Notice date: 22 October 2020
In The High Court of Justice Business and Property Courts of England Insolvency and Companies List Chd No 3906 or 2020, VALAD EUROPEAN DIVERSIFIED FUND (JERSEY) 14 LIMITED (Company Number 117655)
Notice date: 20 October 2020
Any person having a claim against or an interest in the estate of any of the deceased persons is hereby required to send particulars in writing of his claim or interest
Notice date: 19 October 2020
Identifying information for 2 individuals and 3 entities have been amended in the Democratic of Congo regime
Notice date: 16 October 2020
Liquidations of each of the Companies be terminated and the Companies resume their business as going concerns
Notice date: 16 October 2020
Identifying information for one individual has been amended in the Chemical Weapons regime.
Notice date: 16 October 2020
7 individuals have been added and identifying information for 18 individuals has been amended in the Syria regime.
Notice date: 16 October 2020
Notice to the registered keeper of vehicle parked on Bouley Bay Hill J50878 to remove this vehicle within 7 days
Notice date: 15 October 2020
6 individuals and 1 entity has been added to the Chemical Weapons regime.
Notice date: 15 October 2020
The Minister for External Relations made the Sanctions and Asset-Freezing (Designation of Lugovoy and Kovtun) (Jersey) Order 2020.
Notice date: 15 October 2020
1 individual has been added to the Libya regime.