Stop and Search (FOI)Stop and Search (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by States of Jersey and published on
30 January 2018.Request
How many stop and searches have been carried out by Jersey police over the past three years?
Could you list the outcome of each?
The information in question 'A' is absolutely exempt under the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 as it is available in the published States of Jersey Police Annual Reports at the below link. The information requested is on the last page of each annual report.
States of Jersey Police Annual Reports
The 2017 annual report will be published within 12 weeks however, the figures requested are below.
Figures in brackets refer to the number of people arrested as a consequence of having been searched.
Search relates to: | Janβ | Febβ | Marβ | Aprβ | May | Junβ | Julβ | Augβ | Sepβ | Octβ | Novβ | Decβ | Totalβ |
βDrugs | β4 | β | β | β4 | β | β1 | β | β3 | β4(1) | β6 | 3β | 2β | β27(1) |
Offensive weaponsβ | β4(2) | β1 | β2(3) | β | β | β | β2(3) | β3(1) | β6(4) | β1 | β2(2) | β | β21(15) |
βOther prohibited articles | β7 | 3β | 1β | 7β | 4β | 2β | β | β5 | 2β | β9(2) | β5(1) | β2 | β47(3) |
βStolen articles | β3 | β5(1) | β2(1) | β1 | 4β | 2β | 4β | 5β | 5β | β15(2) | β 6(2) | β2 | β54(6) |
βTotal | β18(2) | β9(1) | β5(4) | β12 | 8β | 5β | β6(3) | β16(1) | β17(5) | β31(4) | β16(5) | 6β | β149(25) |
Exemption applied
Article 23 Information accessible to the applicant by other means.
(1) Information is absolutely exempt information if it is reasonably available to the applicant, otherwise than under this Law, whether or not free of charge.