Notice date: 01 July 2022
An assembly of the Principals and Electors of the Parish of St. Saviour will be held at the Parish Hall on Tuesday 12 July 2022 at 6.30 pm for the following business
Notice date: 14 June 2022
St Saviour election voting information
Notice date: 11 April 2022
Changes the the refuse, recycling and glass collections over Easter holidays
Notice date: 14 June 2021
A commemorative Waterloo memorial event will be taking place at St. Saviours Church and Government House throughout the day on Thursday 24 June
Notice date: 08 April 2021
It is the landowner’s intention to dispose of the above vehicle if it is not claimed within 21 days of this notice by 29/04/2021
Notice date: 26 March 2021
A white Volkswagen Polo GT Coupé will be removed from 4 Miladi Farm Estate unless claimed within 21 days
Notice date: 12 November 2020
The Annual General Meeting of the St. Saviour's Battle of Flowers Association will be held at the Ommaroo Hotel on Thursday 19 November
Notice date: 12 October 2020
The 2020 rates reminders have now been sent out to all households in St Saviour
Notice date: 02 September 2020
A Parish Assembly will be held on 14 September 2020 at 6.30pm to approve a licencing application