Notice date: 02 October 2020
2 individuals and 4 entities have been added to the Ukraine regime.
Notice date: 02 October 2020
The Minister for Infrastructure, in pursuance of Article 68 of the Road Traffic (Jersey) Law 1956, as amended, gives notice of the following change to the parking arrangements on St Aubin’s Road at First Tower.
Notice date: 30 September 2020
Application to the Royal Court under Article 47A of the Trusts (Jersey) Law 1984
Notice date: 29 September 2020
8 individuals have been added to the UK Human Rights Designations regime and an amendment has been made to the identifying information of 1 individual
Notice date: 22 September 2020
2 individuals and 3 entities have been added to the Libya regime.
Notice date: 21 September 2020
Amendments have been made to the identifying information for 11 entries in the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida Organisations financial sanctions regime.
Notice date: 15 September 2020
Amendments have been made to the identifying information of 69 entries in the Ukraine (Sovereignty and Terroritorial Integrity) financial sanctions regime.
Notice date: 14 September 2020
Notice is hereby given hat a meeting of the creditors of the Company will be held
Notice date: 14 September 2020
Notice given for a meeting of the creditors of the Company
Notice date: 14 September 2020
Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the creditors of the Company will be held