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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

£65,000 per annum earning level (FOI)

£65,000 per annum earning level (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by States of Jersey and published on 02 January 2018.


Please could you tell me, approximately, how many working / employed people earn more than £63,000 a year in Jersey, and the number of working / employed people who earn less? Please do not pro-rata the salaries of part time employees, but rather, if they earn less than £63,000 a year, include them in the latter group.


The details requested are as follows:

​Earnings greater than £63,000 ​6,100
​Earnings equal to or less than £63,000 ​55,300
​Grand Total ​61,400

Notes on table:

  • figures rounded to the nearest 100
  • based on gross earnings prior to tax and social security deductions
  • the count reflects all individuals that have been included on an employer’s ITIS return during 2016 (irrespective of number of working hours / weeks etc. worked in 2016)
  • similar to the requested treatment of part-time employees, the earnings of individuals who either arrived in Jersey part way through or left Jersey part way through 2016 have not been subject to a pro rata calculation.
  • individuals with more than one employer have been counted only once ​
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