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Freedom To Speak Up Guardian

​What speaking up is 

It's speaking up about anything that: gets in the way of Health and Care Jersey (HCJ) staff doing their job, affects patient care, or employee wellbeing. HCJ staff can Speak Up about anything that may be worrying them or if they have ideas for improvements. 

Any member of HCJ staff can Speak Up, and it's completely confidential. 

The Freedom to Speak Up Guardian's commitment staff

It isn't easy to Speak Up and the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian recognises this. They want to create a place where HCJ staff can discuss their concerns.

The Freedom to Speak Up Guardian promises to honour the courage it takes to Speak up and to support HCJ staff in a completely independent, impartial, and confidential capacity.  

If a member of HCJ staff is unsure about a particular concern, they can take it to the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian and look at it together. Then if that staff member decides they would like their concern to be investigated, the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian can take this forward and keep staff member informed of the progress. 

There's so much to; learn about, develop, and improve across HCJ, and Speaking Up ensures quality patient care and improved colleague experiences. 

How to contact The Freedom To Speak Up Guardian

Freedom To Speak Up Guardian
Ashling McNevin
+44 (0) 7797 952811

Do not use this phone number at the weekends, on bank holidays or to report emergencies.

Only the Freedom To Speak Up Guardian has access to the email inbox and all queries will be treated in strict confidence.

As a member of the public, you can raise a query or give feedback at

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