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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Change to traffic arrangements Broad Street, Charing Cross and York Street

Published byInfrastructure
TypePublic notice
Date published
18 June 2021

​The Minister for Infrastructure, in pursuance of Article 68 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as amended, and after consultation with the ConnĂ©table of St Helier, gives notice of the following traffic changes in Broad Street, Charing Cross and York Street to commence Monday 21 June 2021

Road Traffic (St Helier) (Jersey) Order 1996

Inserted into Article 2 (Interpretation)

"commercial vehicle" means a vehicle designed or manufactured solely or mainly for purposes other than those of a private household and includes, but not by way of limitation, any goods vehicle or van.

Schedule 6 - Part 1 - Roads Closed to Vehicular Traffic

​Broad Street
​At all times
​York Street (from its junction with Charing Cross to its junction with Seale Street)
​At all times
​Charing Cross
​At all times

Schedule 6 - Part 3 – Vehicles Exempt from Restrictions

​Broad Street 
​Omnibuses (at all times)

Cycles (At all times)

Commercial vehicles for the purposes of loading and unloading (Monday to Saturday between the hours of 7am and 11am)

​York Street (from its junction with Charing Cross to its junction with Seale Street)
​Omnibuses (at all times)

Cycles (At all times)

Commercial vehicles for the purposes of loading and unloading (Monday to Saturday between the hours of 7am and 11am)

​Charing Cross
​Omnibuses (at all times)

Cycles (At all times)

Commercial vehicles for the purposes of loading and unloading (Monday to Saturday between the hours of 7am and 11am)

Schedule 8 – Part 2 - Paying Parking Places - 1 hour limit

Entry for Dumaresq Street is removed from the order. Dumaresq Street – North Side (between a point 10 yards east of the western boundary of No.12 and a point further east)

Schedule 10 - Part 1 – Parking of vehicles on Roads for Loading and Unloading

LocationsWaiting periodTimes of Restriction

Broad Street


North side (between a point 25 yards east of the western boundary of No. 36 and a point 24 yards further east)

20 minutes


7am to 11am Monday to Saturday


Broad Street


 North side (between a point 64 yards east of the western boundary of No. 36 and a point 24 yards further east)

20 minutes7am to 11am Monday to Saturday
Charing Cross

East side (between Dumaresq Street and a point 23 yards south)

20 minutes7am to 11am Monday to Saturday
York Street

 West side (between a point opposite the northern side of Dumaresq Street and a point 15 yards north)

7am to 11am Monday to Saturday



Waiting period

Times of Restriction

Broad Street



North side (between a point 25 yards east of the western boundary of No. 36 and a point 24 yards further east)


20 minutes


7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday to Saturday


Broad Street



North side (between a point 64 yards east of the western boundary of No. 36 and a point 24 yards further east)


20 minutes

7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday to Saturday

Charring Cross


East side (between Dumaresq Street and a point 23 yards south)


20 minutes

7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday to Saturday

York Street


West side (between a point opposite the northern side of Dumaresq Street and a point 15 yards north)



7 a.m. to 11 a.m. Monday to Saturday

Part 2 – Parking of Vehicles on Footways or Cycle Tracks for Loading and Unloading Area

LocationsWaiting periodTimes of Restriction

Broad Street

 North side (between a point

49 yards east of the western boundary of No. 36 and a point 15 yards further east)

20 minutes

7am to 11am Monday to Saturday

Road Traffic (Disabled Persons) (Jersey) Order 2002

Schedule 1 – Parking Places for Vehicles Used by Disabled Persons

St Helier - Parking Places - 4 hour limit

Entry for Broad Street is removed from the Order
New entry for Dumaresq Street is introduced
Dumaresq Street – North Side (between a point 10 yards east of the western boundary of No.12 and a point further east)


Change to traffic arrangements Broad Street, Charing Cross and York Street
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