians not elsewhere classifiedSchool technician
Technical assistant
Textile consultant
Workshop technician
£32,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3120CAD, drawing and architectural technicians3D Printing Technician
Architect's assistant
Architectural design assistant
Architectural technician
CAD designer
Design technician
£31,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3131IT operations techniciansComputer games tester
Digital administrator
IT technician
Network administrator
Systems administrator
£31,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3132IT user support techniciansBusiness support analyst (computing)
Customer support analyst
Help desk operator (computing)
IT support technician
Systems support officer
£32,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3133Database administrators and web content techniciansDatabase administrator
Digital content editor
Intranet coordinator
Website moderator
£31,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3211Dispensing opticiansDispensing optician
Optical dispenser
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3212Pharmaceutical techniciansDispensing technician
Pharmaceutical technician
Pharmacy technician
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3214Complementary health associate professionalsColour therapist
Holistic therapist
Massage therapist
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3221Youth and community workersCommunity development officer
Family support worker
Youth and community worker
Youth project coordinator
Youth worker
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3222Child and early years officersChild protection officer
Education welfare officer
Family liaison officer
Learning mentor (early years)
Parent support adviser
Portage worker (educational establishments)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3223Housing officersAccommodation officer
Housing adviser
Housing officer
Housing support officer
£31,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3224CounsellorsCounsellor (welfare services)
Debt adviser
Drugs and alcohol worker
Life coach
Stop smoking counsellor
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3229Welfare and housing associate professionals not elsewhere classifiedAdvocacy worker
Health coordinator
Homeless prevention officer
Key worker (welfare services)
Outreach worker (welfare services)
Probation services officer
Project worker (welfare services)
Student support officer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3232Early education and childcare practitionersChildcare practitioner
Early years practitioner
Pre-school practitioner
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3240Veterinary nursesAnimal nurse
Veterinary nurse
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3312Police officers (sergeant and below)Detective (police service)
Police constable
Police officer
Transport police officer
£44,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3313Fire service officers (watch manager and below)Fire engineer
Fire safety officer
Watch manager (fire service)
£39,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3314Prison service officers (below principal officer)Custodial manager
Prison custodial officer
Prison escort officer
Prison officer
Prison warden
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3319Protective service associate professionals not elsewhere classifiedCrime scene investigator
Customs officer
Immigration officer
Investigation officer (police service)
Fingerprint expert
Fraud analyst
Operations manager (security services)
Private investigator
Security manager
£39,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3411ArtistsAnimator (hand drawn)
Portrait painter
£32,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3412Authors, writers and translatorsCopywriter
Editor (books)
Technical author
£33,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3413Actors, entertainers and presentersActor
Commentator (broadcasting)
Costumed interpreter
Disc jockey
Presenter (broadcasting)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3414Dancers and choreographersBallet dancer
Dance coach
Dance teacher
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
Song writer
£32,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3416Arts officers, producers and directorsBroadcast editor
Film editor
Production assistant (broadcasting)
Studio manager
Television producer
Video production assistant
£37,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3417Photographers, audio-visual and broadcasting equipment operatorsAudio visual technician
Commercial drone pilot
Digital imaging technician
Lighting designer
Sound engineer
Theatre technician (entertainment)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3421Interior designersDesign consultant (interior design)
Interior decorator
Interior stylist
Kitchen designer
£33,300 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3422Clothing, fashion and accessories designersBridalwear designer
Fashion designer
Footwear designer
Jewellery designer
£40,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3429Design occupations not elsewhere classifiedDesign consultant
Craft designer
Make-up artist (films)
Production designer (film, television production)
Visual merchandiser (design)
£31,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3433Fitness and wellbeing instructorsAerobics instructor
Fitness instructor
Gym instructor
Lifestyle consultant
Personal trainer
Pilates instructor
Yoga teacher
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3511Aircraft pilots and air traffic controllersAirline pilot
Air traffic controller
First officer (airlines)
Flight engineer
Flight planner
Flying instructor
Helicopter pilot
£71,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3512Ship and hovercraft officersChief engineer (shipping)
Marine engineer (shipping)
Merchant navy officer
Petty officer
Tug master
Yacht skipper
£50,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3520Legal associate professionalsBarrister's clerk
Compliance officer (legal services)
Law costs draftsman
Legal assistant
Paralegal assistant
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3531BrokersForeign exchange dealer
Insurance broker
Investment administrator
Trader (stock exchange)
£41,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3532Insurance underwritersAccount handler (insurance)
Commercial underwriter
Insurance inspector
Mortgage underwriter
£35,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3533Financial and accounting techniciansAccounting technician
Business associate (banking)
Financial controller
Fund administrator
Insolvency administrator
Managing clerk (accountancy)
£47,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3534Financial accounts managersAccounts manager
Audit manager
Credit manager
Fund manager Mortgage unit manager
Relationship manager (bank)
£41,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3541Estimators, valuers and assessorsClaims assessor
Claims investigator
Engineering surveyor
Loss adjuster
PPI case handler
£34,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3542Importers and exportersExport coordinator
Import agent
Shipping agent
£31,300 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3543Project support officersPlanning assistant
Project administrator
Project analyst
Project coordinator
Project officer
Service delivery coordinator
£32,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3544Data analystsData analyst
