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Affinity Nominees Limited (the "company") notice to creditors of proposed merger pursuant to part 18b of the companies

Published byOther
TypePublic notice
Date published
07 September 2021

The company hereby gives notice of its intention to merge with elcan nominees limited, mohul nominees limited and newsquare (jersey) co-trustees limited in accordance with part 18b of the companies (jersey) law 1991 (as amended) (the "law").

This notice is being sent to all creditors having a claim against the company in the amount of Ā£5,000 or more as required by article 127fc of the law. The companyā€™s shareholder approvals are available to creditors from the company, free of charge, on request.  

Any creditor of the company may (i) object to the proposed merger within 21 days of this notice by serving a notice of objection on the company under article 127fe(2)(a) of the law; or (ii) require the company to notify the creditor if any other creditor of the company applies to the court for an order restraining the merger under article 127fe(2)(b) of the law.

Affinity Nominees Limited (the "company") notice to creditors of proposed merger pursuant to part 18b of the companies
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