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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Children in care support package

Support for young people and children leaving care

Children and young people aged 16 to 25 who are leaving care or no longer in care are entitled to the Children in Care Support package. This includes support and guidance in the following:

  • finance
  • employment
  • training
  • education
  • accommodation
  • health and wellbeing
  • relationships

This can help to fund typical essentials and entitlements that a parent would normally pay for, including doctorsā€™ and dental fees, education, bus passes and driving licences.

In designing the new Children in Care Support Package, we have been guided by two key questions:

  1. what would a good parent do for their child?
  2. would what we are offering meet the standard of ā€˜is this good enough for my child'?

Who is entitled to support

This offer is for those young people who are eligible as a care leaver who are:

  • aged 16 to 25 and were looked after by the Minister
  • at the age of 16 or above and are no longer looked after by the Minister

Guide for young people leaving care

As part of the Children in Care Support package we offer a guide for young people. This guide sets out the support available to you as you leave care, so that you can feel safe and supported and know where to go for advice and help.

Parenting doesnā€™t stop once you reach a certain age and itā€™s important that you know that the Government of Jersey, as a ā€˜corporateā€™ parent, will guide and advise you into adulthood.

We can also offer practical and financial support to make sure you reach your goals and aspirations and become the person you want to be.

Guide for young people leaving careā€‹

Support entitlement for children in care

The support entitlement guide explains support expected from the Government of Jersey when they take on a ā€˜corporateā€™ parent role for children in care.

It makes sure that the right foundations are in place to support you to flourish.

As well as providing you with a safe, stable and loving home, we will:

  • access high quality education
  • make sure a full range of health services and leisure activities are available
  • make sure that all the things that a good parent would provide are fully funded

Support entitlement for children in care

Personal advisors

Before or shortly after your 14th birthday, you will be allocated a Personal Advisor. It's proposed that your Personal Advisor will be is available to you until you're 25.

Your Personal Advisor will help guide and support you to transition from child to young adult and move towards greater independence.

They will give practical support and advice; the key focus will be on developing strong and nurturing relationships

Pathway plans

Your Personal Advisor will work with you and social workers to create a pathway plan. This will be informed by a needs assessment and will include your hopes and aspirations for education, training and employment.

The goals will be revised and updated regularly and will consider an extra support you might need.

Personal education plan

If you're between 3 and 18 years of age, we will make sure you have a personal education plan (PEP).

This plan will set out what needs to happen, including any additional support you might require, to ensure you reach your full potential.

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