Data officer
Data quality analyst
Information management analyst
Organisation and methods analyst
£33,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3549Business associate professionals not elsewhere classifiedBusiness support officer
Marine consultant
Methods engineer
O andM consultant
Party agent (political party)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3551Buyers and procurement officersBid writer
Procurement officer
Purchasing consultant
Supply planner
£33,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3552Business sales executivesCorporate account executive
Sales agent
Sales consultant
Sales executive
Technical representative
£34,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3553MerchandisersDemand planner
Sales merchandiser
Supply chain analyst
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3554Advertising and marketing associate professionalsBrand ambassador
Business development executive
Marketing consultant
Marketing executive
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3555Estate agents and auctioneersAuctioneer
Auctioneer and valuer
Estate agent
Letting agent
Property consultant
Sales negotiator
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3556Sales accounts and business development managersAccount manager (sales)
Area sales manager
Business development manager
Product development manager
Sales manager
£52,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3557Events managers and organisersConference coordinator
Event organiser Events manager
Exhibition organiser
Hospitality manager
Production manager (corporate hospitality)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3560Public services associate professionalsCivil servant (HEO, SEO)
Higher executive officer (government)
Principle revenue officer (local government)
Senior executive officer (government)
Team leader (local government)
£38,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3571Human resources and industrial relations officersEmployment consultant
Human resources advisor
Human resources analyst
Recruitment consultant
Talent attraction consultant
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3572Careers advisers and vocational guidance specialistsCareers adviser
Careers consultant
Careers teacher
Personal advisor
Placement officer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3573Information technology trainersE-learning manager
IT trainer
IT tutor
Software trainer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3574Other vocational and industrial trainersNVQ assessor
Technical instructor
Training consultant
Training manager
£32,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3581Inspectors of standards and regulationsBuilding inspector
Driving examiner
Housing inspector
Meat hygiene inspector
Trading standards officer
£35,300 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3582Health and safety managers and officersAsbestos surveyor
Health and safety officer
Occupational hygienist
Safety consultant
Safety officer
£40,900 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4111National government administrative occupationsAdministrative assistant (courts of justice)
Administrative officer (government) Civil servant (grades AA, AO and EO)
Clerk (government)
Revenue officer (government)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4112Local government administrative occupationsAdministrative assistant (local government)
Administrative officer (police service)
Benefits assistant (local government)
Clerical officer (local government)
Local government officer
Parish clerk
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4113Officers of non-governmental organisationsAdministrator (charitable organisation)
Clerk to school governors
Organiser (trade union)
Secretary (research association)
Trade union official
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4121Credit controllersCredit control clerk
Credit controller
Debt management associate
Loans administrator
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4122Book-keepers, payroll managers and wages clerksAccounts administrator
Accounts assistant
Accounts clerk
Payroll manager
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4124Finance officersFinance officer
Financial officer (local government)
Regional finance officer (PO)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4129Financial administrative occupations not elsewhere classifiedCashier
Finance administrator
Finance assistant
Legal cashier
Tax assistant
Valuation assistant
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4132Pensions and insurance clerks and assistantsAdministrator (insurance)
Claims handler
Clerical assistant (insurance)
Insurance clerk
Pensions administrator
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4134Transport and distribution clerks and assistantsCargo agent
Export clerk
Freight administrator
Logistics coordinator
Shipping clerk
Transport clerk
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4141Office managersBusiness support manager
Office manager
Practice manager
Sales administration manager
Sales office manager
£35,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4143Customer service managersAfter sales manager
Call centre manager
Customer care manager
Customer service manager
£33,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4151Sales administratorsOnline sales assistant
Marketing administrator
Sales administrator
Sales coordinator
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4159Other administrative occupations not elsewhere classifiedAdministrator
Administrative assistant
Clerical assistant
Facilities coordinator
Office assistant
Proof reader
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4214Company secretaries and administratorsAssistant secretary
Club secretary
Company administrator
Company secretary
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
4215Personal assistants and other secretariesExecutive assistant
Personal assistant
Personal secretary
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5111FarmersAgricultural contractor Agricultural technician (farming)
Crofter (farming)
Herd manager
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5112Horticultural tradesGrower
Market Gardener
Nursery Assistant (agriculture)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5113Gardeners and landscape gardenersGarden designer
Landscape gardener
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5114Groundsmen and greenkeepersGreenkeeper
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5119Agricultural and fishing trades not elsewhere classifiedArboricultural consultant
Bee farmer
Countryside ranger
National park warden
Share fisherman
Trawler skipper
Tree surgeon
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5211Sheet metal workersCoppersmith
Metal fabricator
Panel beater (metal trades)
Sheet metal fabricator
Sheet metal worker
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5212Metal plate workers, smiths, moulders and related occupationsBoiler maker
Core Maker (metal trades)
Die Caster
Chain repairer
Moulder and coremaker
Pipe Maker (foundry)
Steel presser
£31,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5213Welding tradesFabricator-welder
Spot welder
Welding technician
£31,700 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5214Pipe fittersPipe engineer
Pipe fitter
Pipe welder-fitter
£31,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5221Metal machining setters and setter-operatorsCNC machinist
