31 October 2024​An Assembly of the Proprietors of La Communauté de la Vingtaine de la Ville de St Helier will be held in the Assembly Room Town Hall, St Helier on Tuesday 26 November 2024 at 6.30pm to:
- ​in accordance with Article 2a) of the regulations of La Communauté de la Vingtaine de la Ville, elect 2 Procureurs for the Vingtaine to serve a 3-year term of office
- in accordance with Article 5e) of the regulations, present a set of audited financial statements to the Assembly for their approval
- ​Article 2d) of the regulations of La Communauté de la Vingtaine de la Ville requires that nominations as a candidate for the office of Procureur shall be submitted to the current Procureurs in writing not later than 19 November 2024, 7 days prior to the date of the Assembly. Send your nomination to the Parish Secretary, alison.roberts@sthelier.je or to the Town Hall, PO. Box 50, York Street, St Helier, JE4 8PA
- To be eligible for election as a Procureur the candidate must be a proprietor of the Vingtaine
- “Proprietor” means an owner of immovable property situated within the Vingtaine, or a “Mandataire” of a body corporate (company), whose name appears on the current rate list for the Vingtaine
- Whilst the owners of immovable property situated within the Vingtaine, or a “Mandataire” of a body corporate (company) are eligible for election to Procureur. In the case of a property which is jointly owned, the owners will only be given one vote per property at the Assembly
- A newly elected Procureur will be required to attend the Royal Court as soon as practicable after their election, to take the oath of office
Parishioners wishing to attend the Assembly are asked to register in advance of the Assembly to verify their eligibility to attend and vote, by contacting or emailing the Parish Secretary, Alison Roberts by phone on +44 (0) 1534 811880 or by email at alison.roberts@sthelier.je by 5pm on Monday 25 November 2024.
Parishioners will need to provide their name, the name of the company if relevant and their address.
St Helier Parish Assembly La Vingtaine de la Ville de St Helier