Statistics Jersey have published a new experimental statistics report on estimates of gross earnings in Jersey.
The publication of these experimental statistics is designed to invite feedback from users on the results and the methodology whilst these continue to be developed.
These statistics were produced using data already held by Government for administrative purposes, specifically Social Security contributions and Manpower returns. They provide a greater level of detail and additional information than is currently available in our existing official statistics.
The production of these statistics is part of a wider program of work by Statistics Jersey to produce and improve statistical outputs by using administrative data. This includes more frequent earnings statistics than the Average Earnings Index (AEI) and additional analysis within the Labour Market report.
The report presents median earning levels on a full-time equivalent (FTE) employee basis, by combining administrative data sources, employment and demographic information. This enables breakdowns by:
- industrial sector
- age
- sex
- self-declared nationality
- “monthly pay quarter”, which splits the population into four groups based on earnings level, and then calculates medians of each group, providing measurements for those on upper, middle, and lower incomes
- breaking down average earnings by sex enables gender pay gap measures to be calculated, overall and for each of the variables listed above
Additionally, changes over time can be calculated. Including annual changes and changes by approximate cohort over a 5 year period.