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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

States of Jersey Codes of Practice

​Section amended
​Description of   
​Reason for change
​Date approved or
Codes of practice revised from 13 â€‹codes to 6 codes
​Revised 6 codes: Standards in Public Service, Employee Rights at Work, Performance and Accountability, Reward and Benefits, Engagement, Talent Development and modernise the codes of practice, update in line with the people strategy and values
​States Employment Board (SEB) meeting September 2022
​Codes of practice incorporated into 1 main document
​To ensure accessibility, modernise in line with commitments under the people strategy and values and confirm the SEB requirements, operational statement and objectives of the Codes of Practice​SEB meeting September 2022
​Not applicable
​Addition of changes table:  
issue date, effective date, review date and version
​To ensure governance of changes to codes of practice and confirm effective and issue date of new document, version number and future review date
​22 March 2023
​Updated to V1.2
​To reflect document version
​17 April 2023

​Performance and accountability
​Addition​ of statutory training
​​Required by employer
​12 January 2024

​Reference to Sexual Harassment incorporated
​Law change in the UK
​November 2024

​Section amended
​Description of   
​Reason for change
​Date approved or
Codes of practice revised from 13 â€‹codes to 6 codes
​Revised 6 codes: Standards in Public Service, Employee Rights at Work, Performance and Accountability, Reward and Benefits, Engagement, Talent Development and modernise the codes of practice, update in line with the people strategy and values
​States Employment Board (SEB) meeting September 2022
​Codes of practice incorporated into 1 main document
​To ensure accessibility, modernise in line with commitments under the people strategy and values and confirm the SEB requirements, operational statement and objectives of the Codes of Practice​SEB meeting September 2022
​Not applicable
​Addition of changes table:  
issue date, effective date, review date and version
​To ensure governance of changes to codes of practice and confirm effective and issue date of new document, version number and future review date
​22 March 2023
​Updated to V1.2
​To reflect document version
​17 April 2023

​Performance and accountability
​Addition​ of statutory training
​​Required by employer
​12 January 2024

​Reference to Sexual Harassment incorporated
​Law change in the UK
​November 2024

​ ​​Introduction

The States Employment Board are issuing Codes of Practice to all employees of the Board, being in public service of the States of Jersey.

Public servants are those engaged on behalf of the States Employment Board including employees, agency and interim workers, directly contracted consultants (individuals) and office holders engaged directly on behalf of the States Employment Board as defined by the Employment of States of Jersey Employees (Law) 2005.

​Issue date
​20 January 2023
​Effective date
​13 December â€‹2024
​Review date
​1 September 2026

These codes of practice supersede all previous codes, circulars and procedures connected with codes of practice within the Public Service.

The role of the States Employment Board

The role of the States Employment Board is to:

  • employ persons on behalf of the public service and administrations of the public service
  • ensure that the public service conducts itself with economy, efficiency, probity and effectiveness
  • ensure the health, safety and well-being of public servants, and
  • determine any other matter that may reasonably be considered necessary for the proper administration and management of public servants 

The States Employment Board requirements 

The States Employment Board is required to:

  • give directions regarding consultation or negotiation with States' employees, or with representatives of States' employees, concerning the terms and conditions of employment of States' employees.
  • issue codes of practice concerning:
    1. the training and development needs of States' employees
    2. the procedures for recruitment of States' employees
    3. the procedures for appraisal of the performance of States' employees
    4. the procedures for disciplining, suspending and terminating the employment of States' employees

The objectives of these Codes of practice

The objectives of these Codes of practice are to:

  • enshrine a consistent and clear expectation of all public servants as to the standards expected of them
  • provide a strategic document for standards to be applicable throughout the policy frameworks of all organisations for whom public servants work
  • define a minimum standard for all public servants
  • place duties on each public servant

The States Employment Board will administer these codes through a Scheme of Delegation.

Operational Statement

Each of these codes will require:

  • policies and procedures to be mapped against them
  • clear advice and guidance on how to apply the policies and procedures
  • training and development aligned to these codes to be made available to line managers
  • measurement to assure the States Employment Board of the effectiveness of these codes

Responsibility for the deployment of the codes will be set through the States Employment Board Scheme of Delegation.

A dashboard will be made available to the States Employment Board, with quarterly in-depth report about the compliance with deployment and compliance with these codes.

