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Employee engagement cost (FOI)

Employee engagement cost (FOI)

Produced by the Freedom of Information office
Authored by Government of Jersey and published on 13 February 2025.
Prepared internally, no external costs.

​Request 680009948

​How much did the exercise on employee engagement cost ( over many departments, finding the BCI score and reporting on that and the "The 8 Factors of Engagement"?

Has anything practical been implemented as a result, and if so what? (if too open ended, 5 practical outcomes in terms of change)


Q1. How much did the exercise on employee engagement cost (over many departments, finding the BCI score and reporting on that and the "The 8 Factors of Engagement"?  

A1. The cost to conduct the Be Heard employee engagement survey for all departments was covered in a year-long contract with Best Companies that totals ÂŁ53,859.   

Q2. Has anything practical been implemented as a result, and if so, what? (if too open ended, 5 practical outcomes in terms of change)  

A2. The employee engagement survey informs departmental priorities for the coming year. All departments have a strategic workforce plan which details their ambitions on how to develop in relation to leadership, management, team culture, wellbeing, DEI, giving back to the island community, and employee development. The Be Heard survey provides the data that assesses the continual progress and success of these plans.  

The survey also allows us to make informed decisions at a corporate level on where to place our resources most effectively, specifically in terms of wellbeing, training, and development.   

Personal Growth scores have informed planned works for 2025 for more tailored training for managers on conducting performance and development conversations. Additionally, personal development plans as standard practice are being developed. 

​Our Executive Leadership Programme has been extended for two additional cohorts in response to the Leadership scores.  

Results are being used to target departments in most need of wellbeing support, we have a target to increase the use of the Employee Assistance Programme by 10% this year.   

Each chief officer has revised DEI objectives for their department. Internal policies are also updated and informed by the results. ​

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