Social Security Department
Business Plan 2015
Foreword…………………………………………………………. Page 2
Introduction …………………………………………………….... Page 3
Structure….………………………………………………………. Page 4
Summary of key objectives ……………………………………. Page 5
Key initiatives and targets for 2015 ……………….................. Page 7
Net revenue expenditure ………………………………………. Page 10
I am very pleased to present the Social Security 2015 Business Plan at the start of my first full year as Minister for Social Security. The first year of the political cycle is always busy with existing projects being brought to a conclusion at the same time as a new Strategic Plan and Medium-Term Financial Plan are being developed. The need for substantial changes to public spending over the next few years has added further pressure, and we will need to prioritise and balance our resources carefully during 2015 and onwards.
The Department’s 2015 business plan sees the culmination of an ambitious programme of change within the 2013-5 Medium Term Financial Plan.
My priority is to continue the Department’s work to maintain the downward trend in the rate of registered unemployment and to help local people back into employment. The Back to Work Team’s activities in 2015 will spread across the whole range of labour market sectors, providing training, working with employers and supporting jobseekers. Following its success in 2014 BTW will extend its scope to include a greater number of current Income Support claimants, such as parents and individuals with long term health conditions.
I am also looking forward to introducing Sex Discrimination legislation in 2015, alongside “family friendly” employment law changes, as well as initiating research into age-related discrimination issues.
The continuation of the Department’s work in adopting customer-focussed Lean principles to streamline and improve processes, coupled with its contribution to the eGov programme will make it a key participant in forthcoming States reforms.
There will be difficult decisions during 2015 - all departments are facing challenging savings targets over the next Medium Term Financial Plan. As Minister for Social Security, I will also be investigating options to maintain the sustainability of the Social Security Fund. The current level of contributions is not sufficient to meet the increasing cost of old-age pensions in coming years and action will need to be taken to address this in the near future.
I have been extremely impressed by the level of dedication and professionalism shown by the Departmental staff during my past three years as Assistant Minister, and I look forward to working with them again during this important year.
Deputy Susie Pinel
Minister for Social Security
Our strategic aim is to help people to achieve and maintain financial independence and to provide social benefits to those unable to support themselves.
Our purpose is to offer Support, Opportunity and Service by:
- Supporting people to achieve and maintain an acceptable standard of living
- Helping employers and employees to work well together for their mutual benefit and the economy of the Island
- Planning for an ageing population
- Delivering benefits and high quality services now and in the future.
This document sets out details of the key business change initiatives that we plan to undertake during 2015 in order to maintain and develop the services we provide.
We will continue to provide support to individuals seeking employment during 2015. The Back to Work team will provide both short and long term assistance to local jobseekers as well as working closely with employers, Skills Jersey, and the Economic Development and Education, Sport and Culture Departments. As employment conditions improve, the scope of Back to Work will be extended to include a greater number of current Income Support claimants, such as parents and individuals with long term health conditions. We will also deliver the results of research into living wages and zero hours contracts.
As well as encouraging individuals into work, we play a key role in protecting individuals in the workplace. Sex discrimination legislation will be lodged for States debate. Family friendly legislation will come into effect and research into age-related discrimination issues will commence. Changes to Health and Safety legislation for the construction industry will also be prepared.
During 2015 we will continue to support the Health and Social Services Department in the review of primary care health services and the development of a new model for the future. In addition, the two departments continue to develop the Primary Care Governance function. We will also review options to improve support for GP costs within low income groups, in line with the development of the overall Primary Care strategy.
2015 is the final year of the current Medium Term Financial Plan, under which the States Assembly set spending limits for a three-year period. We have agreed to identify annual savings of 2% within our staff and non-staff budgets and these proposals will be finalised and implemented during the year.
We will continue to plan for the challenges of supporting an ageing population, and will undertake long-term planning activities to secure the financial stability of both the Social Security and Health Insurance funds.
The Department administers a wide range of contributory and tax funded benefits. Claims are processed and paid throughout the year, with claimants receiving a high level of customer service including easy access to accurate information and advice. In 2015, we will continue to identify and deliver significant changes and improvements to our customer facing services and processes by building on the solid foundation of Lean principles that we established in the previous 18 months. We plan to initiate a greater number of cross-departmental projects in our drive to deliver these improvements.
Towards the end of 2014, the operational teams from the Population Office moved to the Social Security Department and we will continue to work together in 2015 to provide a seamless service to customers and to improve operational processes.