Nothing within these codes will supersede requirements of a relevant legislation or the Public Finances Manual.

The States Employment Board will have access to management information and a delivery plan each year and report on progress against these codes in their annual report.

Our People Strategy

In November 2021, the States Employment Board agreed a strategy to set the direction for the public service. This continues to be the focus of the Board.

Our People Strategy outlines our shared ambition: 

to be a forward-thinking organisation, which offers high-quality public services, values our people and grows our talent for the future.

Our People Strategy


It is the policy of the States Employment Board that we will become a values-led organisation.  As such, throughout the work of the public service, we require the values to be embedded.  A toolkit embedding our values will be produced.


The six codes of practice

The six codes of practice are:

  • Standards in Public Service
  • Employee rights at work
  • Performance and accountability
  • Reward and benefits
  • Engagement
  • Talent development

Standards in Public Service

The States Employment Board require all public servants to adhere to the Standards in Public Service.

The strength of the public service lies in the extent to which it earns and holds the respect of the States Assembly and Islanders. That respect comes from the confidence which our community has in the standards by which public servants hold ourselves to.

Islanders are entitled to the high expectations they have of us as public servants. They expect that we are accountable for our own conduct as defined by these standards. The standards set out within this Code set the expectation of how each of us conduct ourselves as public servants.

These standards help you to: 

  • make informed decisions
  • promote standards and ethical behaviour in public service
  • be clear about the absolute standards to which you are held


Public servants should act within the law, regulations and policies to ensure decision-making, and actions are taken in the public interest. They must not act for the personal gain for themselves, families or friends either financially or through other benefits.


Public servants should put the interest of the Island and Islanders first and foremost.


Public servants should not place themselves under any obligation to outside individuals or organisations that might seek to influence them in the performance of their official duties, direct how they conduct themselves or provide a higher order of loyalty.


Public servants must provide sound, objective advice based on evidence and research.  This must be done without political objective or motive.


Public servants should be as open as possible about all the decisions and actions that they take. They should give reasons for their decisions and restrict information only when the wider public interest clearly demands. They have a duty to declare any private interests relating to their public duties and to take steps to resolve any conflicts arising in a way that protects the public interest.


Public servants are accountable for their decisions and actions to the public and must submit themselves to appropriate oversight through management, audit and Scrutiny as appropriate. They must be clear about their personal accountabilities and responsibilities in discharging their duties.


Public servants must promote respect within their organisation, including standards of conduct within the workplace, promotion of equality and fairness in employment and decision-making.  Public servants must be respectful of differences, and ensure diversity, equality and inclusion through their actions and delivery of their services.


Public servants should act to promote good ethical decision-making and effective decisions through demonstrating trust, responsibility, fairness and caring; in line with good citizenship.  Decisions must be objective and seek to demonstrate advancement and a contribution to the objectives of our organisations. 

Employee rights at work

The States Employment Board require all public servants to adhere to the standards to uphold employee rights at work.  These rights are derived from our legal obligations, and they are stated as a commitment of the States Employment Board to ensure our compliance with our obligations.

Right to expect everyone to live the values of the organisation

Our people will understand, demonstrate and display our collective values and behaviours.

Right to be treated with dignity and respect at work

Our people will be treated in line with the dignity and respect at work policy.

Right to freedom from discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment

Our people will work free from discrimination, harassment or sexual harassment..

Right to a safe, inclusive, and healthy workplace

Our people will work in a safe and healthy workplace:

  • every employee has the right to a safe and healthy work environment, where health and safety standards are met
  • every employee is required to take responsibility for their own health & safety
  • every employee has a right to a positive work life balance
  • our employees will be heard through the employee led networks

Right to request flexible working 

Our people should ensure the focus is on the delivery of services to Islanders and that flexible working is a benefit of working within public services. You can:

  • find a fair balance between work and personal lives and we are committed to developing policies and practices to support this, including flexible working, parental leave, family or carer leave and working hours and workloads
  • have the right to request flexible working and an entitlement to apply for changes to hours, times or place of work
  • be assured that all requests will be considered in line with the flexible working policy and legislation
  • have the right to appeal against any request denied

