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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Connect Me: connecting our communities grant scheme


Applications are closed

  • The grant scheme applications are now closed.

​About the scheme

The Connect Me: connecting our communities grant scheme is an initiative to provide opportunities for Jersey residents to take part in cultural and physical activities.

Grants of up to £5,000 are available for projects which will increase opportunities for Islanders to participate in artistic or physical activities.

The scheme aims to engage Islanders in community activities to: 

  • promote a sense of connection
  • prevent loneliness
  • enhance both physical health and overall wellbeing​


We have kept the application criteria as open as possible to receive a wide range of creative project proposals.

An independent panel will assess applications and award projects which deliver the greatest benefits across the scheme’s 4 aims. 

The aims are to:

  1. ​​engage a large cross section of the Jersey community in arts or physical activity aimed at enhancing sustainable wellbeing over the next 2 years
  2. increase participation in the arts or physical activity across the Island
  3. stimulate the creative economy by providing coordinated work for creatives and arts practitioners​
  4. provide a means for Government to progress towards the delivery of the strategic objectives outlined in the:

Projects funded by the grant scheme

Connect Me: Connecting our Communities has supported 151 projects created by 95 organisations which have benefitted 35,681 Islanders. These projects include:  

Find out about the Elemental service

Elemental is an online social prescribing platform that allows healthcare professionals to refer patients to community programs and servic​es that can help them improve their health and wellbeing. 

Islanders have the flexibility to self-refer or seek assistance from a link worker. Elemental showcases a diverse range of charities and services which also includes organisations that have received funding from the Connect Me scheme to deliver community-based activities.​


For further information or if you have any questions, email

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