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Job descriptions for position of Commissioning and Integrated Services (FOI)

Job descriptions for position of Commissioning and Integrated Services (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 04 November 2019.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


Please could the following information be supplied.

Job description for the new post of Group Director, Commissioning and Integrated Services, Children, Young People, Education and Skills

Name of post holder

Details of recruitment / appointment process used

Length of time the current post holder been employed in this role


A copy of the job description for the Group Director, Integrated Services and Commissioning post is attached below.

Group Director Integrated Services and Commisioning

The current post holder, Susan Devlin, was officially confirmed in post on 1 October 2019. An exemption to open recruitment was applied with agreement from the Jersey Appointments Commissions. Susan Devlin migrated into the role due to her experience, along with a number of matching responsibilities within this role from her previous post (Group Director, Childrenā€™s Services).

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