Right to protection where raising concerns of public interest

  • everyone has the right to expect the Government of Jersey to have the highest standards of accountability
  • every employee has the right to raise serious concerns (whistle blow) about any aspect of work that is in the public interest
  • we are committed to providing an environment where everyone feels safe to whistle blow
  • every employee has the right to work in a safe and supportive environment, where we can express ourselves without fear (Our Commitments)
  • every employee has a duty to report whistleblowing concerns
  • we will not tolerate any reprisal against individuals who voice whistleblowing concerns
  • we will ensure robust systems are in place to process and manage whistleblowing concerns, offering anonymity and confidentiality

Right to effective, swift resolution when resolving concerns

  • every employee has the right to expect concerns raised to be dealt with effectively and swiftly to aid successful resolution and safeguard wellbeing
  • we are committed to using informal processes and restorative practice wherever possible to reach a swift resolution
  • everyone involved in a procedure to resolve a concern is committed to supporting swift resolution and not causing unnecessary delay, which is detrimental to the process or any individual's wellbeing

Right to be well managed

  • our line managers will be developed to set clear standards and to be supportive, in line with our people strategy commitments
  • we will be set clear objectives and given feedback on performance in a timely manner
  • our line managers will be familiar with existing policies and procedures

Right to union membership and representation

  • everyone has the right to join a trade union
  • every employee has the right to be represented by their trade union (or a workplace colleague) at any formal procedural meetings or hearings
  • trade union representatives will do all they can to support employees and the employer to resolve concerns swiftly and not unduly delay any procedure
  • no employee will suffer any detriment to their employment because of trade union association or membership

Right to consultation or negotiation on changes effecting terms and conditions of employment

  • the employer will ensure that trade unions are informed at an early stage regarding any organisational change effecting their members
  • every employee has the right to timely consultation about organisational changes which will affect them
  • throughout any organisational change process, every employee will be treated in a fair, consistent and equal manner

Right to not be unfairly dismissed

  • every employee has the right to expect the employer to have adequate policies and procedures in place to protect against unfair dismissal
  • where a termination is likely to result in redundancy, both the employee and employer will wherever possible, seek alternative employment to avoid potential redundancies
  • fair notice and warning will be given prior to any termination, including summary dismissal where circumstances allow

Performance and accountability 

The States Employment Board requires all public servants to be well led, effectively managed and adequately skilled to undertake their duties efficiently and to a good standard.

All public service employees must take accountability for their own conduct, behaviours, and work.

Both managers and employees share the responsibility to promptly report any behaviour that falls short of the employer's standards, ensuring that workplace behaviour aligns with the Public Service's policies, procedures and expectations. Managers should role model respectful behaviour and set the tone that values inclusivity and mutual respect fostering an environment where employees feel safe speaking up about concerns and are confident they will be heard and supported.

All public servants

All public servants must:

  • be accountable for ensuring they adhere to the values and behaviours framework
  • take responsibility for ensuring they have completed all statutory and mandatory training 
  • take responsibility for raising at early stages, concerns about their ability to undertake their work effectively or meet standards
  • respond to reasonable management requests and directions
  • ensure they use and comply with the formal policies and procedures issued on behalf of the States Employment Board
  • meet their contractual obligations in line with employment legislation
  • keep up to date with standards set by professional bodies and regulators
  • complete their induction to their role
  • participate in and contribute towards their annual appraisal/performance review
  • disclose to their line manager or through corporate systems anything that may impact on their role at work, including external issues such as legal action against them, investigations, convictions, or conflicts of interest


All managers must:

  • ensure that the values and behaviours are reflected within their line management approach
  • ensure that supervision and appraisal/performance review schedules are completed on time and to a good standard
  • ensure public servants fully understand their responsibilities, duties and objectives and are encouraged and inspired to meet and achieve the objectives set and the required level of competency needed to carry out their roles
  • ensure public servants have sufficient time to complete professional development, induction requirements and ensure their teams complete all their statutory and mandatory training
  • ensure objectives set for employees are specific, measurable achievable, realistic, time bound (SMART) and ensure support and development is provided
  • ensure feedback, include and consult individuals in changes that affect them in line with policies and procedures
  • ensure that position and line management information is maintained within corporate systems to allow for accurate reporting
  • ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of public servants and those who use our services
  • ensure that workforce and succession plans, as the frameworks are developed, are implemented

