​Autism And Social Communication Inclusion Team (ASCIT)
The ASCIT is an advisory service to schools supporting their understanding and management of pupils presenting with Autism or related social communication difficulties.
Work undertaken is usually by consultation with teaching and support staff rather than regular direct contact with an individual pupil, with the aim of increasing the skills of the adults supporting the student.
The ASCIT also offers training via the Inclusion and Early Intervention Training Offer.
How to access the service
If you have any concerns about your child’s social communication skills (not
necessarily with a diagnosis of autism) then you first need to speak to your child’s class teacher or their school’s Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo).
If the school thinks the ASCIT may be able to help, they will refer your child to the team. Casework and support is allocated on a needs-led basis and referrals are allocated on a half termly basis.
Your permission will always be sought if the ASCIT are going to be formally involved in supporting your child.