Published by | Other |
Type | Other |
Date published | 30 August 2024 |
Reference | Jersey Company number 120111 |
30 August 2024​On 24 July 2024, the Members of CG Holdings Limited ("the Company") passed a special resolution placing the Company into summary winding up and appointing each of Malcolm Cohen of BDO LLP, Matthew Corbin of BDO Limited, Richard Fleming of Alvarez & Marsal Europe LLP, and Edward Middleton of Alvarez & Marsal Asia Ltd (together the “Joint Liquidators”) as joint liquidators.
All persons having claims against the Company are requested to submit a detailed account thereof to the Joint Liquidators by Friday 18 October 2024 and that all persons owing monies to the Company settle the account concerned with the Joint Liquidators by the aforementioned date.
The Company is able to pay all its known liabilities in full.
Matthew Corbin
For and on behalf of the Joint Liquidators:
BDO Limited
First Floor, Windward House
La Route de la Liberation
St Helier
Jersey JE2 3QA​
CG Holdings Limited in liquidation