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Economic Crime and Confiscation Unit protocol (FOI)

Economic Crime and Confiscation Unit protocol (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by States of Jersey and published on 09 February 2018.


I would like disclosure of the Protocol applied to decide which cases move to the Economic Crime and Confiscation Unit. This Protocol was specifically referred to by the Attorney General at an event hosted by the Jersey Financial Services Commission on 10 October 2017.


It should be noted that the Law Officersā€™ Department is not a scheduled public authority under the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 (FOI Law) and therefore information held by the department is not accessible through a request under the FOI Law.

However, the Attorney General has given a commitment to publish the Operating Protocol and it is therefore provided in response to this request.

Economic Crime and Confiscation Unit - Operating Protocol

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