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Consultants employed by the Health Department (FOI)

Consultants employed by the Health Department (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by States of Jersey and published on 26 March 2018.


Please could you tell me:


The number of consultants employed by the Health Department during 2017. Could this figure be broken down to give the number of male and number of female consultants?


What was the overall wage bill paid by the Health Department for consultants during 2017?


What was the highest salary paid to a male consultant in 2017?


What was the highest wage paid to a female consultant in 2017?


What was the average full-time pay for a male consultant in 2017?


What was the average full-time pay for a female consultant in 2017?


Does Jersey have a bonus system for consultants similar to the one that operates in the NHS? If so:

  • how does it work

  • how many consultants received bonuses in 2017

  • what was the range in bonuses paid during 2017

  • how many consultants received the highest bonus in 2017. Could this figure be broken down to show the number of male and the number of female consultants which received it?

  • how many first time bonus awards were given to consultants during 2017? Could this figure be broken down to show the number of male and female consultants that received it?



78 consultants were employed by the Health Department during 2017. 15 females (19.2%) and 63 males (80.8%) These numbers include all consultants that worked during 2017, but may not have worked the full year.


The overall wage bill paid by the Health Department for consultants during 2017 was £9,501,493.


£204,572 was the highest salary paid to a male consultant in 2017.


£153,233 was the highest wage paid to a female consultant in 2017.


£130,312 was the average full-time pay for male consultants in 2017, based on those employees who worked the full 12 months.


£131,119 was the average full-time pay for female consultants in 2017, based on those employees who worked the full 12 months.


Jersey’s Health Department does not operate a “bonus” system. We have in place a process to award “Discretionary Points” to Consultants. Consultants on the new contract currently paid at point 17 or higher, are eligible to apply for Discretionary Points (points 18-20).

To warrant payment of a discretionary point, individuals will need to submit an application which will be assessed by a "Decision Making Group". The Consultant will be expected to demonstrate skills, expertise and contribution beyond what would normally be expected of a Consultant, and make an above average contribution to the service.

Progression at each step up the discretionary points scale will reflect the increasing quality and range of the contribution made by the Consultant. To attain the maximum of point 20 of the scale, the Consultant will be expecting to have demonstrated a sustained and outstanding contribution to services and is required to have 20 years’ experience.

Discretionary points are not seniority payments, nor automatic annual increments.

Consultants in all specialities and all types of posts are equally eligible to apply.

The value of Consultant discretionary points:

Point 18 value £6,152

Point 19 value £6,153

Point 20 value £12,000

In 2017 the following awards were made:

Point 18 - 1 male

Point 19 - 1 male

Point 20 - 1 female

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