We will also play a significant part in the States of Jersey eGov programme, contributing to plans for a major integration of the Social Security and Tax business systems, sponsoring a number of ‘Tell Us Once’ initiatives, and providing on-line access to frequently used services.
Further information about the Department’s work is published in its annual report; the 2013 report is available at
The Minister for Social Security is Deputy Susie Pinel and the Assistant Minister is Deputy Graham Truscott.
At the beginning of 2015, the Department had a budgeted full-time equivalent (FTE) of 242.5 permanent posts to deliver services.
Help people to achieve and maintain financial independence and provide social benefits to protect those unable to support themselves.
Key Objective 1: Back to work, keep people in work.
Provide support for people to gain and retain employment in order to support themselves and their families.
Success criteria:
(i) Policies, schemes and services developed and implemented to assist, in particular the long term unemployed and the young to access the workplace, through the back to work initiative.
(ii) Services are further developed and introduced to improve the employment opportunities for those with long term health conditions
(iii) The Skills Strategy is successful in providing local residents with the skills required by employers to facilitate a reduced dependency on imported labour
(iv) Income Support scheme continues to encourage and incentivise work, such that work always pays
(v) Modifications to the Trainee Minimum Wage are effective in encouraging a growth in the employment and training of young adults.
Strategic Plan References:
- Priorities: Get people into work; Promote family and community values; Develop sustainable long-term planning
Key Objective 2: Protect Islanders from the impacts of low income.
Success criteria:
(i) Income Support scheme and other tax funded benefits continue to provide targeted financial support to low income households, appropriate and flexible to their individual needs.
(ii) Income Support scheme continues to encourage and incentivise work such that work always pays.
(iii) Income Support scheme successfully adapted to provide appropriate assistance to tenants in both social and private housing sectors.
(iv) Health Service reforms include support to low income groups and those with long term conditions to enable them to access health services, including Primary Care.
Strategic Plan References:
- Priorities: Get people into work; House our community; Promote family and community values; Reform government and the public sector
Key Objective 3: Adequate income for old age, affordable for our children. Assist older Islanders to maintain standards of living by means that are financially sustainable for future generations.
Success criteria:
(i) Strategy developed ensuring the medium to long term sustainability of pension funding.
(ii) The Skills Strategy ensures that older residents have the current skills and opportunities necessary to continue to be productive members of the Island’s workforce.
(iii) Discrimination and Employment Law protects older workers from discrimination and exclusion from the workplace
(iv) Long-term care funding scheme successfully introduced.
(v) Increasing number of individuals benefiting from care packages provided in their own home.
(vi) Health Service reforms include support to low income groups and those with long term conditions to enable them to access health services, including Primary Care.
(vii) Income Support and other tax funded schemes provide targeted financial support to low income households.
Strategic Plan References:
- Priorities: Get people into work; Reform Health and Social Services; Reform government & the public sector; Promote family and community values; Develop sustainable long-term planning
Key Objective 4: Improving our Customer Service. Maintain and build upon current service standards, improving ease of use, efficiency and effectiveness.
Success criteria:
(i) Improving the information accessible in respect of benefits available, to ensure customers are better informed
(ii) Increased transparency of Social Welfare expenditure through the publication of a comprehensive annual report
(iii) Reduced levels of fraud and error within the benefit system
(iv) Increased use of electronic payments
(v) New Long Term Care contribution collected by the Income Tax Department
(vi) Services of other Departments accessible through the facilities at the Department, particularly where synergies exist.
Strategic Plan References:
- Priorities: Reform government & the public sector; Develop sustainable long-term planning
Key Objective 5: Delivering the Strategic Plan. Contribute fully to other initiatives of the Council of Ministers, where success requires our participation.
Success criteria:
(i) Development of Primary Health Care Strategy, including effective governance
(ii) Sustainable and appropriate funding of Primary Care Services
(iii) Implementation and delivery of changes to Income Support to sustain the Housing Transformation Programme
(iv) Integrated service to deliver administration of Names and Addresses Register on behalf of Population Office
(v) Delivery of integrated Social Policy Framework and joint working with Health and Social Services and the Housing Department in relation to the older adults agenda.
Strategic Plan References:
- Priorities: Get people into work; House our community; Reform Health and Social Services; Reform government & the public sector; Promote family and community values; Manage population growth/migration; Develop sustainable long-term planning