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Prime Safety Limited notice to creditors

Published byOther
Date published
ReferenceJersey Company number 68137
06 March 2025

​​In accordance with Article 127FC of the Companies (Jersey) Law, 1991, as amended (the Law), Prime Safety Limited ("the Company") gives notice that:

  1. ​the Company intends, in accordance with Article 127FA of the Law, to merge with its holding company, Midas Safety Pakistan Holdings Limited (registered number 7787) (MSPHL) a company incorporated by the Registrar of Companies of the Dubai International Finance Centre (DIFC) (the Survivor and / or Merged Company), and inter-subsidiary company Midas Clothing Limited (registered company number 1525697) (MCL) a company incorporated under the laws of the British Virgin Islands (the Merger)
  2. any creditor of the Company may:
    1. ​object to the merger under Article 127FE(2)(a) of the Law
    2. require the Company to notify the creditor if any other creditor of the Company applies to the court under Article 127FE(2)(b) of the Law for the purpose of restraining the merger

Any creditor of the Company who objects to the merger may within 21 days after the date of this advertisement give notice of the creditor’s objection to the Company.

Registered Office: 2nd Floor, One The Esplanade, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3QA

Prime Safety Limited notice to creditors
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