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Sanctions Legislation Update: DPRK and Burundi

Published byExternal Relations
Date published
03 December 2024

​​1. On 03 December 2024 the Minister for External Relations (the 'Minister') made the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Implementation of External Sanctions) (Jersey) Amendment Order 2024 (the 'Amendment Order') to make two amendments to Schedule 1 of the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Implementation of External Sanctions) (Jersey) Order 2021 (the 'Sanctions Implementation Order'). The Amendment Order comes into force on 05 December 2024.

DPRK Sanctions Regime

2. On 14 November the UK laid the Sanctions (EU Exit) (Miscellaneous Amendments) (No. 2) Regulations 2024​ (the 'UK Miscellaneous Amendment No.2'). Regulation 3 of the UK Miscellaneous Amendment No. 2 amends the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (Sanctions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2019 (the 'DPRK Regulations'​) to remove Regulation 27 concerning land-related prohibitions and insert these same prohibitions into the trade part of the DPRK Regulations by adding Regulation 57A.

3. The Amendment Order updates Schedule 1 of the Sanctions Implementation Order to remove reference to Regulation 27 of the DPRK Regulations and insert reference to Regulation ​​​57A, giving effect to that prohibition in Jersey.

Burundi Sanctions Regime

4. Separately the Amendment Orde​r removes r​eference to the UK Burundi (Sanctions) Regulations 2021 in Schedule 1 of the Sanctions Implementation Order since the UK Burundi sanctions regime​ is no longer in force.

Further information

5. Further information on sanctions can be found on Government of Jersey and Jersey Financial Services Commission (JFSC) websites.

6. Jersey guidance on the DPRK sanctions regime is available at JFSC Sanctions by country and category.

7. A copy of the UK Regulations can be obtained from Other relevant information about this regime can be found on financial sanctions targets by regime on GOV.UK.

8. The UK Sanctions List on GOV.UK.

9. The UK Office of Financial Sanctions Implementation Consolidated List on GOV.UK.​


10. Non-media enquiries should be emailed to the Financial Sanctions Implementation Unit at

Sanctions Legislation Update: DPRK and Burundi
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