​When your child can get free hours
Your child can get free Government funded nursery education in the school year that they turn four years old.
How many free hours you can get
Your child can get up to 30 hours’ free nursery education each week, for 38 weeks, during school term-time only, from the beginning of the school year (September).
Where you can get a place
You can apply for a funded nursery place at a Government of Jersey primary school, or a NEF registered provider in the private or voluntary sector.
Different early learning providers offer different attendance options, such as mornings only, school hours or full days.
How to apply for a private nursery provider place
You can find a full list of NEF registered nurseries on the Jersey Child Care Trust website. Contact the nursery provider direct to enquire about available places.
Day nurseries
Day nurseries are open outside of school times, for example 7.30am to 6pm, and some are open all year round (50 weeks a year).
This can help working parents as they provide both childcare and early years education.
Day nurseries are usually for children from birth until they start school but some nurseries may only take children in certain age ranges.
You can find a full list of registered Nursery Education Fund (NEF) nurseries, which offer free hours, on the
Jersey Child Care Trust Website​.
Pre-school hours generally reflect the school day or offer mornings only, but hours may differ between preschools.
Pre-schools are for children from two years to school entry age.
You can find a full list of registered NE​F preschools, which offer free hours (in the year before your child starts school) on the Jersey Child Care Trust Website​.
How to apply for a school nursery place
You can register for a place at a Government of Jersey primary school. Contact the school direct to register your interest.
Registering for a school nursery place
School nursery classes
The Government of Jersey provides nursery education at most primary schools.
School nursery classes are run by a qualified nursery teacher and at least two teaching assistants.
The following primary schools have a nursery class:
Bel Royal School website
d'Auvergne School website
First Tower School website
Grands Vaux School website
Grouville School website
Janvrin School website
La Moye School website
Mont Nicolle School website
Plat Douet School website
Rouge Bouillon School website
Samares School website
St Clement's School website
St John's School website
St Lawrence School website
St Luke's School website
St Martin's School website
St Mary's School website
St Peter's School website
St Saviour's School website
Springfield School website
Trinity School website