Secondary School inspection reports (FOI)Secondary School inspection reports (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by States of Jersey and published on
21 February 2018.Request
I have recently read Victoria College's inspection report via Facebook. I haven't been able to find this level of detail on other secondary schools in Jersey, but would like to have it to help make some choices about my children's education. Please could I have any review / inspection reports that exist for Jersey's secondary schools from the last 2 years?
The Independent Schoolsâ Inspectorate (ISI) report was produced by an independent body paid for by Victoria College; such inspections are not carried out in the other secondary schools so it is not possible to provide any reports.
The Education Department is currently developing the âJersey Schools Review Frameworkâ, which is in a pilot phase. The Review Framework aims to increase the confidence held in the quality of service offered by our schools to pupils, parents, schools staff and the wider community. The framework will provide our schools with the tools to evaluate and improve the quality of their provision. Initial reviews have provided training for senior school leaders as well as opportunities to develop processes and amend the evolving framework and policy appropriately.
Release of the reviews completed is, at this time, exempt under Article 35 (Formulation and development of policies) of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011. However the intention is to start publishing the outcomes of these reviews from January 2019 once the pilot phase is complete and every school has had the opportunity to participate in this valuable learning experience.
Information on each of the Islandâs secondary schools can be found on their respective websites and the Education Department always welcomes the opportunity to discuss options with prospective parents.
Exemption applied
Article 35 Formulation and development of policies
Information is qualified exempt information if it relates to the formulation or development of any proposed policy by a public authority.
Public Interest Test
It may be in the public interest to disclose the information held for the purposes of transparency and openness. However, it is also considered that it is not in the public interest to disclose the information requested as releasing the information at this time is inappropriate, given that not all schools have yet completed a review and that the review process, along with the format and output of the reviews, is still under development.