Notice date: 16 March 2021
Amendments have been made to 2 entries in the Iran (Nuclear) financial sanctions regime.
Notice date: 15 March 2021
6 individuals have been added to the Syria financial sanctions regime.
Notice date: 08 March 2021
The United Nations Security Council has removed 1 entry from the Sudan sanctions regime.
Notice date: 01 March 2021
The United Nations Security Council has added 3 entries to the Somalia sanctions regime.
Notice date: 26 February 2021
The United Nations Security Council has added one entry to the sanctions list concerning Yemen.
Notice date: 25 February 2021
5 entries have been added and 1 entry amended on the Burma regime.
Notice date: 25 February 2021
Identifying information for 1 individual has been amended on the Central African Republic regime.
Notice date: 22 February 2021
2 entries have been removed from the ISIL (Da'esh) and Al-Qaida regime
Notice date: 19 February 2021
Identifying information for 1 entity has been amended for the Iran (Nuclear) regime
Notice date: 19 February 2021
Changes to the identifying information of 2 entries have been made to the Democratic Republic of the Congo regime