In accordance with Article 22 of the Elections (Jersey) Law 2002, Electors are hereby notified that the following elections will be held on Wednesday, 22 June 2022:
- an election for 1 person to fill the office of Connétable in the constituency of St Saviour
- an election for 5 persons to fill the office of Deputies in the constituency of St Saviour
How to cast your vote
Have with you photographic identification as this may be requested before you are allowed to vote.
Postal voting
A postal vote is available to an elector registered to vote by 12pm (noon) on 10 May 2022.
An application in writing should have been made to the Judicial Greffe either by post or email scanned to no later than 12pm on Wednesday 1 June 2022. A late application may be accepted if there are exceptional circumstances which justify doing so.
Your postal vote, submitted in the postage paid envelope supplied, must be received by the Judicial Greffe, Royal Court House, Royal Square, St Helier, JE1 1JG, no later than 12pm on Wednesday 22 June 2022.
Pre-poll voting
If you registered by 12pm (noon) on 10 May 2022, you may vote before election day by pre-poll at St Paul’s Centre, St Paul’s Gate, St Helier:
- 8.30am and 5pm from Monday 13 June to Thursday 16 June 2022
- 8.30 am and 4pm on Friday 17 June 2022
Pre-poll home visit
You must apply in writing to the Judicial Greffe; application forms are available from the Judicial Greffe, Parish Halls, States Greffe Bookshop, Jersey Library, website and
St Saviour Parish website.
Voting on polling day
Polling stations will be open on Wednesday 22 June 2022 from 8 am to 8 pm, see details below. If you're registered to vote in St Brelade, St Helier or St Saviour you're to vote at the Polling Station for the electoral district in which you're registered. Contact your Parish for advice or refer to website if you're unsure which Polling Station to attend.
If, on the day, you're confined to your home owing to illness or disability and you wish to have your vote recorded please notify the Autorisé or Adjoint at your Parish Hall by noon, if possible, but no later than 5pm, on Wednesday 22 June 2022.
All electors may vote for the Connétable of St Saviour and the election for 5 Deputies for the constituency of St Saviour.
Electors are to vote at the polling station for the address at which they are registered, see below.
​Electors of the Vingtaine de Petite Longueville
| ​Georgetown Methodist Church Hall, St Saviour
​Vingtaine de Sous l’Eglise
| ​Parish Hall, St Saviour
​Vingtaine de Maufant, Vingtaine de Sous la Hougue, Vingtaine de Pigneaux and Vingtaine de Grande Longueville
| ​Maufant Youth Centre, St Saviour
Electors may vote for 1 person to fill the office of
Connétable and should choose either the candidate or “None of the Candidates”. Voting for both “None of the Candidates” and any other candidate will cause your ballot to be treated as a spoilt ballot which will not be counted.
Candidates for office of Connétable
​LEWIS, Kevin Charles
| ​Fern Cottage
Georgetown Road St Saviour JE2 7GP
​None of the Candidates
| ​Not applicable
Electors may vote for 5 persons to fill the office of Deputy and the 12 candidates are:
Candidates for office of Deputy
​BINET, Thomas John
| ​Albert House 2
Fairview Farm Rue des Pigneaux St Saviour JE2 7UP
​CHANNING, Jonathan David
| ​c/o Morier House
Halkett Place St Helier JE2 4UA
​CORNICK, Lee Steven
| ​Flat 1 St. Just Belvedere Hill
St Saviour JE2 7RX
​DOUBLET, Louise Mary Catherine
| ​Devon House
28 Chevalier Road St Helier JE2 4LP
​FEREY, Malcolm Ross (Jersey Liberal Conservatives)
| ​No. 4 Le Bel Estur
Rue de Carteret St Saviour JE2 7GF
KOVACS, Raluca Stefana (Reform Jersey)
| ​4 Belvedere Villas
Fountain Lane St Saviour JE2 7RL
​MAÇON, Jeremy Martin
| ​Beau Regard
Plat Douet Road St Saviour JE2 7PN
​O'KEEFFE, Mary Grace-Anne (Jersey Alliance)
| ​La Chapelle
La Route de Maufant St Saviour JE2 7HX
​OZOUF, Philip Francis Cyril
| ​Highstead
Rue du Tapon St Saviour JE2 7UZ
​PAMPLIN, Kevin Glyn
| ​c/o Morier House
Halkett Place St Helier JE2 4UA
​WALTON, Sophie (Progress Party)
| ​Clearwater
30 Causie Drive La Rue de Causie St ClementJE2 6SR
​WEBB, Suzanne
| ​53 Maison Belleville
Wellington Road St Saviour JE2 7LZ
The count
All the votes in both elections will be counted at the Parish Hall in St Saviour.
Parish closing times
On polling day, 22 June 2022, the Parish office will be closed for business.
On Thursday 23 June 2022, all Parish offices will be closed for business.
Electoral Administrator
St Saviour