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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Masterplan for the Esplanade Quarter, St Helier.

Produced by the Environment (Infrastructure and Environment)
Authored by Hopkins Architects and published on 15 Apr 2008
Cost: £267,980.00


​ Hopkins Architects have developed a masterplan for the Esplanade Quarter. It proposes a mix of uses:
  • new office space
  • a hotel
  • self-catering holiday accommodation
  • apartments for local residents
  • four large public squares
  • smaller public squares and boulevards
  • shops
  • restaurants and bars
The area will be linked to the new Weighbridge Square and the redesigned Les Jardins gardens.

The Hopkins Masterplan aims to:
  • seamlessly integrate the old town with the waterfront
  • create a distinctive mixed use quarter in St Helier of the highest design quality
  • provide office buildings for the financial services industry
  • provide attractive apartments for local residents
  • establish new opportunities for the tourism industry, with a new hotel and self catering accommodation
  • provide a significant financial return for the Island
  • create important new public spaces and civic squares for everyone to enjoy
  • ensure that the Esplanade Quarter is a place which attracts people and exudes life and vitality

​​​​Esplanade Quarter Section 1

Esplanade Quarter Section 2

Esplanade Quarter Section 3.1

Esplanade Quarter Section 3.2

Esplanade Quarter Section 3.3

Esplanade Quarter Section 4

Esplanade Quarter Section 5

Esplanade Quarter Section 6.1

Esplanade Quarter Section 6.2

Esplanade Quarter Section 7.1

Esplanade Quarter Section 7.2

Esplanade Quarter Section 7.3

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