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Financial Sanctions Notice Nicaragua 15 November 2021

Published byExternal Relations
Date published
15 November 2021


1. The Nicaragua (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2020 (the “UK Regulations”) were made under the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2018 and provide for the freezing of funds and economic resources of certain persons, entities or bodies responsible for human rights violations and abuses, the repression of civil society and democratic opposition, or the undermining of democracy and the rule of law in Nicaragua.
2. On 15 November 2021 the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office updated the UK sanctions list to reflect changes to those persons designated under the UK Regulations. A link to the UK sanctions list can be found below.
3. The Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Implementation of External Sanctions) (Jersey) Order 2021 (the “Order”), made under the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Jersey) Law 2019 (“SAFL”), links to the UK Regulations.
4. Any changes to asset-freeze designations made under the UK Regulations are effective immediately by virtue of the ambulatory provisions in Jersey’s sanctions legislation.

5. An asset freeze now applies to the persons listed in the Annex to this Notice under Part 3 of SAFL.

Notice summary (Full details are provided in the Annex to this Notice)

6. The following designations have been made and are now subject to an asset freeze:
  • Lumberto Ignacio CAMPBELL HOOKER
  • Fidel de Jesus DOMINGUEZ ALVAREZ
  • Ana Julia GUIDO OCHOA
  • Fidel Antonio MORENO BRIONES
  • Rosario Maria MURILLO ZAMBRANA
  • Gustavo Eduardo PORRAS CORTES
  • Juan Antonio VALLE VALLE

What you must do

7. You must:
  • check whether you maintain any accounts or hold any funds or economic resources for the persons set out in the Annex to this Notice.
  • freeze such accounts, and other funds or economic resources.
  • refrain from dealing with the funds or assets or making them available (directly or indirectly) to such persons unless licensed by the Minister for External Relations and Financial Services (“MERFS”).
  • report any findings to MERFS, together with any additional information that would facilitate compliance with SAFL.
  • provide any information concerning the frozen assets of designated persons that MERFS may request. Information reported to MERFS may be passed on to other regulatory authorities or law enforcement.
8. Failure to comply with sanctions legislation or to seek to circumvent its provisions is a criminal offence.

Further Information

9. Further information on sanctions can be found on the Government of Jersey website and the Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) website.
10. Jersey guidance on the Nicaragua sanctions regime is available on JFSC website.
11. Copies of Jersey sanctions legislation, including the Order and SAFL, can be found on the Jersey Legal Information Board website.
12. A copy of the UK Regulations can be obtained from and other relevant information about this regime can be found on
13. A copy of the UK sanctions list can be found here.
14. A copy of the UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation consolidated list can be found here.


15. Non-media enquiries, suspected breach reports and licence applications should be addressed to:
Head of International Compliance
Office of the Chief Executive
External Relations


1. CAMPBELL HOOKER, Lumberto Ignacio
Title: Magistrate DOB: 03/02/1949. POB: Raas, Nicaragua Nationality: Nicaragua Passport Details: A00001109   Address: Nicaragua. Position: Magistrate in the Supreme Electoral Council of Nicaragua Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): NIC0012 (UK Statement of Reasons): Lumberto Ignacio Campbell Hooker is a senior official in the Government of Nicaragua. He was the former Vice President and subsequently interim President of the Supreme Electoral Council of Nicaragua, and remains a magistrate of that organisation. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that in these roles he has stifled free and fair elections during civic protests in 2018, shown partisanship towards the Ortega Regime whilst serving as a senior official in the Supreme Electoral Council, and played an active role in disbanding opposition parties. He is responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law, repression of civil society and the democratic opposition and for human rights violations. (Gender): Male Listed on: 15/11/2021 Last Updated: 15/11/2021 UK Consolidated Group List ID: 14150.

2. DOMINGUEZ ALVAREZ, Fidel de Jesus
Title: Chief Commissioner DOB: 21/03/1963. POB: Rivas, Nicaragua Nationality: Nicaragua Address: Nicaragua. Position: Chief Commissioner of the Police in the Department of LeĂłn, Nicaragua Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): NIC0014 (UK Statement of Reasons): Fidel de Jesus Dominguez Alvarez is the Chief Commissioner of Police in the Department of LeĂłn. In this position, he is responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law, repression of civil society and the democratic opposition and human rights violations within the city of LeĂłn. There are also reasonable grounds to suspect that he is aware of, and has authority over, similar violations committed by his subordinates within the Police Department of LeĂłn. (Gender): Male Listed on: 15/11/2021 Last Updated: 15/11/2021 UK Consolidated Group List ID: 14152.

3. GUIDO OCHOA, Ana Julia
Title: Attorney General DOB: 16/02/1959. POB: Matagalpa, Nicaragua a.k.a: GUIDO DE ROMERO, Ana, Julia Nationality: Nicaragua Address: Km 4 Carretera a Masaya, Contiguo a Bancentro, Managua, Nicaragua. Position: Attorney General of Nicaragua Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): NIC0010 (UK Statement of Reasons): Ana Julia Guido Ochoa is the Attorney General of the Republic of Nicaragua. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that in her role as Attorney General, she has been actively involved in undermining the independence and competence of the Public Ministry; repressing political candidates, non-governmental organisations and journalists; and restricting access to free and fair trials, to freedom from arbitrary arrest and detention, to freedom of expression, association and peaceful assembly, and the right of all persons in Nicaragua to human rights regardless of their political views. She is responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law, repression of civil society and the democratic opposition and for human rights violations. (Gender): Female Listed on: 15/11/2021 Last Updated: 15/11/2021 UK Consolidated Group List ID: 14148.

