Photography and video recording at the Prison (FOI)Photography and video recording at the Prison (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by Government of Jersey and published on
25 October 2021.Prepared internally, no external costs.
Does your organisation provide guidance or orders / directions provided to Prison Officers and Staff in respect of dealing with members of the public making video recordings or taking photographs within Prison buildings or the vicinity of such premises? (Please could you provide a copy of any such documents or screenshots).
Do you provide any advice to Prison Officers / Staff in dealing with auditors / members of the public photographing / video recording Prison officers / staff, if so, could you please could you provide a copy of the advice.
During training are Prison Officers / staff are provided with training in dealing with members of the public taking video or photographs and how to deal with them and law.
Over the past 12 months could you please provide a copy of any Prison logs related to interactions with Auditors / members of the public taking photographs and video, I appreciate that some of the information may be subject to GDPR and understand if you have to apply redactions.
Can you enquire with professional standards within your prison as to how many complaints have been received in respect of interactions with members of the public in respect of photography and video recording in public places such as prison premises and the vicinity of such buildings? and the outcome of such investigations. I am trying to establish how much of a problem it is becoming with so-called Auditors turning up to film / video at or near Prison premises or government buildings and any policies / documents in respect of the way in which prison officers and staff are advised to deal with such interactions.
There are no guidance, orders of directions documents issued to staff regarding members of the public taking of photos of and around the outside of the Prison. However, should a member of the public be seen doing so, it they would be challenged by staff as to their reason for wishing to do so if spotted filming / recording around the Prison, due to security concerns.
There are prominent signs at the main gates of the Prison (shown below) to inform visitors that they are not allowed to film or record whilst visiting prisoners and the rules / articles that they would be breaching should they be found doing so. Any request for the use of recording or photographic devices within the perimeter of the prison should be the subject of a request for approval from the Senior Management Team (SMT). This would only be granted in exceptional circumstances, and they would be given strict guidelines as to what they can and cannot record and the footage would need to be viewed by the Security Department prior to it being shown or used.
Prison notice at main gates
The States of Jersey Prison Service does not provide advice to Prison Officers or staff. Any pictures of the Prison and / or staff would be directed through our Head of Communications for Justices and Home Affairs.
No specific training is given except that staff are asked to use a common-sense approach in dealing with members of the public and questions as to what their reason is for wishing to film around the Prison
The States of Jersey Prison Service does not keep records on this subject therefore Article 3 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 applies.
The States of Jersey Prison Service is not aware of any complaints within the past 12 months regrading this matter. Any persons who wish to enter the Prison for any reason need to be security vetted and dealt with by the Prison Security Department. Once cleared, they would still need to request to be allowed to film / record in Prison and must be specific as to why they wanted to do so. Each case would be looked at individually
Article Applied
Article 3 - Meaning of “information held by a public authority”
For the purposes of this Law, information is held by a public authority if –
(a) it is held by the authority, otherwise than on behalf of another person; or
(b) it is held by another person on behalf of the authority.