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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

People Policies Glossary



Advisory, Conciliation, and Arbitration Service, UK


Ensuring compliant application of relevant policy, code and procedure within a department and as part of a specific role.

Agency basis

The contract of employment is with the employment agency, and the temporary assignment is with the Government of Jersey.  Whilst on an assignment, the Government of Jersey is responsible for directing the work.


A structured process that enables an employee to request that a decision of a formal process is reviewed and reconsidered. 

Appeal Panel

Appeals are heard by a panel of experienced, and usually senior employees whom the employer considers competent and independent to determine the case. The employer may decide how many panellists will sit on any case and the chair of the panel will be senior to the chair of the panel which heard the original hearing. It usually consists of a HR representative to ensure adherence to policy and employment legislation.



Breaking the terms of a contract of employment or not meeting the terms under a policy or procedure.


An offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour, an abuse or misuse of power through means that undermine, humiliate, denigrate, or injure the recipient.



An employee’s ability, skill, aptitude or knowledge to do their job. 

Capability support plan

A plan clearly outlining the methods, timescales and objectives of support required throughout an informal process.

Case Manager

A member of the People Consultancy Services team within HR Case Management who is appointed to take overall responsibility for managing a formal case. 


CIPD Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development.


The person raising a complaint, claim or allegation.

Code of Practice

Issued by the States Employment Board and applies to all employees of the Government of Jersey who are employed under the provisions of the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Jersey) Law 2005 and its secondary regulations.

Collective disputes

A collective dispute is defined as set out in the Employment Relations (Jersey) Law 2007. This means a collective dispute formally notified by 1 or more recognised Unions to the Employer, on behalf of one or more of their members regarding pay, terms and conditions of service and matters arising from their employment.

Commissioning Manager

Appointed as a manager responsible for a formal investigation. 

Workplace colleague

A colleague from within Government of Jersey to support an employee or witness during a formal process or an investigation meeting.

Companion support

A carer, support worker or advocate, who has knowledge of an employee’s specific health condition and its effect.  


The expected standard and behaviour an employee should demonstrate in the workplace.

Continuous service

Continuous service refers to a period during which an employee is continually employed by an employer. This means there are no breaks within an employee’s service of more than one week.

Continuous service will be broken after a one week gap between contracts.
In circumstances where there are two fixed term contracts with a break of no more than 26 weeks between contracts, service shall not be broken for the purpose of continuous service, however the period in question shall not be counted towards the overall continuous service period.

For the purpose of computing continuous service for redundancy purposes, where there has been a break between two fixed term contracts of no more than 9 weeks, service shall not be broken for the purpose of continuous service, however the period in question shall not count towards overall continuous service period.

Contract for service

A contract where an independent contractor, such as a self-employed person or vendor, is engaged for a fee to carry out an assignment or project.

Criminal proceedings

Any action being taken against an individual by the Police or Honorary Police.



Refers to a protected characteristic as defined in the Discrimination (Jersey) Law 2013. 

Disciplinary sanction

A sanction imposed on an employee due to unsatisfactory performance or a misconduct issue.

Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS)

The Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) helps employers make safer recruitment decisions and prevent unsuitable individuals from working with vulnerable people.

Discrimination (Jersey) Law 2013

Protects individuals in Jersey against discrimination on the grounds of race, age, sex, sexual orientation, gender re-assignment, pregnancy and maternity. 


Employee representative

Allocated to accompany or formally represent an employee through a formal procedure

Executive Leadership Team

​Responsible for the leadership across Government and Non-Ministerial departments


Fixed Term

A contract for a specific period of time.

Formal approach

A formal process as defined under relevant policy.

Flexible working

Flexible working describes any working arrangements that differ from standard practice, including where, when, or how much you work, it can be an informal or formal arrangement.



Workplace concerns, problems or complaints, normally about unfair, or perception of unfair treatment in the workplace such as terms and conditions of employment, physical working environment, new working practices or general treatment at work.

Gross Misconduct

Misconduct that is so serious that the bond of trust and confidence between employer and employee is completely broken or fundamentally breaches the contract of employment.



Unwanted conduct related to the relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual.


Health Professional Council


A formal process to determine whether an outcome should be applied and what outcome level is appropriate as defined within a policy and procedure. 

Honorary contracts

A contract where someone is carrying out work on a Government of Jersey site, paid through a third party or self-funded purpose.



A trial period of employment for the employee and employer to assess if the successful candidate from interview is right for the role, this is subject to satisfactorily completing this period, which may vary in length, but typically 6 months.

Induction support plan

Sometimes difficulties may require a more formal program of additional support to be completed within the timeframe of the induction period.

Informal Approach

Taking steps to resolve any workplace concerns, without using a formal procedure. 


An investigation is an exercise to collect all the relevant information on a formal matter which has been raised.


A colleague, or someone external to the Government of Jersey, who is suitably trained and experienced to carry out an independent investigation.



Jersey Advisory and Conciliation Service


Line Manager

The person who is responsible for direct managerial responsibility for an employee or group of employees.

Live warning

The period for which warnings will remain active.


Someone who stands in temporarily for someone else of the same profession, for example, a doctor.



Required by a law or a rule.