4. MORENO BRIONES, Fidel Antonio
Title: Secretary General DOB: 26/02/1974. POB: Esteli, Nicaragua Nationality: Nicaragua National Identification no: 161-260274-0001T Address: Nicaragua. Position: Secretary General of the Managua Mayor’s Office Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): NIC0009 (UK Statement of Reasons): Fidel Antonio Moreno Briones has been the Secretary General of the Managua Mayor’s Office since 2007. He is also the Organisation Secretary of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN). There are reasonable grounds to suspect that in his role as Secretary General he is responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law, repression of civil society and the democratic opposition and for human rights violations. (Gender): Male Listed on: 15/11/2021 Last Updated: 15/11/2021 UK Consolidated Group List ID: 14147.

5. MURILLO ZAMBRANA, Rosario Maria
Title: (1) Vice President (2) Chief Spokesperson for the Government of Nicaragua (3) First Lady of the Nation DOB: 22/06/1951. POB: Managua, Nicaragua a.k.a: MURILLO DE ORTEGA, Rosario, Maria Nationality: Nicaragua Passport Details: A00000106 Address: El Carmen, Managua, Nicaragua. Position: (1) Vice President (2) Chief Spokesperson for the Government of Nicaragua (3) First Lady of the Nation Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): NIC0007 (UK Statement of Reasons): Rosario Murillo is the Vice President of Nicaragua, First Lady of Nicaragua, government spokesperson and leader of the Sandinista Youth. According to the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, Rosario Murillo shares power equally with him - the Constitution allows the President to delegate any duties to his Vice President. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that, in her position as Vice President, Murillo had authority over and knowledge of: the statebacked repression of political demonstrations and activities; repression of civilians including through her leadership of the Sandinista Youth wing; and the discrediting of independent journalists and the exclusion of candidates from the electoral process. She is therefore responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law, repression of civil society and the democratic opposition, and for human rights violations. (Gender): Female Listed on: 15/11/2021 Last Updated: 15/11/2021 UK Consolidated Group List ID: 14145.

6. PORRAS CORTES, Gustavo Eduardo
Title: President DOB: 11/10/1954. POB: Managua, Nicaragua Nationality: Nicaragua Address: Nicaragua. Position: President of the Nicaraguan National Assembly Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): NIC0008 (UK Statement of Reasons): Gustavo Eduardo Porras Cortés has been President of the Nicaraguan National Assembly since 2017. During this time, Porras has presided over, introduced, voted for, signed, and publicly advocated for legislation which undermines democracy, violates human rights, and represses civil society and the democratic opposition. He is therefore responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law, repression of civil society and the democratic opposition and for human rights violations. (Gender): Male Listed on: 15/11/2021 Last Updated: 15/11/2021 UK Consolidated Group List ID: 14146.

Title: (1) President (2) Magistrate DOB: 03/06/1949. POB: LĂ©on, Nicaragua Nationality: Nicaragua Passport Details: A0009864 Address: Nicaragua. Position: President of the Supreme Court of Justice of Nicaragua Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): NIC0011 (UK Statement of Reasons): Alba Luz Ramos Vanegas is the President of Nicaragua’s Supreme Court of Justice, and sits on the National Council for Judicial Administration and Career. There are reasonable grounds to suspect that in her role as President of the Supreme Court of Justice she has undermined the independence of the judiciary, denying accused parties in the courts a free and fair trial, and permitting and actively encouraging cruel, degrading and inhumane treatment of accused parties. She is responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law, repression of civil society and the democratic opposition and for human rights violations. (Gender): Female Listed on: 15/11/2021 Last Updated: 15/11/2021 UK Consolidated Group List ID: 14149.

8. VALLE VALLE, Juan Antonio
Title: Senior Commissioner DOB: 04/05/1963. POB: Matagalpa, Nicaragua Nationality: Nicaragua Passport Details: D113169 Address: Nicaragua. Position: (1) Senior Commissioner (2) Chief of Department of Surveillance and Patrolling, Nicaraguan National Police Other Information: (UK Sanctions List Ref): NIC0013 (UK Statement of Reasons): As a senior commissioner of the Nicaraguan National Police (NNP), Juan Antonio Valle Valle is responsible for human rights violations against civilians during protests, which began on 18 April 2018. The NNP’s Department of Surveillance and Patrolling, of which Valle Valle is Chief, has repeatedly restricted the freedom of assembly and expression of Nicaraguans in Managua. Valle Valle was responsible for the harassment by police against individuals sheltered in the Metrocentro shopping centre in Managua in 2019. He is therefore responsible for undermining democracy and the rule of law, repression of civil society and the democratic opposition and for human rights violations. (Gender): Male Listed on: 15/11/2021 Last Updated: 15/11/2021 UK Consolidated Group List ID: 14151.

Ministry of External Relations
15 November 2021

Financial Sanctions Notice Nicaragua 15 November 2021
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