28 August 2023​The Minister for Infrastructure, in pursuance of Article 68 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as amended, and after consultation with the Connétable of St Saviour, gives notice of the following changes to the traffic and parking arrangements on Bagatelle Road, La Chasse Brunet and La Rue du Trot. These changes will take effect from Monday 4 September 2023.
Road Traffic (St Saviour) (Jersey) Order 2000
Introduced to the articles of the order: -
7A Parking of Vehicles displaying parking discs etc.
(1)(b)(ib) In Part 1A of Schedule 6, at any time other than for a period not exceeding 1 hour between the hours of 7.00 a.m. and 6.00 p.m., or
Introduced to the schedules of the order: -
Schedule 3 - Part 1 – Prohibition of waiting
- Add to the existing entry for Bagatelle Road – in column 2 "North side, from the junction with La Rue de Patier for a distance of 30 yards in a southerly direction"
- Add a new entry in Column 1 after the entry for La Chasse Brunet "La Rue du Trot" and in Column 2 "East side from a point 10 yards north of the junction with La Rue de Sergent for to a point 68 yards south of the junction"
Schedule 6 – Part 1B
Add a new part for disc parking 1 hour duration in accordance with the new addition to Article 7A (1) (b)(ib) as above
- Add to Column 1 "Bagatelle Road" and in Column 2 "North Side from a point 230 yards south of the junction with La Rue de Patier for a distance of 123 yards in a southerly direction"
Road Traffic (Disabled Persons) (Parking) (Jersey) Order 2002
Introduced to the schedule of the order: -
Schedule 1
St Saviour
Parking Places – 30 Minute Limit
- Introduce to first column "La Chasse Brunet" and in the second column "East side from a point 64 yards south of the junction with La Rue de Patier and a point 6 yards further south"
Changes to Traffic and Parking Arrangements on Bagatelle Road, La Chasse Brunet and La Rue du Trot