The current performance system within Government of Jersey. 


A way to mend relationships when there is a disagreement at work. Mediation is held by a neutral person, a mediator, who is impartial and is there to help everyone involved find a solution they can all agree to.


Mental Health First Aiders, colleagues who are trained to listen to employees who would like to have a confidential discussion and be signposted to getting the most appropriate help. 


Maintaining High Professional Standards: provides advice to doctors going through the Maintaining High Professional Standards (MHPS) in a disciplinary and investigatory processes. 


Conduct that is in breach of the Government of Jersey values and behaviours, rules and expectations or policies, professional standards, regulations or legislation.

Mistake of fact

A mistaken understanding. For example, a relevant witness was not interviewed, or some evidence was omitted.


Internal website for Government of Jersey employees



Non-Executive Director


Nursing and Midwifery Council


Occupational Pension Scheme

An occupational pension scheme is one that is provided by an employer. Examples for the States of Jersey include the Public Employees Pension Scheme (PEPS) and Jersey Teachers Superannuation Fund (JTSF).


Panel Chair

The manager who leads proceedings during a hearing procedure. Responsibilities include facilitating the panels deliberations and deciding on the appropriate outcome of the hearing and notifying the relevant parties.

Panel Member

To support the panel chair, usually a representative from People and Corporate Services. Responsibilities including advising the Chair on policy, procedural and employment matters.

People Consultancy Services Team

This team provides advice and guidance to managers, employees and union colleagues about policy, procedure, and process for employment issues. 

People Bot

A virtual assistant to answer policy questions.

Business Partner People Services

Work in partnership with leaders, key stakeholders and People Services colleagues to shape, develop and deliver people plans and solutions in line with the needs and priorities of the departments and to achieve the overarching Government Plan and People Strategy. Working alongside the Director Generals as part of their departmental leadership team this role will provide valued people insight, strategic support and challenge to the department and drive the departmental workforce plan. 

People Hub

Provide advice and support for general queries and provide support in ensuring HR records relating to case management are kept up to date.

Politically Eligible Employee

Employees free to engage in political activity, including standing for election to the States or as a Parish Constable, publicly supporting someone who is standing for election or playing a public part in any political matter.

Politically Ineligible Employee

Employees who are not free to engage in political activity.

Presenting Manager

Responsible for presenting the case for the Government of Jersey to the panel at a hearing. This is usually referred to as the Commissioning Manager for an investigation. There is no ‘Presenting Manager’ at an appeal.



Quality Assurance


Resolution period

This period of time can allow for an opportunity to informally resolve any workplace conflict, bullying and harassment allegation or grievance.

Reasonable adjustments

A way of preventing discrimination against disabled colleagues by making changes to ensure they are not disadvantaged.



Protecting children and at-risk adult’s health, wellbeing and human rights, and preventing them from harm, abuse or neglect


A penalty imposed on an employee because of unsatisfactory performance or misconduct. 

Serious insubordination

Refusing to follow lawful and reasonable orders from a line manager.

Specialist Advisor to panel

A senior manager of an appropriate profession who attends hearings in cases of professional standards or fitness to practice where professional, technical or otherwise sufficiently complex issues are involved. They are independent and do not form part of the panel or the decision-making process.


Legal requirement or obligation.

Summary dismissal

Where the employee is dismissed instantly, without notice or pay in lieu of notice (PILON). This is normally due to gross misconduct.

Suspending Manager

Will usually be a senior manager with delegated authority. Responsibilities include weighing up the risks of suspension and considering the other options to suspension, seeks necessary authorisation and carries out the suspension meeting.


Terms of reference

Precise purpose and scope of an investigation.


Unacceptable Behaviour

Any behaviour which has an adverse impact on other individuals, reputation of an organisation or delivery of service.

Union Representative

Union Representatives are elected representatives whose role includes representing members both individually and collectively. Find the legal definition of a Union Representation in the Employment Relations (Jersey) Law 2007 on Jersey Law


Voluntary staff

Someone who provides their services voluntarily. Not classed as an employee.


People who are termed as vulnerable might have difficulty caring for themselves. For example, have a learning disability, have a mental health condition, substance misuse problems, have a long-term illness or chronic condition, have a physical disability. 



An employee raises a concern about an activity or inactivity within the organisation that has a public interest aspect to it. The ‘public interest’ relates to the welfare or wellbeing of the general public and not to an individual or group.


Someone providing evidence that may contribute towards an outcome of a case. They may be involved in any investigation meetings or be asked to attend any hearing procedures.

Working Day

Based on a Monday to Friday 9am until 5pm, excluding Bank or Public holidays.

Working week

The time when most people are working during a week. Refer to individual terms and conditions for maximum hours per working week.

Workplace colleague

Someone you work with in the same area or department and this may not be a friend or relative. Lawyers are not permitted, except in exceptional circumstances relating to fitness to practice, which must be agreed with HR Case Management.


Zero hour

Zero hour contracts are arrangements where people agree to be available for work ‘as and when’ required but no particular number of hours or regular times of work are specified. These contracts are appropriate for businesses where regular work is not available, such as additional waiting staff to assist with a function, or a supply teacher to cover sickness.

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