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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Communications and marketing research (FOI)

Communications and marketing research (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by States of Jersey and published on 17 January 2018.


We are conducting a short piece of research for a new public relations and marketing client that is interested in bidding for public sector contracts. I would therefore be grateful if you would provide the following information submitted as a Freedom of Information Request.

Part 1


Does your department / agency / organisation currently use a private company to undertake any of the following services:

  • Public Relations
  • Social Media Communications
  • External Stakeholder Communications
  • Internal Stakeholder Communications


If yes, can you please confirm:

  • when the current contract was last let
  • when the current contract expires
  • whether the current contract has options to extend its length
  • when you expect to retender the contract


If no, to question 'A' above, are you considering letting such a contract in the future and if so, do you have an approximate timetable for engaging the market?

Part 2


Have you used a private company to help you with any other marketing or public information campaigns in the past 2 years?


If so, could you please provide a brief overview of what those campaigns were about and approximately how long your contract with the company was for to support the campaign(s)?


A to E

The information requested is contained in the following table:

Communications and Marketing research 


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