CNC programmer
Centre lathe turner
Miller (metal trades)
Tool setter
£32,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5222Tool makers, tool fitters and markers-outDie maker
Jig maker
Marker-out (engineering)
Tool engineer
Tool fitter
Tool maker
£36,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5223Metal working production and maintenance fittersAgricultural engineer
Bench fitter
Engineering machinist
Installation engineer
Maintenance fitter
Mechanical engineer
£36,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5224Precision instrument makers and repairersCalibration engineer
Instrument maker
Instrument mechanic
Instrument technician
Optical technician
Precision engineer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5225Air-conditioning and refrigeration installers and repairersAir conditioning engineer
Air conditioning fitter
Refrigeration engineer
Refrigeration technician
Service engineer (refrigeration)
£39,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5231Vehicle technicians, mechanics and electriciansAuto electrician
Car mechanic
HGV mechanic
Mechanic (garage)
MOT tester
Motor mechanic
Motor vehicle technician
Technician (vehicles)
Vehicle technician
£32,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5232Vehicle body builders and repairersBodyshop technician
Car body repairer
Coach builder
Panel beater
Restoration technician (vehicles)
Vehicle builder
£31,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5233Vehicle paint techniciansCar paint sprayer
Coach painter
Graphic applicator (vehicles)
Paint technician (vehicles)
Sprayer (vehicle trades)
Vehicle refinisher
Vehicle wrapper
£31,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5234Aircraft maintenance and related tradesAeronautical engineer
Aircraft electrician
Aircraft engineer
Aircraft fitter
Aircraft mechanic
Maintenance engineer (aircraft)
£44,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5235Boat and ship builders and repairersBoat builder
Fitter (boat building)
Frame turner (ship building)
Laminator (boat building and repairing)
Marine engineer
Ship's joiner
£32,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5236Rail and rolling stock builders and repairersCoach repairer (railways)
Mechanical fitter (railway and rolling stock)
Railway engineer
Rolling stock technician
Service engineer (railway, rolling stock maintenance)
£32,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5241Electricians and electrical fittersElectrical contractor
Electrical engineer
Electrical fitter
£35,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5242Telecoms and related network installers and repairersCable jointer
Customer service engineer (telecoms)
Installation engineer (telecoms)
Network officer (telecoms)
Telecom engineer
Telephone engineer
£35,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5243Tv, video and audio servicers and repairersInstallation engineer (radio, television and video)
Satellite engineer
Service engineer (radio, television and video)
Technician (radio, television and video servicing)
Television engineer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5244Computer system and equipment installers and servicersComputer repairer
Computer service engineer
Hardware engineer (computer)
IT engineer
Maintenance engineer (computer servicing)
£31,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5245Security system installers and repairersAlarm engineer
CCTV engineer
Installation engineer (alarms)
Service engineer (alarms)
Security engineer
£35,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5246Electrical service and maintenance mechanics and repairersDomestic appliance engineer
Maintenance man (electricity supplier)
Machine repairer (office machinery)
Repairer (electrical machinery)
Service engineer (domestic electrical appliances)
£36,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5249Electrical and electronic trades not elsewhere classifiedCommunication engineer
Electronics engineer
Field engineer
£40,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5250Skilled metal, electrical and electronic trades supervisorsElectrical supervisor
Maintenance supervisor (manufacturing)
Service manager (garage) Workshop manager
£38,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5311Steel erectorsSteel erector
Steel fabricator
Steel worker (structural engineering)
£34,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5312Stonemasons and related tradesDry stone waller
Monumental mason
Stone mason
£31,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
Block setter
Chimney builder
Floor stone Layer
Kiln repairer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5314Roofers, roof tilers and slatersMastic asphalt spreader
Roof tiler
Roofing contractor
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5315Plumbers and heating and ventilating installers and repairersGas engineer
Heating and ventilating engineer
Heat pump installer
Meter installer (water)
Plumbing and heating engineer
Stove repairer (gas stoves)
Ventilation fitter
£35,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5316Carpenters and joinersCarpenter
Carpenter and joiner
Kitchen fitter
Shop fitter
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5317Glaziers, window fabricators and fittersGlass Cutter
Installer (double glazing)
Service engineer (windows)
Window fabricator
Window fitter
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5319Construction and building trades not elsewhere classifiedBuilder
Building contractor
Fireplace fitter
Maintenance manager (buildings and other structures)
Property developer (building construction)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5321PlasterersDry liner
Fibrous plasterer
Plastering contractor
£32,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5322Floorers and wall tilersCarpet fitter
Ceramic tiler
Flooring contractor
Mosaic floor layer
£32,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5323Painters and decoratorsArtexer
French polisher
Paper hanger
Ship sprayer
Wood stainer
£38,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5330Construction and building trades supervisorsBuilder's foreman
Construction foreman
Construction supervisor
Maintenance supervisor
Site foreman
£38,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5411UpholsterersCurtain fitter
Curtain maker
Soft furnisher
Trimmer (furniture mfr)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5412Footwear and leather working tradesCobbler
Leather worker (leather goods mfr)
Machinist (leather goods mfr)
Shoe machinist
Shoe repairer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5413Tailors and dressmakersCostume maker
Cutter (hosiery, knitwear mfr)
Pattern Cutter
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5419Textiles, garments and related trades not elsewhere classifiedClothing manufacturer
Hand sewer
Sail maker
Upholstery cutter
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5421Pre-press techniciansCompositor
Plate maker
Pre-press manager
Pre-press technician
Type setter
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5422PrintersDigital printer
Lithographic printer
Machine minder (printing)
Print technician
Screen printer
Wallpaper printer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5423Print finishing and binding workersBinder's assistant
Book binder
Finishing supervisor (printing)
Print finisher
Retoucher (film processing)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5431ButchersButcher Butcher's assistant
Butchery manager
