Notice date: 09 October 2020
eastbound slip road of La Route de La Liberation by the junction with Castle Street will have a restriction of a maximum 20 minute unloading period between the hours of 5am and 6pm Monday to Saturday
Notice date: 07 October 2020
Notice is hereby given pursuant to Article 127T of the Companies (Jersey) Law 1991 that the above mentioned Company incorporated in Jersey having its registered office situated at Charter Place
Notice date: 06 October 2020
A meeting of the Shadow Conseil Municipal will be held at the Town Hall on Monday 12 October 2020 at 6pm
Notice date: 05 October 2020
40 individuals have been added to the Belarus financial sanctions regime.
Notice date: 05 October 2020
The property of Magic Holdings Limited as general partner of Tyndaris Partner LP was declared en désastre (bankrupt) by Act of the Royal Court dated 25 September 2020.
Notice date: 02 October 2020
Notice is hereby given that the following Special Resolutions were passed by the Company’s members on 30 September 2020
Notice date: 02 October 2020
Notice is hereby given that the following Special Resolutions were passed by the Company’s members on 30 September 2020
Notice date: 02 October 2020
Notice is hereby given that the following Special Resolutions were passed by the Company’s members on 30 September 2020
Notice date: 02 October 2020
2 individuals have been removed from the Libya regime
Notice date: 02 October 2020
Corrections have been made to the identifying information of 2 entries in the UK Human Rights Designations regime