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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Public Sector Civil Servants pay awards (FOI)

Public Sector Civil Servants pay awards (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by States of Jersey and published on 09 February 2018.


Please can you provide detailed information year by year for the past 10 years on public sector civil servant pay rises and the rate of inflation year on year in the same period.


Information about Public Sector Civil Servants pay rises and the Jersey Retail Price Index over the previous 10 year period is compiled below.

The annual September Retail Price Index was used for this purpose.

​Year ​Jersey RPI ​Civil Servants Pay Awards
​2009​-0.6% β€‹0.0%
​2010​2.1% ​2.0%
​2011​5.4% ​2.0%
​2012​2.8% ​0.0%
​2013​1.2% ​1.0%
​2014​1.9% ​4.0%
2015​0.1%  ​0.0%
​2016​2.0%  ​1.0%
​2017​3.1% ​1.0%*

*Based on the Employer’s final offer. Please note that the States of Jersey Civil Servants’ Pay Award for 2017 has not yet been agreed.

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