Master butcher
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5432Bakers and flour confectionersBaker
Baker's assistant
Bakery manager
Cake decorator
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5433Fishmongers and poultry dressersButcher (fish, poultry)
Filleter (fish)
Fish processor
Poultry processor
Process worker (fish, poultry)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
Food stylist
Head chef
Pastry chef
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5436Catering and bar managersBar manager
Catering manager
Floor manager (restaurant)
Kitchen manager
Steward (club)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5441Glass and ceramics makers, decorators and finishersCeramic artist
Glass blower
Potter (ceramics mfr)
Pottery worker
Sprayer (ceramics mfr)
Stained glass artist
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5442Furniture makers and other craft woodworkersAntiques restorer
Cabinet maker
Coffin maker
Furniture restorer
Joiner (cabinet making)
Picture framer
Sprayer (furniture mfr)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5443FloristsFloral assistant
Floral designer
Flower arranger
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
5449Other skilled trades not elsewhere classifiedDiamond mounter
Paint sprayer
Piano tuner
Sign maker (electric signs)
Wig maker
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6111Early education and childcare assistantsChild care assistant
Crèche assistant
Nursery assistant
Nursery nurse
Playgroup assistant
Pre-school assistant
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6114ChildmindersBaby sitter
Mother's help
Nurse maid
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6116Nannies and au pairsAu pair
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6117PlayworkersAfterschool club coordinator
Play leader
School club leader
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6129Animal care services occupations not elsewhere classifiedAnimal technician
Canine beautician
Dog walker
Kennel assistant
Stable hand
Veterinary nursing assistant
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6134Houseparents and residential wardensFoster carer
House matron
House parent
Residential care officer
Warden (care/residential home)
£31,200 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6135Care workers and home carersCare assistant
Child care worker
Home care assistant
Home carer
Support worker (nursing home)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6136Senior care workersCare coordinator (care/residential home)
Senior care assistant
Senior carer
Senior support worker (local government: welfare services) Team leader (nursing home)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6213Air travel assistantsAir hostess
Cabin crew
Customer service agent (travel)
Flight attendant
Passenger service agent
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6214Rail travel assistantsConductor (railways)
Station assistant (underground railway)
Station supervisor
Ticket inspector (railways)
Train conductor
Train manager
£36,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
Porter (college)
School premises manager
Site manager (educational establishments)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6250Bed and breakfast and guest house owners and proprietorsGuest house owner
Landlady (guest house)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6311Police community support officersCivilian support officer (police service)
Community support officer (police service)
Police community support officer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
7115Vehicle and parts salespersons and advisersCar sales executive
Car salesman
Parts adviser (retail trade)
Parts technician
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
7124Market and street traders and assistantsMarket assistant
Market trader
Owner (market stall)
Stall holder
Street trader
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
7125Visual merchandisers and related occupationsDisplay representative
Fashion stylist
Visual merchandising assistant
Window dresser
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
7129Sales related occupations not elsewhere classifiedDemonstrator
Hire controller
Insurance salesman
Promoter (wholesale, retail trade)
Sales representative (retail trade)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
7131Shopkeepers and owners - retail and wholesaleAntiques dealer
Fashion retailer
Jeweller (retail trade)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
7132Sales supervisors - retail and wholesaleBakery manager (retail trade)
Check-out supervisor
Section manager (retail trade)
Shop supervisor (retail trade)
Supervisor (retail, wholesale trade)
Team leader (retail trade)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
7214Market research interviewersInterviewer (market research)
Market researcher (interviewing)
Mystery shopper
Telephone interviewer
Telephone researcher
Traffic enumerator
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
7220Customer service supervisorsCall centre supervisor
Communications supervisor (air transport)
Customer service supervisor
Team leader (call centre)
£31,800 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
8113Chemical and related process operativesChemical process operator
Gas producer operator
Process technician (chemical mfr)
Process worker (cement mfr)
Process worker (nuclear fuel production)
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
8115Metal making and treating process operativesDegreaser (metal trades)
Furnaceman (metal trades)
Process worker (nickel mfr)
Wire drawer
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
8133Energy plant operativesBoilerman
Control room operator (electric)
Hydraulic engineman
Plant operator (electricity supplier)
Power station operator
£35,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
8134Water and sewerage plant operativesController (water treatment)
Plant operator (sewage works)
Pump attendant
Water treatment engineer
Water treatment operator
£32,400 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
8143Routine inspectors and testersQuality assurance inspector
Quality auditor Quality controller
Quality inspector
Test engineer
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
8215Driving instructorsCycling instructor
Driving instructor
HGV instructor
Instructor (driving school)
Motorcycle instructor
£32,100 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
8232Marine and waterways transport operativesDeck hand (shipping)
Engine room attendant (shipping)
Engineer (boat, barge)
Merchant seaman
Seaman (shipping)
£33,600 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
9119Fishing and other elementary agriculture occupations not elsewhere classifiedVent chick sexer
Deckhand on large fishing vessel (9 metres and above)
For both job titles, the job must require 3 or more years' full-time experience. This experience must not have been gained through illegal working. Other jobs in this occupation are not eligible
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
9249Elementary sales occupations not elsewhere classifiedCode controller (wholesale, retail trade)
Home shopper
Internet shopper (retail trade)
Order picker (retail trade)
Porter (retail trade)
Trolley assistant
£30,960 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
9252Warehouse operativesOrder picker
Team member (warehousing)
Warehouse operative
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)

