Complaints to Education Dept around discrimination (FOI)Complaints to Education Dept around discrimination (FOI)
Produced by the Freedom of Information officeAuthored by Government of Jersey and published on
13 February 2025.Prepared internally, no external costs.
​Request 686430850
How many complaints have been made to the Education Department by parents and carers in the last 5 years around discrimination faced by their children in schools on grounds of disability by members of staff, teachers, members of the Education Department etc
This information is not held in recorded form. To provide a breakdown to the request would require extraction and manipulation of data to produce new information.
​The department have determined that to produce a breakdown of discrimination related complaints would require analysis of each individual compliant to determine the nature of the complaint. This would take in excess of 12.5 working hours as this information is not held in a format that we can report from. Therefore Article 16 of the Freedom of Information (Jersey) Law 2011 has been applied.
Article applied
Article 16 - A scheduled public authority may refuse to supply information if cost excessive
(1) A scheduled public authority that has been requested to supply information may refuse to supply the information if it estimates that the cost of doing so would exceed an amount determined in the manner prescribed by Regulations.
(2) Despite paragraph (1), a scheduled public authority may still supply the information requested on payment to it of a fee determined by the authority in the manner prescribed by Regulations for the purposes of this Article.
(3) Regulations may provide that, in such circumstances as the Regulations prescribe, if two or more requests for information are made to a scheduled public authority –
(a) by one person; or
(b) by different persons who appear to the scheduled public authority to be acting in concert or in pursuance of a campaign, the estimated cost of complying with any of the requests is to be taken to be the estimated total cost of complying with all of them.​