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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Income Support eligibility check

​Check you qualify for Income Support before you complete an application form​

This calculator will advise if you can claim Income Support. It is not an application form.

If you qualify for Income Support, you'll get a link to the application form.

If you'll make financial decisions based on if you may be able to claim, you can contact Income Support for more information.

If you’re not happy with the result provided by this calculator, you can contact us for one of our advisors to review your circumstances.

​Your details

The information provided on this page will not be used to assist us with your Income Support application.

Your details are not stored anywhere.

The purpose of asking the below questions is to establish if you qualify for Income Support.

How to use the calculator

It should take you around 10 minutes to complete the calculator.

Make sure you:

  • ​enter all numbers as digits, not words. For example 1, 2, 3 not one, two, three
  • accurately complete every field relevant to you

If you're aged under 25, some parts of this calculator may not apply to you.​

Don't use the calculator if you either:

  • live in a house share, flat share or care home
  • have been assessed by a social worker as needing formal care

The calculator can't estimate extra payments you would get if you have a long-term illness or disability.

The amount we can pay towards your accommodation w​ill be restricted to the cost and size of an appropriate property for your household.

​If any of these apply, contact us for more information.

Enter the personal details for your household:

Basic details about you

Basic details about you

If you are under 25, you will normally be expected to be part of your parents' household unless you are working full-time, responsible for a child yourself or there is a reason you can't live with them. If you are under 25, contact us for more information.

A partner is a husband, wife, civil partner, girlfriend or boyfriend. You do not need to live together at one address for your partner to be included in your claim. If you are committed to each other and share your lives as one unit, you should include your partner in this eligibility check. If you are uncertain whether to include a partner, you should contact Income Support.

Details about children or young adults that live with you

Details about children or young adults that live with you

Any person in compulsory education, or not yet at school is considered a child. Compulsory education ends on 30th June in the year a person turns 16, year 11 of secondary school.

Young people who have finished compulsory education are included in your Income Support household up to the age of 25, if they are looking for work or in full-time education.

If you have a child or young adult with a disability, they may be given their own separate claim. Contact us for further information.

Each adult and young adult included in an Income Support household must pass the Income Support residence test to be eligible to claim some of the components that make up Income Support. For more information, see the Income Support residence test page.
Income Support residence test

Details about where you live

Details about where you live

The amount Income Support can pay towards your accommodation is restricted to the cost and size of an appropriate property for your household. This eligibility check will not work for people sharing a property with another household. If you live in a house/ flat share, you should call 444444 to speak to an Income Support advisor to determine your eligibility.

You can get help with accommodation costs if you are aged at least 25 and you rent or own your own property. Some people under 25 can also get help, such as:

  • a young person who has responsibility for a child. This can be the parent of the child or someone else (for example an elder brother or sister) that has the main responsibility for the child;
  • a young person that cannot be expected to return to their previous family home because:
    • Social Services has confirmed they cannot live in the family home (eg someone leaving care or at risk of abuse); or
    • their parents (or the person that had previously looked after them) are unable to help them - for example: the young person is an orphan, their parents are in prison or occupying unsuitable accommodation; or
    • the young person has been living independently for at least one year and had reasonably expected to remain independent - the reason for claiming Income Support is an unexpected change in circumstance (illness, unexpected redundancy etc.).



Childcare arrangements

Childcare arrangements

Complete this section if you pay for childcare at a nursery or registered childminder while you are working. If not, leave this section blank

Your household income

Your household income

Enter your Income Support household's current income details. Do not include income that you are no longer receiving

Your pension income

Your pension income

If you (and / or your partner) receive any pensions, enter the weekly amount.

Benefits you receive

Benefits you receive

If you (and / or your partner) receive any of the benefits below or have any other source of income, enter the combined weekly amount.

Maintenance you receive

Maintenance you receive

Your maintenance payments

Your maintenance payments

Complete this section if a member of your Income Support household pays maintenance. This can be for an ex-partner or for children.

Your capital assets

Your capital assets

Capital assets includes savings, bank accounts, Post Office or Co-op accounts, investments, deposits, bonds and property, but does not include the value of your main home.
This section applies to assets held by all members of your household.

Your Income Support eligibility check

Your Income Support eligibility check

Thank you for completing the Income Support estimate calculator. The information you have entered suggests that you are not entitled to receive financial assistance from Income Support. This could be for one or more of the reasons below:

  • You may have a large amount of capital or property that you do not live in
  • An adult member of the household may not have residency in the island for at least the last 5 years. More information about the Income Support residence test can be found here
  • Income support can only pay a maximum level toward rented accommodation and so the full cost of your rent may not be able to be taken into account. Details of the Income Support rates can be found here
  • The income of the whole household is taken into account, and a person cannot claim only in their own name if they are in an interdependent relationship (such as marriage or a civil partnership) or lead their lives as an economic and domestic unit. If you are not earning but your partner is, you may not qualify as your partner's income is deemed sufficient to cover the costs of the household.
This calculator makes decisions using a wholly automated process. It uses the information you provide to us in the calculator to make this automatic decision. The Data Protection Law allows you the right to insist that a decision made about you by wholly automated means is reviewed by a person.

If you still feel that you are entitled to Income Support, please call +44 (0) 1534 444444 so that an advisor can discuss your circumstances with you.

Thank you for completing the Income Support eligibility check. The information you have entered suggests that you may be entitled to receive financial assistance. Your next step will be to complete an income support application form and provide documents to us. We will only be able to confirm your entitlement once:

  1. you've submitted your completed application form along with your documents
  2. we have reviewed your application

Income support application

To support your application, we will ask you to provide documents to us. We will let you know what documents we need, but likely examples are:
  • photo identification for each adult within your household
  • 3 months up to date bank statements for all accounts held by all members of the household
  • a lease or letter from your landlord confirming the type of property you live in, the rent paid, whether any charges are included in your rent and if anyone else lives in the address
  • confirmation of your earnings, with payslips, a letter from your employer or with profit and loss accounts for a self-employed business
  • details of any other assets or capital held

What you've told us about your household

Basic details about you

Basic details about you

Your accommodation

Your accommodation

The amount Income Support can pay towards your accommodation will be restricted to the cost and size of an appropriate property for your household.

Social housing - house


Childcare arrangements

Childcare arrangements

Your income

Your income

Benefits you receive

Benefits you receive

Your maintenance arrangements

Your maintenance arrangements

Your capital assets

Your capital assets


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