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Havre des Pas Coastal Flood Alleviation Scheme stakeholder workshop report

Produced by the Infrastructure (Infrastructure and Environment)
Authored by Infrastructure and Environment, Coastal Engineering Team and published on 21 Oct 2024
Prepared internally, no external cost


​​The coastal frontage of Havre des Pas was identified at risk of coastal flooding and deemed to be the highest priority location for engineering interventions by the Shoreline Management Plan (SMP).

This initiated the production of a Strategic Outline (Business) Case (SOC) for the development of the Havre des Pas Flood Alleviation scheme.

The principal objectives of the Havre des Pas Coastal Flood Alleviation scheme are to:

  • reduce the risk of coastal flooding providing protection against a 1 in 200-year return period (RP) event, considering sea levels due to climate change and sea level rise (SLR) for the year 2120
  • provide a scheme that is potentially adaptable into the future, considering that sea levels will continue to rise beyond 2120

This report pertains to the Havre des Pas scheme and specifically the initial Community Engagement events that took place in June and July 2024, which took place across a series of 6 workshops.
This was to understand: 

  • ​what aspects of this coastline the community value most
  • their suggestions for elements they feel should be prioritised when developing the initial flood alleviation scheme design

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