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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Payments to World Economic Forum (FOI)

Payments to World Economic Forum (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 27 January 2025.
Prepared internally, no external costs.


I am writing to request information under the Freedom of Information (FOI) Act regarding payments made to the World Economic Forum (WEF) by Government of Jersey or States of Jersey.

Specifically, I would like to request the following information:

1. The total amount of money paid by Government of Jersey or States of Jersey towards membership or participation in the World Economic Forum, including any associated fees, subscriptions, or sponsorships, for each of the past five financial years.

2. A breakdown of these payments, including:

  • The purpose of each payment (e.g., membership fees, sponsorship, attendance fees, etc.).
  • The date of each payment.
  • The department or individual responsible for authorizing these payments.

If it is not possible to provide the information requested, please provide a detailed explanation as to why this is the case. If any part of my request requires clarification, please do not hesitate to contact me.

I look forward to your response within the statutory 20 working days, as outlined in the FOI Act.

Thank you very much for your assistance. Please do not hesitate to contact me via written correspondence or by phone at should you require any further information or clarification regarding this request.



The Government of Jersey has not paid any money towards membership, participation, or any associated fees, subscriptions, or sponsorships for the World Economic Forum during the past five financial years. Article 3 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 applies.


As stated in the response to question one, the Government of Jersey has not made any payments towards membership, participation, or any associated fees, subscriptions, or sponsorships for the World Economic Forum during the past five financial years.

As no payments have been made, we do not hold any information relating to:

  • The purpose of each payment (e.g., membership fees, sponsorship, attendance fees, etc.),
  • The date of each payment, or
  • The department or individual responsible for authorizing such payments.

Article 3 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 applies.

Article applied

Article 3 - Meaning of “information held by a public authority”

For the purposes of this Law, information is held by a public authority if –

(a)     it is held by the authority, otherwise than on behalf of another person; or

(b)     it is held by another person on behalf of the authority.​

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