Public service duty to report

The States Employment Board require all employees to be subject to specific duties to report concerns in relation to:

  • safeguarding of a child or young adult
  • safeguarding of a vulnerable adult
  • unlawful conduct
  • health and safety
  • professional misconduct (for regulated professions)
  • fraud or corruption 
  • anti-competitive practices
  • conflicts of interest or potential conflicts of interest
  • data protection breach
  • outside interests of material importance to confidence in the integrity of your work
  • discrimination
  • bullying, harassment and sexual harassment
  • compliance with Codes of Practice and the Public Finances Manual

Each organisation within the public service must publish and promote how each of these concerns should be reported and who is the responsible officer for addressing the concerns.

Mechanisms must be in place to record concerns raised and action taken.

Reward and benefits

The States Employment Board has policies on pay and reward to ensure fairness and consistency and requires these to be applied to all public service employees. The Board will:

  • establish and publish pay scales
  • have defined job evaluation schemes to assess the value of roles consistently and objectively
  • undertake benchmarking to and establish a market position for remuneration
  • ensure there are organisational design principles for service design that improve opportunities for progression and internal movements
The States Employment Board has the following principles for reward:

Equal pay for equal work

Pay should be fair and equitable, recognising the requirements of differing roles and the value they bring to the organisation. We have and will continue to use objective job evaluation methods to validate decisions on job level.

Market sensitivity

We recognise that we compete in the market for our people and that some skills have a market value that differ from others. We will ensure that we remain competitive and pay the right rate for the job.

Total reward approach

We take into account all elements that make up the employment deal when considering our approach to pay and reward.


We need to ensure that our pay structures provide us with flexibility for employees and for our future needs.

Performance and recognition

We will recognise both contribution and behaviours to build a performance culture linked to outcome driven delivery.

Affordability and sustainability

We have a responsibility to our employees and to Islanders to maintain pay policies that are affordable and sustainable.

Socially responsible

The States Employment Board will be an accredited Living Wage Employer.


The States Employment Board requires employees to be supported, involved, and engaged in their roles. To do this, all public servants must understand their contribution and expectations of them through:

Values and behaviours

All employees must understand and be required through the performance management systems to be accountable for their behaviours in line with our values.


All employees must have inclusive access to information that informs them about matters that impact on them and their work. This includes the ability to provide feedback.


Trade unions should have a framework for engagement and the ability to have time to represent their members individually and collectively.


Mechanisms must be put in place to allow regular feedback, and a regular departmental or all employee survey as a minimum every two-years.


Employees must be recognised for their contribution to public services.


Employees should know where and how to access support. Managers have a duty to ensure the wellbeing of their direct reports and escalate concerns where necessary.


Employees must be consulted effectively on changes that affect them or directly impact their work.

Effective change

Where changes take place, effective change management techniques must be applied, including post-change measurements and development plans to embed the desired changes.

Line management

The quality of line management should be subject to management standards, including development plans for the professionalisation of the role of the line manager.

Talent development

The States Employment Board expect standards to be in place for public servants in respect of talent development across the Government of Jersey. The Board requires public servants to:

  • hold professional learning and development discussions as part of regular supervision and within the performance management system
  • ensure the diversity of public servants by offering an inclusive approach with different learning provisions that meet diverse learning styles, backgrounds and needs of the individual
  • work together to build a view of the future of work for our people and our island and deliver a plan to get there
  • have a focus on internal succession planning and attracting more Islanders into roles within the public service

Recruitment and selection

All recruitment and selection will be conducted with integrity and honesty, with an inclusive approach in an equitable and fair manner.

Talent programmes

Talent programmes will be focussed on increasing the number of Islanders within the public service at every level, particularly at senior levels.

Learning organisation

Public servants must have development plans and are able to undertake statutory and mandatory training, professional development and opportunities for secondments and acting-up arrangements.

Workforce planning

Each department must have a workforce plan in order to work together to build a view of the future of work for our people and our island, and deliver a plan to get there.

Development opportunities for a diverse workforce

Development and progression opportunities must be accessible to all.

Leadership and management development

Leaders and managers in our organisation will be continuously supported in their role and will have access to a variety of management and leadership development provisions and will be assessed within the performance management system.

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