Our Hospital programme update
Produced by the
Health and Care
Authored by
Our Hospital Project
and published on
12 Sep 2019
Prepared internally, no external cost
On 3 May 2019, the Chief Minister announced proposals to the States Assembly for establishing a new programme for delivering a new hospital for Jersey (‘New Hospital Project: Next Steps’, R54). He proposed a phased approach for the ‘Our Hospital’ Project, which:
establishes the agreed clinical requirements of the new Hospital
- uses the outcome of this to scope the size and shape of a new Hospital to inform the shortlisting of potential locations
- involves a thorough process of Island and stakeholder communication and engagement on those locations, alongside technical and financial assessments of deliverability, in order to identify a preferred site for the Government and States Assembly to consider and approve
He set out the governance, project resources, initial funding requirement and an ambitious timetable which would need to be met to deliver a new hospital in broadly the same timeframe as the previous project was aiming for.
This update report sets out the progress that has been made in the Our Hospital Project over the four months since the Chief Minister’s report to the Assembly.
It shows that the project has established appropriate governance at both a political and officer level; that it has secured approval for the initial funding needed to get the project started; that the process for recruiting and procuring the team has been approved and is underway; and that the work has been carried out to develop an updated Jersey Care Model, which is due to be considered by Ministers in October, following more than 40 engagement events with clinical and health staff, the wider health community and the voluntary sector.
Our Hospital Programme Update