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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Number of PCR test cycles (FOI)

Number of PCR test cycles (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 20 July 2021.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


Ivan Muscat in his latest interview with Channel 103 said the hospital is doing PCR Ct (threshold cycle) 35 but previous Freedom of Information (FOI) responses say 40 to 45.

Why is there a significant difference between the FOI requests and what Ivan said, and who is correct?


The cycle rates have remained constant from the start.

During the period when there was a low rate of positive test results, and following good practice, all PCR results above 40 were considered negative and a CT between 35 and 40 was re-run with a view to confirmation via a second swab, to rule out any false positives.

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