Notice date: 27 April 2023
2 entries have been added under the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida financial sanctions regime
Notice date: 24 April 2023
4 designations have been made under the Iran (Human Rights) financial sanctions regime
Notice date: 21 April 2023
2 entries have been added under the Global Human Rights financial sanctions regime
Notice date: 21 April 2023
3 entries have been added under the Russia financial sanctions regime.
Notice date: 21 April 2023
There has been a legislative amendment to the Russia financial sanctions regime.
Notice date: 18 April 2023
1 entry has been added under the Counter-Terrorism (Domestic) financial sanctions regime
Notice date: 13 April 2023
1 entry has been amended and 3 entry has been corrected under the Russia financial sanctions regime
Notice date: 12 April 2023
14 entries have been added and 1 entry has been amended under the Russia financial sanctions regime
Notice date: 06 April 2023
1 designation has been amended under the Cyber financial sanctions regime
Notice date: 06 April 2023
1 amendment and 1 correction have been made under the Russia financial sanctions regime