Occupation code Job type Related job titles Salary Threshold
2211Generalist medical practitioners
General practitioner
House officer (hospital service)
Medical practitioner
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2212Specialist medical practitionersAnaesthetist
Consultant (hospital service)
Homeopath (medically qualified)
Medical acupuncturist
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
Physiotherapy practitioner
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2222Occupational therapistsCommunity occupational therapist
Occupational therapist
Paediatric occupational therapist
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2223Speech and language therapistsCommunication therapist
Language therapist
Speech and language therapist
Speech therapist
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2224Psychotherapists and cognitive behaviour therapistsCognitive behavioural therapist
Psychological counsellor
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2225Clinical psychologistsClinical psychologist
Consultant clinical psychologist
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2226Other psychologistsEducational psychologist
Forensic psychologist
Occupational psychologist
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2229Therapy professionals not elsewhere classifiedAcupuncturist
Art therapist
Dance movement therapist
Family therapist
Genetic counsellor
Sports massage therapist
Sports therapist
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2231Midwifery nursesDelivery suite manager
Midwifery manager
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2232Registered community nursesCommunity care nurse
District nurse
Health visitor
Practice nurse
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2233Registered specialist nursesAdvanced primary care nurse
Intensive care nurse
Clinical nurse specialist
Theatre manager (hospital service)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2234Registered nurse practitionersHealth care practitioner
Mental health practitioner
Practitioner (nursing)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2235Registered mental health nursesCommunity mental health nurse
Psychiatric nurse
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2236Registered children's nursesCommunity children's nurse
Neonatal nurse
Paediatric nurse
School nurse
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2237Other registered nursing professionalsClinical lead nurse
Matron (care/residential home)
Nurse educator
Occupational health nurse
Staff nurse
Team leader (nursing)
Ward manager
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2251PharmacistsChemist (pharmaceutical)
Dispensary manager
Pharmaceutical chemist
Pharmacy manager
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2252OptometristsDoctor of optometry
Ophthalmic optician
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2253Dental practitionersDental surgeon
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2254Medical radiographersMedical photographer
Nuclear medicine practitioner
Therapeutic radiographer
Vascular technologist
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2255ParamedicsAmbulance paramedic
Emergency care practitioner
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
Foot health practitioner (qualified)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2259Other health professionals not elsewhere classifiedAudiologist
Clinical physiologist
Family planner
Occupational health adviser
Operating theatre practitioner
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2312Further education teaching professionalsFE College lecturer
Lecturer (further education)
Teacher (further education)
Tutor (further education)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2313Secondary education teaching professionalsCurriculum leader (secondary school)
Deputy head teacher (secondary school)
Head of year (secondary school)
Secondary school teacher
Sixth form teacher
Teacher (secondary school)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2314Primary education teaching professionalsDeputy head teacher (primary school)
Infant teacher
Junior school teacher
Primary school teacher
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2315Nursery education teaching professionalsKindergarten teacher (professional)
Nursery school teacher
Pre-school teacher
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2316Special and additional needs education teaching professionalsBehaviour support teacher
Deputy head teacher (special/additional needs school)
Learning support teacher
Special educational needs coordinator
Special needs teacher
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2321Head teachers and principalsHead master (secondary school)
Head teacher (primary school)
Principal (further education)
Rector (university)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
2461Social workersIndependent review officer (social worker)
Mental health social worker
Senior practitioner (local government: social services)
Social worker
Team leader (local government: social services)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3213Medical and dental techniciansCardiographer
Dental hygienist
Dental technician
Medical technical officer
Orthopaedic technician
Radiography assistant practitioner
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3219Health associate professionals not elsewhere classifiedAntenatal teacher
Diet adviser
Health trainer
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
3231Higher level teaching assistantsAdvanced teaching assistant
Learning support practitioner
Teaching assistant (qualified)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6112Teaching assistantsClassroom assistant
School assistant
Teaching assistant
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6113Educational support assistantsEducation support assistant
Learning support assistant
Non-teaching assistant (schools)
Special needs assistant
Support assistant (educational establishments)
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6131Nursing auxiliaries and assistantsAuxiliary nurse
Health care assistant (hospital service)
Health care support worker
Nursing assistant
Nursing auxiliary
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6132Ambulance staff (excluding paramedics)Ambulance care assistant
Ambulance driver
Ambulance service preparation operative
Ambulance technician
Emergency medical technician
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)
6133Dental ​nursesDental assistant
Dental nurse
Dental nurse-receptionist
Dental surgery assistant
£30,000 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)

