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Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Jersey Integrated Landscape and Seascape Character Assessment (ILSCA)

Produced by the Strategic Policy, Performance and Population (Strategic Policy, Planning and Performance)
Authored by Fiona Fyfe Associates and published on 13 Oct 2020
Cost: Ā£35,000.00


ā€‹Jersey faces tremendous challenges in the face of global forces of climate change, biodiversity loss and development pressure.  The Jersey Integrated Landscape and Seascape Character Assessment (ILSCA) was commissioned, as part of the evidence base for the new Island Plan, to address these challenges through the promotion of sustainable development.

The study updates the 1999 Jersey Countryside Character Appraisal and also widens the scope of the study areas to include the entire Bailiwick which now extends to the marine environment and territorial limits.

The ILSCA analyses, celebrates and informs a rich understanding of how the island's landscape and seascape character contributes to its unique sense of place which is critical for the planning and management of development and change.

The ILSCA is presented in five parts:

Part one

Introduces the document, and provides background information on the principles, definitions and methodology for landscape and seascape character assessment.  It introduces the concepts of ecosystem services and natural capital and summarises the special qualities of Jersey's landscapes and seascapes. 

Part two

Sets the scene, telling the story of the development of Jersey's landscapes and seascapes, and describes the current issues and forces for change, including the impacts of climate change. 

Part three

Contains maps and a series of profiles which describe the ten Character Types and 27 Character Areas found within Jersey's terrestrial, intertidal and offshore environments.

Part four

Describes Jersey's 14 Coastal Units identified through this project.

Part five

Provides basic landscape design guidance on accommodating new development, enhancing rural character, and consideration of views and visibility. 

Appendices include references and sources of further information; changes to boundaries between the 1999 and 2020 Assessments; attendees at stakeholder workshops, and a glossary.

 ā€‹Deputy John Young, Minister for the Environment introduces the ILSCA


Fiona Fyfe Associates, ILSCA Summary


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