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St Clement Extinguishment of Roads

St Clement
Published byParish of St Clement
TypeParish notice
Date published
ReferenceExtinguishment of Roads (Jersey) Law 1972
09 March 2021

Take notice that the Roads Committee of the Parish of St Clement subsequent to an Act of the Assembly of the Principals and Electors of the Parish dated the 3 March 2020 and pursuant to Article 2 (1) of the Extinguishment of Roads (Jersey) Law 1972 , as amended, will apply to the Superior Number of the Royal Court for an Order under Article 3 of the by-roads known as "School Road" and “Le Squez Road”, in the Parish of St Clement as shown hatched on the Plan, which may be inspected free of charge at St. ClĂ©ment’s Parish Hall at all reasonable hours and this on the grounds that it is in the public interest that such roads should be extinguished.

In the event that such by-roads are extinguished the said Parish will transfer the soil or fonds thereof to Andium Homes Limited as agreed by the above Assembly of Principals and Electors of the Parish dated the 3 March 2020.

And take further notice that on 29 March 2021 at 9.30am in the Royal Court, Royal Square, St Helier, the Superior Number of the Royal Court will consider the application.

A plan of the area is also available on the Parish website

Leonard Norman


St Clement Extinguishment of Roads
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