Use of New Networks Limited consultancy staff (FOI)Use of New Networks Limited consultancy staff (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by Government of Jersey and published on
09 January 2020.Prepared internally, no external costs.
Please could Children, Young People, Education and Skills (CYPES) answer the following:
With the published consultant report at the following link:
Consultants: Reporting on their use by Government of Jersey (P.59/2019)
What is New Networks Limited actually doing in CYPES?
Has the Director General of CYPES and the New Networks Limited Director worked together before coming to Jersey?
Does the Director of New Networks Limited have access to children, young people and families data held by CYPES?
Can New Networks Limited come into contact with client or staff data?
Has a GDPR assessment been completed for this company to access data and have there been any breaches?
Does this external company New Networks Limited sit at the CYPES DLT meetings?
How long is the contract between New Networks Limited and CYPES?
What measures are in place to monitor outcome from their work?
The scope of the role undertaken covers the development of:
the offer for children in care
the entitlement for care leavers
the framework and model for prevention and early intervention (right help right time)
The role also provides:
business support for Jersey cares
support for the target operating model
other consultancy support
The Consultancy iMPOWER, for whom [redacted] was a Partner at the time, was providing improvement and transformation support to Birmingham City Council’s children’s services when Mark Rogers joined as Chief Executive in 2014.
Access to data is limited and only provided if relevant to the current project.
Access to client data is limited and only provided if relevant to the current project.
There is no requirement for access to staff data.
As part of the contract, a full privacy agreement including adherence to GDPR has been signed. There have been no breaches.
Yes – to advise on the progress of projects that the role is responsible for.
The requirement for the role is reviewed quarterly. This was last undertaken in December 2019. The present work programme, consequently, has been extended to the end of Q1 2020 when the next review will take place.
The original agreement was for two to three days a week which remains appropriate for the business requirements.
Specification and impacts have been completed for the scope of the work outlined in response A above. Key deliverables have been produced in line with business requirements and are managed by the Director General of Children Young People, Education and Skills.