Appendix 2: Long-term exceptions

Exceptions to the long-term employment criteria where a minimum salary threshold of £30,000 is not met or a lower RQF level has been applied to the role.

The Minister for Home affairs will consider applications from any sector where they are unable to recruit from within the Common Travel Area and cannot meet the criteria for long-term work permit employment. A business case will be required and should be submitted in the first instance to The Head of Service, Jersey Customs and Immigration Service.

Employers must demonstrate that an employee will be paid the minimum salary threshold or the going rate for the role whichever is higher. For example:

  • minimum salary thresholds are based on an employee being given an hourly rate for working 40 hours over 52 weeks per year (for example, £13.22 x 40 x 52 = £27,498)
  • employees contracted for full time employment on less than 40 hours per week must be paid a higher hourly rate to achieve the minimum salary threshold (for example, £14.30 x 37 x 52 = £27,513)
  • employees contracted for full time employment on more than 40 hours per week must be paid the hourly rate which equates the minimum salary threshold (for example, £13.22 x 45 x 52 = £30,935)
​Related job titles
​Salary thershold

Health Care Assistants 

(where it can be demonstrated that the migrant worker has the relevant qualifications and 2+ years relevant experience for the role)

£27,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)

Care workers and home carers

(private households or individuals cannot apply) 

(where it can be demonstrated that the migrant worker has the relevant qualifications and 2+ years relevant experience for the role

£27,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)

Foreign language teacher employed by a charity that supports Jersey's cultural links to another country 

(employee must hold a master's degree or equivalent)

£27,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)

Ayurvedic Practitioners and Therapists

(extensions to existing work permit holders only)

£27,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)

Trainee Accountant

(with contracts leading to a professional qualification)

£27,500 (or the going rate, whichever is higher)

Appendix 3: Language requirements​

English la​nguage

On 1 March 2012 an English language requirement was introduced as part of the qualifying criteria for the issue of a work permit. 

The following categories of people are exempt from the English language requirement: 

  • temporary agriculture / aquaculture / fishing / horticulture / hospitality and construction employees
  • short-term work permit holders of 12 months or less (if the permit is extended past 12 months, the person must meet the language requirement
  • work permits issued for Intra-company transfer

Meeting the language requirement

To meet the English language requirement, you must show that your employee meets 1 of the following. They must: 

  • have passed an English language test as described below
  • be a national of 1 of the countries listed below
  • have a degree from 1 of the countries listed below
  • have a recognised academic qualification as detailed below

English language test

If your employee has passed an English language test, they must provide the certificates. The test must: 

  • be on the list of approved English language tests (approved by the Home Office) to level B1 (or for sports  persons and coaches to level A1),  of the Common European Framework of Reference) (CEFR)
  • incorporates reading, writing, listening, and speaking to a minimum level B1 

IELTS for UKVI Academic and General Training tests cover the 4 components (reading, writing, listening, and speaking) required for long-term work permit applications. The employee will require a minimum score of 4.0 overall and in each of the 4 components. 

For a list of approved Secure English Language Test (SELT) providers, see the UK Visas and Immigration website Prove your English language abilities with a secure English language test (SELT) GOV.UK. 

For English language test in Jersey, use either of the 2 test providers webpages to book or register your interest PTE Academic UKVI or IELTS UKVI Registration on the British Council website.

Nationals of certain countries

Your employee will meet the English langage requirement if they are a national of:

  • Antigua and Barbuda 
  • Australia
  • the Bahamas
  • Barbados
  • Belize
  • Canada
  • Dominica
  • Grenada
  • Guyana
  • Jamaica
  • Malta
  • New Zealand
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • St Lucia
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines
  • Trinidad and Tobago
  • USA

Degrees from majority English speaking countries

If your employee has a degree from 1 of the following countries, (Canada is not on this list) they will meet the English language requirement by providing: 

their degree certificate and

an Academic Qualification Level Statement (AQUALS) from ECCTIS (UK ENIC) confirming the qualification is equivalent to a bachelor's or master's degree or PhD in the UK. 

