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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Home Energy Audits

​​​​About Home Energy Audits

A Home Energy Audit is a survey to tell you how energy efficient your home is. The more energy efficient your home, the more money you will save on your energy bills.

Having a Home Energy Audit done on your home tells you:

  • how much energy you’re currently using
  • recommendations of home improvements to make your home more energy efficient
  • behaviours you can change to cut your energy bills, such as turning down your room thermostat by 1°C to save up to 10% on your heating bill

An Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) is awarded to a home as part of a Home Energy Audit.


Energy Performance Certificates (EPCs)

An EPC tells you how efficient your home is and gives it a rating from A (very efficient) to G (inefficient). 

Information about how your home is built and how it is heated is used to generate an EPC. It gives you a personalised list of home improvements that can increase your home’s EPC rating.

It also estimates how much energy your household currently uses, which shows how much energy you can save by making the suggestions provided.

EPC ratings give you a standardised way to compare your home with others.

EPCs can only be generated by a qualifie​d assessor.

What a Ho​me Energy Audit involves

A qualified assessor will visit you at your home to carry out​ an audit which takes between 45 minutes to 1 and a half hours. 

The assessor will need access to every room in your home so they can take measurements, photos and notes on how it’s built. They will ask you questions, such as whether you have your heating on a timer, and if so when it switches on and off.

After the visit the assessor will use the information they collected about your home to generate the EPC. They put the information into an online tool that has been personalised for Jersey homes.​

The assessor will send you a copy of the EPC and run through the recommendations with you.

Cost of a Home Energy Audit

The cost of a Home Energy Audit varies depending on factors such as:

  • age of your home
  • size of your home
  • if your home has had lots of extensions

It is likely to be in the region of £200 to £400. This is a guide only and we recommend you get at least 3 comparison quotes before you select your assessor.

Apply for funding for a Home Energy Audit

We are offering up to £150 funding per property towards a Home Energy Audit. Funding is dependent on the size of your home:

  • £100 for 1 to 2 bedroom property
  • £150 for 3 or more bedroom property

The subsidy amount available will gradually decrease until legislation is mandatory for EPCs at point of sale or rental.

You can apply for funding if:

  • you own the property
  • the property is older than 10 years old and does not hold a valid Energy Performance Certificate, obtained either through the property's initial building bye-law application or a previous home energy audit

Funding is not available for Andium Homes properties.​

Apply for Home Energy Audit funding

Funding will be allocated on a first come first serve basis.

You will be told within 5 working days of applying whether funding is available to you.

Your funding must be confirmed before your Home Energy Audit takes place, and must be carried out by a qualified assessorWe recommend you get at least 3 comparison quotes before you select your assessor, though you can get as many quotes as you wish.

Funding will be valid for 8 weeks from the date issued.

If the audit is not completed by the agreed date or any other terms and conditions are breached, the full cost of the audit is your responsibility.

You must email if you decide to not carry out a Home Energy Audit for whatever reason so that the subsidy can be reallocated.

Payment of grants

The value of the grant will be paid directly to the accredited assessor. The property owner will be responsible for paying the remainder of the cost directly to the assessor.  

The value of the grant will be paid once:

  • the EPC has been lodged with Quidos
  • the assessor has notifi​ed Government of Jersey of the HEA reference number and corresponding EPC

The value of the grant will only be paid if the energy audit is carried out within the grant validity period.

Government funding of a maximum of £150 is available towards the cost of a ho​me energy audit. 

Assessors are responsible for collecting the full value of the Goods and Services Tax (GST) on this service. As it is a grant payment, GST should not be itemised on the invoice sent to government.

Property owners will need to pay GST as normal and will be responsible for paying anything over the grant amount.  


Landlords and multiple homes

Landlords that own more than one property may apply multiple times. Up to 10 subsidies can be claimed per person.

If you would like to apply for a Parish owned property email to find out more.

Find an approved assessor for a Home Energy Audit

A list of accredited Home Energy Audit assessors who have indicated their availability for the next few weeks can be found below.  

A list of all accredited assessors can be found on Quidos by searching JE in the postcode box and RdSAP in the type of energy assessor. 

Assessors have all completed Level 3 Diploma in Domestic Energy Assessment training.

Company / Assessor name Email Contact number
​A+ Energy AuditsJamie Moo​re​
​+44 (0) 7797 840413
​Advanced EPC Limited, Emma Paul
​+44 (0) 7797 781182
​ALS Home Energy Audits, Andre Sty
​+44 (0) 7797 734412
​ASB Limited,
Andy Battrick​
​+44 (0) 7829 728519
​Bailiwick EPC, Daniel Buckross
​+44 (0) 7797 893605
​Brodelle Building Solutions, John Pyne
+44 (0) 7700 701502
​Cad Studio, Chris Abraham (0) 7797 780777​
​​Channel JEPA, Chris Bellot​
​+44 (0) 7700 339480
​Dale Fischer Architecture, Wellesley Fischer​+44 (0) 7797 745130
​DEA Domestic Energy Assessors, J-P Anquetil
+44 (0) 1534 866507
​Enable, Digby Ellis-Brecknell
​+44 (0) 7797 768480
​​Francisco EPC Surveys, Bruno Francisco
​+44 (0) 7797 751372
​Godel Architects, 
Andreas Doublard

+44 (0) 1534 486050​
​GP Surveyor Ltd, 
Gary Le Feuvre 
​+44 (0) 1534 888511
​HEA.JE, John Macpherson
+44 (0) 7829 877005
Henderson Green,
Adam Harris
Andrew Cleave
+44 (0) 1534 871890
+44 (0) 7797 745680
​H&L Home Energy Audits, Thomas Thorogood
​+44 (0) 7829 727887
​Highfield Home Energy Audits, Rickie Highfield
​+44 (0) 7829 812755
​Inventory Hub, 
Danny Bosio ​​
​+44 (0) 7797 712711
John-Paul Sheehan +44 (0) 7797 815275
​MAC Architectural Services, Graham O'Halloran
+44 (0) 7700 336789
Micron M&E Services, Leanne Fitzgerald-Wilkins
Richard Roulson
Jakub Tkacz
​+44 (0) 1534 625496
​Mulberry Property Management, Holly Byrne​​
​+44 (0) 7797 777806
Nova Consultancy, Jack Cannon +44 (0) 7797 773362
​Rowney Sharman, Alan Renfrew​
+44 (0) 1534 826070
Russell Surveying Services, Colin Russell +44 (0) 1534 285188
​Sam Sellors 
+44 (0) 7797 744098​
​Solo Property Solutions, Amanda Graham
Callum Robertson​​
​+44 (0) 7700 335434
​Standbach Energy Performance, David Stanley
Cyrille Bachelet
​+44 (0) 7797 813224
+44 (0) 7797 813363
​Slomans Estates Agents Limited, Simon Sloman
​+44 (0) 1534 879787​
​Troys Estate Agency Ltd, Liam Moon
Samuel Putka

​+44 (0) 1534 607070​
​Woven, Scott Smith
​+44 (0) 7797 825284​

If you are a newly qualified assessor and would like to be included in this list or if you are on this list and are no longer taking audit bookings, email

Become an accredited assessor

If you wish to become an accredited assessor, you should: 

  • complete the UK domestic energy assessor course 
  • complete the Jersey upskill module 
  • complete the Quidos accreditation process
You can find out more on the ​Quidos training store.

Comments and complaints

Any complaints about the audit or the assessor should be directed to the assessor in the first instance. They will provide you with a copy of their complaints procedure.

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