Key Stage 1 attainment statistics (FOI)Key Stage 1 attainment statistics (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by States of Jersey and published on
23 February 2018.​Request
Please could I have the attainment percentages for reading writing and maths for all states primaries and states funded private primary schools for the academic years 2012/13, 2013/14, 2014/15, 2015/16, 2016/17 at Key Stage 1?
The table attached provides the Key Stage 1 attainment data in reading, writing and mathematics for 2013, 2014 and 2015. There is no equivalent data for 2016 as during this academic year new assessment practices were being developed following the introduction of the Jersey Curriculum 2014.
KS1 attainment data (2013 to 2015)
Data for individual schools is now published on their websites and is therefore absolutely exempt under Article 23 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011. A link to these is found below:
List of primary schools
All Jersey primary schools 2017 data will be published online by the end of the Spring term.
Exemptions applied
Article 23 Information accessible to applicant by other means
(1) Information is absolutely exempt information if it is reasonably available to the applicant, otherwise than under this Law, whether or not free of charge.
(2) A scheduled public authority that refuses an application for information on this ground must make reasonable efforts to inform the applicant where the applicant may obtain the information.
Article 36 Information intended for future publication
(1) Information is qualified exempt information if, at the time when the request for the information is made, the information is being held by a public authority with a view to its being published within 12 weeks of the date of the request.
(2) A scheduled public authority that refuses an application for information on this ground must make reasonable efforts to inform the applicant–
(a) of the date when the information will be published;
(b) of the manner in which it will be published; and
(c) by whom it will be published.
(3) In this Article, “published” means published–
(a) by a public authority; or
(b) by any other person.