  • Antigua and Barbuda
  • Australia 
  • the Bahamas 
  • Barbados
  • Belize 
  • Dominica 
  • Grenada 
  • Guyana 
  • Ireland 
  • Jamaica 
  • Malta
  • New Zealand
  • St Kitts and Nevis
  • St Lucia 
  • St Vincent and the Grenadines 
  • Trinidad and Tobago 
  • USA

​Other academic qualifications

If your employee has a degree that was taught or researched in English in a non-majority English speaking country, they will meet the English language requirement by providing the following: 

  • their degree certificate
  • an Academic Qualification Level Statement (AQUALS) from ECCTIS (UK ENIC) confirming the qualification is equivalent to a bachelor's or master's degree or PhD in the UK and
  • an English Language Proficiency Statement (ELPS) from ECCTIS (UK ENIC), which will confirm that the degree was taught in English

When applying for ECCTIS (UK ENIC) statements follow the "red route" to "visas and nationality". ECCTIS (UK ENIC) website.

GCSE or A Level English

An employee will also meet the English language requirement if they have a GCSE, A level, Scottish National Qualification at level 4 or 5 or, Scottish Higher or Advanced Higher, in English (language or literature), that was awarded: 

  • by an Ofqual (or SQA, Qualifications Wales or CCEA) regulated awarding body; and
  • following education in either a UK, Channel Islands or Isle of Man school undertaken while they were aged 18 and under

If you're a doctor, dentist, nurse, midwife or vet 

An employee may not need to prove their knowledge of English if they have already passed an English Language assessment that is accepted by the relevant regulated professional body the General Medical Council (GMC) for example. 

Vets may need to prove that they passed an English Language assessment with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. 

Appendix 4: Supplementary part-tim​e employment

If you hold a work permit, you may take supplementary part-time employment in addition to your main job provided that: 

  • you continue to be employed by your primary employer (the employer your work permit has been issued for); and
  • your supplementary part-time employment should not exceed 20 hours per week outside of you normal contracted working hours for your primary employer; and
  • your supplementary part-time employment must be with an employer, and you are not permitted to be self-employed; and
  • you should advise your primary employer of you intention to take supplementary part-time employment and in some cases, you may be contractually required to obtain the permission of your primary employer to take supplementary part-time employment; and
  • you should advise your supplementary employer that your employment is supplementary to your work permit employment; and
  • for those who hold a temporary work permit issued (excludes Student and non-resident business work permit routes), your supplementary part-time employment must be in the same temporary route that your permit has been issued for; or
  • for those who hold a long-term work permit, your supplementary part-time employment can be in any employment that a work permit (temporary or long-term) would be issued for; and
  • your supplementary part-time employment should not impact on your ability to fulfil your commitment to your primary employer; and
  • your supplementary part-time employment must be for a role that a work permit would normally be granted; and 
  • you and your supplementary employer must ensure compliance with Control of Housing and Work legislation, Employment Law, Social Security and Income Tax; and
  • your supplementary employer must pay the going rate for the role 

Work permit holders do not need to notify Jersey Customs and Immigration of any supplementary part-time employment that they undertake however if they are found to be working not incompliance with this policy then they will be in breach of their immigration permissions and may have their permissions cancelled.

The exemption: cleaners

The Minister has made an exemption to the above rule for those employees who hold temporary hospitality work permits as cleaners or housekeepers with the necessary skills and experience to take on additional work outside of hospitality for employers who hold contracts to clean hospitals, care homes and schools. The part time employment must be for the cleaning of hospitals, care homes or schools where a high level of hygiene is required. Those identified working in other settings, or who have not been issued with work permits as cleaners or housekeepers, will jeopardise their ability to remain in Jersey and their work permit and visa maybe cancelled. This exemption does not extend to domestic cleaning or other types of commercial cleaning. 

Further advice on employment matters may be obtained from the Jersey Advisory and Conciliation Service​, 3rd Floor, 1 Seale Street, St Helier. JE23QG, telephone +44 (0) 1534 730503.

Appendix 5: Business Case Guidance

​​​Guidance on submitting a business case

Employers may submit robust business cases to the Minister for Home Affairs (addressed to the Head of Service ​Jersey Customs and Immigration Service) if they wish any of the following to be considered by the Minister: 

  • a particular vocation, to be included into Annex 3 of the WPP with a reduced annual salary. 
  • the introduction of a new temporary worker sector to allow those who do not meet the long-term employment criteria to undertake temporary work in the island. 
  • The expansion of existing temporary worker sectors to include more diverse vocations. 

