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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Parish recycling collection and facilities

Kerbside recycling scheme

Some parishes offer a kerbside recycling collection service for items such as:

  • paper
  • cardboard
  • plastic bottles
  • metal packaging

Check under your parish to see if it currently offers the scheme and find your collection dates. If your parish does not offer the scheme, you will need to recycle at the Mini Recycling Centres or La Collette household recycling facilities.

Glass collection

All parishes have a kerbside glass collection service for your glass bottles and jars. Check under your parish to find your collection dates.

More on glass collection and recycling


Grouville glass collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres
Type of material recycled
Gorey Village car park (opposite butchers)Mixed textiles and clothes
Holme GrownBatteries
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Mixed textiles and clothes
Parish hallMixed textiles and clothes

St Brelade

St Brelade glass and kerbside recycling collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
CommunicareMixed textiles and clothes
Co-op LocaleBatteries
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Les Creux Country ParkBatteries
Les Quennevais shopping precinct (lower car park)Batteries
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
St Aubin car park (behind the parish hall)Batteries
Metal packaging
Mixed textiles and clothes
Plastic bottles

St Clement

St Clement glass collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
Car park (next to the parish hall)Metal packaging
Mixed textiles and clothes
Plastic bottles

Co-op Locale PontacBatteries
FB Fields (inner road car park)Batteries
Metal packaging
Mixed textiles and clothes
Plastic bottles
Green Island car park Metal packaging (drink cans only)
La Mare car park Metal packaging (drink cans only)
Mixed textiles and clothes
Le MaraisBatteries
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Mixed textiles and clothes

St Helier

St Helier recycling services​

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
Mixed textiles and clothes
Central marketBatteries
Centrepoint (La Pouquelaye) Mixed textiles and clothes
Co-op Grand MarchéBatteries
Co-op Locales (Charing Cross and Val Plaisant)Batteries
DVS (La Collette)Batteries
Les Jardins car parkBatteries
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Mixed textiles and clothes
The Parade (Cheapside end)Metal packaging (drink cans only)
People's ParkMetal packaging (drink cans only)
Mixed textiles and clothes
St Andrew's ParkBatteries
WaitroseBatteries (in store)
Mixed textiles and clothes

St John

St John glass and kerbside recycling collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
St John's primary school (opposite the car park)Mixed textiles and clothes

St Lawrence

St Lawrence glass and kerbside recycling collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
Community centre car parkBatteries
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Mixed textiles and clothes
Gunsite CaféMetal packaging (drink cans only)
Millbrook ParkMetal packaging (drink cans only)
St Peter's Valley (opposite Victoria in the Valley) Batteries
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Mixed textiles and clothes

St Martin

St Martin glass collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
Archirondel Driftwood CaféMetal packaging (drink cans only)
Gorey PierMetal packaging (drink cans only)
Maufant youth clubMetal packaging (drink cans only)
Public hall car park

Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Mixed textiles and clothes
St Catherine's breakwaterMetal packaging (drink cans only)

St Mary

St Mary glass and kerbside recycling collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
 Community centre car park

Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Mixed textiles and clothes

St Ouen

St Ouen glass collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
 Parish depot

Mixed textiles and clothes​

St Peter

St Peter glass and kerbside recycling collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
Community centreBatteries
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Co-op Locale BeaumontBatteries
Co-op Grand Marché (St Peters Village)Batteries
Mixed textiles and clothes
El TicoMetal packaging (drink cans only)
Goose Green car parkCardboard
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Jersey BowlMixed textiles and clothes

St Saviour

St Saviour glass and kerbside recycling collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
Clos GossettMetal packaging (drink cans only)
Co-op Locale GeorgetownBatteries
Grainville playing fieldsBatteries
Metal packaging
Mixed textiles and clothes
Plastic bottles
Parish depot (Rue des Pres trading estate)Batteries
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Rue des Pres (at entrance to trading estate)Mixed textiles and clothes
St Luke's churchMetal packaging (drink cans only)
WaitroseBatteries (in store)
Mixed textiles and clothes


Trinity glass and kerbside recycling collection dates

Mini Recycling Centres Type of material recycled
Acorn EnterprisesBatteries
Metal packaging
Plastic bottles
Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust car parkMetal packaging (drink cans only)
JFTU retail outlet car parkMixed textiles and clothes
Trinity parish hallMixed textiles and clothes

Trinity primary school car park (field opposite the school)


Trinity youth clubMetal packaging (drink cans only)

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