Any business case should include the following in order to allow the Minister to fully consider the circumstances: 

  • relevant data to show the current lack of resources within the sector/vocation
  • evidence to demonstrate that recruitment within the permit-free CTA has been exhausted. 
  • evidence that alternative business models have been tested or reasons why an alternative business model is not deemed appropriate, specifically covering local recruitment. 
  • support from sector stakeholders/representatives/employers. 
  • data to demonstrate the need for the sector/vocation in the Island. 
  • data from comparable sectors/vocations in the UK to support the business case. 
  • predictions as to the potential outcome should a new immigration route not be introduced. 
  • proposal to include specifically what is being requested in relation to the above 3 bullet points. 
  • any other relevant data or information that may assist the Minister in his considerations. 
  • current salary being offered and whether any consideration has been given to adjusting this. 
  • where statistics are relied upon then provide the source of the data with links so that they can be verified 

Business cases will be required in writing and should be submitted in the first instance to The Head of Service, Jersey Customs and Immigration Service.​

Appendix 6: Work permit and visa fees​

For more information on immigration fees refer to the Immigration and nationality fees webpage.

Work permit fees (accurate as of December 2024) are paid for by the employer who should not recoup these costs from the employee.

​Duration of employee​'s work in Jersey

Less than 1 month


1 month and up to 6 months


More than 6 months and up to 9 months


More than 9 months and up to 12 months


More than 1 year and up to 2 years


More than 2 years and up to 3 years


More than 3 years and up to 5 years
(applies to medical doctors only)


Immigration fees (accurate as of December 2024) are set by the UK Home Office. Leave to enter and leave to remain applications are submitted and paid for by the employee unless there is agreement with the employer that they will cover these costs.

​Application type
​Leave to enter: temporary work permit holder (application via GOV.UK)
Leave to remain: temporary work permit holder (application in Jersey)
Leave to enter: work permit holder (application via GOV.UK)
Leave to enter: dependant (application via GOV.UK)
Leave to remain: work permit holder (application in Jersey)
Leave to remain: dependant (application in Jersey
Indefinite Leave to Remain: work permit holder (application in Jersey)
Indefinite Leave to Remain: dependant (application in Jersey)
British Citzenship: adult naturalisation application
British Citizenship: child registration application

The below table demonstrates the potential costs (as of December 2024) for long-term work pe​rmit employees and their dependants for their initial leave to enter application made from abroad via GOV.UK, and subsequent leave to remain, indefinite leave to remain and citizenship applications submitted directly to Jersey Customs and Immigration.

​​​​​​Long-term work permit: Leave to enter (application to enter Jersey)​​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​
​Work permit holder
​Adult dependant​​
​​Child dependant​​£827
​​​Child dependant​£827
​​​​Child dependant​​​ ​ ​​£827
​​​​​Child dependant​

​​​​​​Long-term work permit: Leave to remain (each time a work permit is extended)​​
​Work permit holder
​Adult dependant​​£827
​​Child dependant​​£827
​​​Child dependant ​ ​​£827
​​​​Child dependant​ ​ ​​£827
​​​​​Child dependant​​£827

​​​​​​Long-term work permit: Indefinite leave to remain (5 years continuous residency)
​Work permit holder
​Adult dependant​​£2,885
​​Child dependant
​​​Child dependant ​
​​​​Child dependant​ ​ ​​£2,885
​​​​​Child dependant

​​​​​​Long-term work permit: Citizenship (12 months after ILR has been granted)
​Work permit holder
​Adult dependant​​£1,500
​​Child dependant
​​​Child dependant​ ​ ​​£1,214
​​​​Child dependant ​ ​​£1,214
​​​​​Child dependant

​​​​​​Long-term work permit: Total costs over a 6 year period
​Work permit holder


​Adult dependant​
​​Child dependant
​​​Child dependant​ ​
​​​​Child dependant ​ ​ ​
​​​​​​Child dependant​

Appendix 7: Useful Links and Information

Useful Government of Jersey webpages 

Independent organisations offering help and advice

​Address and contact details
​Website / email
Jersey Advisory and Conciliation Service

​3rd Floor, 1 Seale Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3QG

+44 (0) 1534 730503

Jersey Advisory and Conciliation Service

Citizens Advice Jersey
​St Paul's Centre, New Street, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3PW

+44 (0) 1534 724942

Citizens Advice Jersey

​Friends of Africa

Contact Friends of Africa Jersey

Friends of Africa Jersey

​Kenyan Jersey Community​

Honorary Consulate of Portugal

​Burlington House, St Saviour's Road, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4LA
+44 (0) 1534 877188​

​Honorary Consulate of Poland

​Don Street, St Helier, Jersey
+44 (0) 1534 529204

​Honorary Consulate of Romania

​19 Val Plaisant, St Helier, Jersey JE2 4TE
+44 (0) 7829 769542​

​Trade Union representative

​Unite the Union, 7D Spectrum, Gloucester Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3DA
+44 (0) 1534 872584 ​

​Jersey Employment Tribunal​

​1st Floor, International House, 41 The Parade, St Helier, Jersey JE2 3QQ

+44 (0) 1534 441380
The Tribunal Service

​Jersey Care Commission

​1st Floor Capital House, 8 Church Street, St H​elier JE2 3NN

+44 (0) 1534 445801​

Contact us Jersey Care Commission

Jersey Care Commission

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